The Civ V wish-list!!!

More improvements are unimprovable/marginal terrain, perhaps in the modern era.

No. Not ever under any circumstances. Civ IV goes way too far in this direction already. Enough techs and enough effort and every tile should be improvable to be of serious use.

More roading options: superhighway, which double road movement and adds 1 commerce, but also adds 10% unhealth (so you don't just spam them). Make rail add 20% unhealth (so again, you don't just spam them)

Again, I disagree fervently. Every square should end up roaded and railed, unless the size squares are meant to represent becomes a great deal smaller.
No. Not ever under any circumstances. Civ IV goes way too far in this direction already. Enough techs and enough effort and every tile should be improvable to be of serious use.

Again, I disagree fervently. Every square should end up roaded and railed, unless the size squares are meant to represent becomes a great deal smaller.

I didnt' write my post clearly, I guess. I want all tiles to be able to be improvable in some way ;)

I don't know that I agree that they should all be roaded and railed - if there is one thing I didnt' like about Civ III, visually, it was that every tile got a railroad.

For instance, a forest preserve should almost certainly NOT have a railroad and most of them shouldn't have roads. Maybe other improvements should have roads, I dunno. All I do know is that in the modern age, there's less for workers to do and there really isn't any way to improve water tiles and that's a real shame.
Canals and other land alteration
--I hate having a map that has a lot of peninsulas from pretty much glacier to glacier. If there is a place in the land that you control, under like 3 plots wide, you should be able to make a canal.
--Landfill. If half of Boston is built on landfill, hey, why not be able to extend what you have out a little bit?

More global warming.
-I think it'd be awesome if cities close to the glaciers were flooded and needed to be resettled due to rising oceans. Sort of like random events in civ4, but include "major" random events that get a movie and all. Hurricanes which really decimate a city instead of just destroying X Y or Z.

More "modern" technology.
-I realize that there is a lot of controversial modern technology out there, like cloning and stem cell research etc. But, if these are included on the tech tree, then a civ technically could be able to build something advocating one or the other, to reduce the possible offense given. "green" technology - this was in civ3 but it's mysteriously gone now.

More ways to earn money.
-Ability to buy X-number of year bonds that would have X% interest which you would get back whenever. Maybe it doesn't work because you play the gov't? Well, something like that.

More modern wonders that affect the entire civ.
-These could be ancient ruins that are discovered (the production could be seen as investigation or research) or natural wonders; the aurora borealis, grand canyon, great barrier reef, etc
-Maybe a civ-specific national wonder?
-And, while we're at wonders, the Silk Road.
More improvements to unimprovable/marginal terrain, perhaps in the modern era.

Mountain: Ski resorts, in the industrial age, adding commerce or hiking trails, adding happiness. perhaps every peak in the fat cross adds 1 health in the modern age.

Desert: Not sure - allow irrigation and give them a base of 1 commerce? Maybe windfarms or solar power farms, which can be used to add 5% more production to a factory? Allow towns, certainly - with sushi, for instance, you should be able to have towns in desert.

Jungle: Jungles are an incredible source of medicines now, so maybe medicinal plants can show up in jungles that add 1 health, but only if the jungle exists - clearing the jungle removes the resource, or the improvement can ONLY be made on jungle tiles.

Water tiles: Allow a waterworker, that can make improvements on water, like:
Fishing nets (+1 food) (with fishing), windfarms (like desert), offshore platforms (+1 shield), tourist attractions (beach, surfing, scuba diving) +1 commerce for coastal tiles

Change lighthouse to add 25% to trade routes or 2 exp points to naval units or something like that, or maybe add some events that can wipe out a net (like insects wiping out a pasture) and make the lighthouse reduce the chances of that.

Tundra: Probably nothing there, cause there are things you can do there.

More roading options: superhighway, which double road movement and adds 1 commerce, but also adds 10% unhealth (so you don't just spam them). Make rail add 20% unhealth (so again, you don't just spam them)

Could build work camps in the tundra. It may help with population issues, cause unhappiness, yet more production. Maybe only available through certain civics?
Canals and other land alteration
--I hate having a map that has a lot of peninsulas from pretty much glacier to glacier. If there is a place in the land that you control, under like 3 plots wide, you should be able to make a canal.
--Landfill. If half of Boston is built on landfill, hey, why not be able to extend what you have out a little bit?

I was very supportive of the idea but it comes with complications. Abuse could make of landfills, (I called them polders) into intercontinental land bridges. Maybe a coast only limitation, then simulating Britain would be impossible because either side would breech the channel much earlier than IRL.

But in actuality landfills, cannals, and bridges all exist, with proper limitations (size and time (tech) ) and the ability to flag them off, it could work.
Could build work camps in the tundra. It may help with population issues, cause unhappiness, yet more production. Maybe only available through certain civics?
was gonna joke that those certain civics should remain in the ashpit of history, when it occured to me that slaves shouldn't be all improductive behind bars but on the fields building pipelines, then I thought something quiet simple: Diversified workers! from laymen to construction corps that could build a bridge like Akashi-Kaykyo or a tunnel like Dover-Calais, only during industrial/modern times, NOT affecting the natural geography, and benefiting only the building civ, like an airfield.
Resources should be quantittative. It makes no sense that a civ with just one oil can have as many destroyers cruising the world as a civ that owns 10 oils.

IMHO resource exhaustion is more reallistic and less controversial than solar flames, and glacier melting madness. (FYI when ice melts, water rises evenly through a body)
I think there should be a setting where you set what era you want to play in/ when you want the game to be over (era-wise). That way, there could be specialized advanced units for each era. I play Glest, set in the middle ages, and they have airships, ornithopters, battlemachines, etc. as advanced units on the tech faction (again, this is for the middle ages). There's also a magic faction, but that's OT.

Maybe for the above to work there would have to be less eras, like maybe 4 or five.

Also it would be nice to have fields implemented (I don't know if it was mentioned previously; if it was I would never find it). It's totally unrealistic for a warrior to be fighting a helicopter. In Glest unit's have specified fields they can attack. I don't know if an archer would be able to attack it; if it did, it probably wouldn't be going very fast by the time it hit the helicopter.
(Note: these may already be suggestions)

Make the Apollo program actualy go to the moon, and make it posible for it to fail.

Battles that can be actualy played out like in Dawn of War. (Optional).

Units weakened in terrain they're not used to (e.g. A unit trained in a city in tundra would have difficulties fighting in desert).

Animals can be made extinct, forcing people to look for other recourses to replace them.

More like RFC.

different types of games (E.g. Deathmatch where the player and AI start with loads of units and no cities and fight to the death.)
(Note: these may already be suggestions)

Make the Apollo program actualy go to the moon, and make it posible for it to fail.

Battles that can be actualy played out like in Dawn of War. (Optional).

Units weakened in terrain they're not used to (e.g. A unit trained in a city in tundra would have difficulties fighting in desert).

Animals can be made extinct, forcing people to look for other recourses to replace them.

More like RFC.

different types of games (E.g. Deathmatch where the player and AI start with loads of units and no cities and fight to the death.)

Good ideas I like them.
I want some new animals:

* Crocodile (Str 3, Mv 1) jungle/freshwater tiles
* Giant snake (2,1) jungle tiles
* Shark (2,3) coastal/ocean tiles, may attack work/fishing boat
* Octopus (5,2), rare, ocean tiles, may attack any ship
* Sea serpent (10,4), very rare, ocean tiles, may attack anything
Think Danielos was meaning the things of legend, huge sea serpents, that lead sailors to put "Here be monsters" on maps. And by Octopus he means the likes of the Kraken
Think Danielos was meaning the things of legend, huge sea serpents, that lead sailors to put "Here be monsters" on maps. And by Octopus he means the likes of the Kraken

I'd rather not have mythological beasts in the default game, though more real animals would be cool. (To my mind dinosaurs count as real animals in this context.)
I would like:

1. An in-game option to delete saves
2. A better world builder or map editor
3. Ability to play random games but have an AI excluded (such as, if you're sick of playing against Hatshepsut, you can make the game choose random civs but NOT Hatshepsut)
4. More maps
5. More civs
6. More options in the early game (in slower speeds the early game can get slow)
7. Better graphics
8. A larger variety of animals for barbarians
9. More interactive barbarians (such as barbarians making their own 3-city nations and striking deals with other, real civs)
10. A more interactive United Nations
11. A larger variety of terrain
12. 1 more health and 1 more happiness resource
13. A better foreign advisor (maybe we could have a virtual room where all the leaders sit down in a table and actually move like they're real)
14. Gifting units/exchanging units
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