The Community Deity Game #9 - Brazil

Yes, airports after NVC and Internet.

Railroad is completely useless.
I never have the gold saved up to rush more than one lab, so the 25% buff for expo seems very helpful for labs, hotels, and airports (in that build order). The detour to Railroad does not seem to much delay the prerequisite techs for Internet. My workers have mostly run out of other jobs at that point, so the timing is good there too.

Techs from GS bulbing after labs online comes very fast, so I think I am doing that bit correctly, and my experience seems to match the descriptions provided by others. But from what I gather, most people don’t bother filling out rationalism when pursing a CV -- and that I don’t understand. I like the ratty finisher for Internet and I get to Airports very quickly afterwards. Most CV games I feel a need to faith purchase at least one GS, usually to finish out the bulbing towards GFW (which I usually get).

After that, I work towards Satellites (no bulbing) and get Hubble (just to spoil AI working on SV) while waiting on GMu bulbs and for tourism to build. But if you think GFW is unnecessary, I am sure your games are over long before Hubble!

Apparently some people prioritize Hubble for their CV games, but I am not clear how that is intended to play out. I very much risk missing SOH and CNN when I try that.

My guess is that I am not doing well enough earlier with mid-game science. I come close to the benchmarks for NC, Education, and Universities. Then I beeline for Porcelain Tower and then for Public Schools. But I don’t have a sense for when my schools should be online (so I don’t know if I am missing that badly or not).

Usually I Oxford Radio, but this game I beelined for Industrialization after Schools and used Oxford for Plastics and was first to Freedom. That seemed okay, but I already knew that that Coal would not be a problem.
Yes, airports after NVC and Internet.

I never have the gold saved up to rush more than one lab, so the 25% buff for expo seems very helpful for labs, hotels, and airports (in that build order). The detour to Railroad does not seem to much delay the prerequisite techs for Internet. My workers have mostly run out of other jobs at that point, so the timing is good there too.

Techs from GS bulbing after labs online comes very fast, so I think I am doing that bit correctly, and my experience seems to match the descriptions provided by others. But from what I gather, most people don’t bother filling out rationalism when pursing a CV -- and that I don’t understand. I like the ratty finisher for Internet and I get to Airports very quickly afterwards. Most CV games I feel a need to faith purchase at least one GS, usually to finish out the bulbing towards GFW (which I usually get).

After that, I work towards Satellites (no bulbing) and get Hubble (just to spoil AI working on SV) while waiting on GMu bulbs and for tourism to build. But if you think GFW is unnecessary, I am sure your games are over long before Hubble!

Apparently some people prioritize Hubble for their CV games, but I am not clear how that is intended to play out. I very much risk missing SOH and CNN when I try that.

My guess is that I am not doing well enough earlier with mid-game science. I come close to the benchmarks for NC, Education, and Universities. Then I beeline for Porcelain Tower and then for Public Schools. But I don’t have a sense for when my schools should be online (so I don’t know if I am missing that badly or not).

Usually I Oxford Radio, but this game I beelined for Industrialization after Schools and used Oxford for Plastics and was first to Freedom. That seemed okay, but I already knew that that Coal would not be a problem.

It's not only railroad, you also have to get Chemistry, Fertilizer, Military Science and Dynamite... that is 5 extra techs you got just so you could have a 25% production bonus?

The bog standard CV tech tree looks like this:

Philosophy -> Education -> Acoustics (sistine) -> Printing Press (globe if still ok) -> Architecture (uffizi/PT) -> Scientific Theory -> Radio/Industrialization -> Archaeology -> Plastics -> Hotels -> Internet -> Radar

Anything that is not in this tree is superfluous. Are you sure you teched everything in the right order and not detouring?
Hmm. I understood Chemistry (to buff quarries mines) and Fertilizer (to buff farms, especially on this map, with no rivers or lakes) not to be optional. Still, that is three techs I might skip. You have given me something to think about!
Hmm. I understood Chemistry (to buff quarries mines) and Fertilizer (to buff farms, especially on this map, with no rivers or lakes) not to be optional. Still, that is three techs I might skip. You have given me something to think about!

Fertilizer comes a bit late for boosting growth. At that point, hammers are generally more beneficial already. It's something I would not consider getting unless I was going artilleries for war.
As for chemistry, unless you are really production light and can't build everything you need, you don't need to tech it. It is a cheap tech compared to the rest of the railroad prerequisites, but precisely because of this reason, you can often use a spy to steal it anyway.
Third try from scratch, but I thought it was going to take a forth! I also had to redo the last ~30 turns three time to work out the timings after IG comes up for the vote on T329. Felt like a logic puzzle. My first peaceful Deity CV.

  • Just Louvre. Tried for the all the others, but missed every single one. I also missed Porcelain and Eiffel Towers, both by large margins. 1 point.
  • 3rd most popular religion, 10 vs 12. 1 point. I could have had that one, as the 800 faith GPr was still in the queue. My 2nd faith purchased GMu saved me all of 1 turn to victory!
  • I did not track this as closely as I should have, but I am confident I had five of each, 3 points.
  • 101 turns of Carnival (4 remaining at turn of VC). I had not expected this to be so close! 3 points.
Total of 8 points from achievements.

The WL vote was coming up in two turns, and I had that all locked up (but not really on purpose). Western neighbor should have won several many turns ago. I was blocking his last Booster, and the AI cannot figure out airlifts...

Diplomats only works on different ideology, and they only partially counter the negative modifier of differing ideology.
Yeah, but that 25% absolutely made the difference between me winning or not! I made peace earlier with the western AI (the war was his idea, not mine) rather than holding out until I captured at least one city. Open Borders, a trade route, and the Diplomat — it all adds up — and let me use a GMu on the Eastern neighbor.


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First game where I reached triple-digit happiness!

Spoiler :
A. Build* as many as you can of the following World Wonders: Sistine Chapel, Globe Theatre, Uffizi, Louvre, & Broadway
d) 4 = 4 points
I first opted for Borobudur to get a religion edge early on and chopped my wood for it. I beelined for Acoustics, but so apparently did Boudicca, and lost Sistine Chapel by a few turns.
T150 Globe Theater (LToP GE)
T163 Uffizi
T208 Louvre
T226 Broadway

HG, Borobudur, LToP, SoL, CN Tower, SOH, NW (expo)

B. Spread your religion! Points based on # of cities following your (self-founded) religion
c) most popular religion = 4 points
Finished with 45 cities, Indonesia in 2nd place had 15 cities.
Rome didn't found a religion and spammed cities. I sent my three Borobudur missionaries over there, converted six cities and let Printing Press do the rest of the job. This might have been a mistake over the long term, but it gave a happiness boost right away. Spain founded, but was wiped out in the mid-game. Ottomans founded last and only spread to their own cities. Indonesia seemed to have the most faith generation, but its prophet moved around the middle almost aimlessly. I converted Sweden and then Portugal with Great Prophets. Portugal was a battleground for me and Indonesia, but I was more efficient in the conversion war. The terrain with its choke points really seemed to hinder the AIs' active spread of their religion.

C. Produce, through any means, the following number of Great Writers/Artists/Musicians:
d) at least 6 each = 5 points
I delayed the Musician guild to produce as many GMu as possible after Internet. This has proven unnecessary as I only needed 1 for a concert tour in the end. Carnivals are that good. Last GMu spawned on last turn.

GW: 5 natural, 1 Globe Theater
GA: 7 natural, 1 Uffizi, 1 faith purchase
GMu: 3 natural, 1 Broadway, 2 faith purchases

D. Enjoy 100+ turns of Carnival = 3 points
Nope and that is my biggest disappointment for this game. With Peace Loving as my founder belief, I was hitting GA after GA in the early game (non extended though as I didn't have Chichen Itza). Since I though the game would drag longer with Boudicca building a lot of wonders including Sistine Chapel, I decided to create more GWoA then necessary (2 for the Louvre and 3 for Uffizi). This and an early finish proved to be my downfall. Delaying the victory for more Golden Age turns was not even an option as my tourism was eating their culture too fast. I generated 5 natural Golden Ages including 2 extended ones. For reference the 5th GA took 1800 GA points.


First game where I seen the AI passing Science Funding (passed even if I voted against it). I had passed Art Funding earlier so it only negated it. Rome was the one proposing it. Rome was my buddy all game until that point. I was voting for him to be the WC host for reputation so that kind of backfired. Only had to bribe him twice all game though after that point. Everyone went Order, except me with Freedom and Rome with Autocracy. The Order civs were all angry against Augustus and entered war against him by themselves keeping him busy. I lost WF, passed IG really late, because I thought I had no chance to win being 5th in production. However, wars permitted me to win it by a small margin. Most of the game I spent with 40+ happiness and finished with 111 (of which 71 came from Religious Beliefs).

Fairly peaceful game with a supermessy ending:)

Spoiler :

Settled in place, 3 city NC at t74. There weren't enough good city spots on the northern coast, so I decided to build early wonders in the cap and then and grow a production city on the southern coast.

A turning point was squeezing in Borobodur on t97. Rome had not founded and was rexing. With 3 missionaries I was able to convert 6 of his cities and get the ball rolling, to maintain the peace and increase gpt. He built an insane number of cities, and took a fair few from the Celts, making my religion the most popular. I also went for Itinerant Preachers. Has someone done the math on it vs. RT? As far as I can tell it increases the tile coverage with 66%, as opposed to a 50% increase in pressure, so unless you're in a choke with a lot of dead space it should be better...

Sistine around t125. Rome got LToP on t134, but through some kind of christmas miracle (and a bribe for him to DoW the Celts) I got the Globe T on t147. T156 ST, Uffizi around t160 in the new production city and Louvre t205. Portugal rushed out a surprise Broadway.

By midgame I had decent beakers. Things that did not go well were CS quests and WLtKD, which both got stuck for most of the game. I was looking at a sub 240 finish but then things got completely out of hand.

Because of the locations of Rome and Sweden the WC was founded late. That created an awkward choice between an early and late IG. I went for early, and managed to lose it to the Celts (who pumped out 1.6k hammers!). My second mistake was proposing World Religion. I got 2 denounciations immediately and then everyone followed. No more friends, and despite attempts to bribe Rome and the Celts both DOW'ed around t225. That destroyed my tourism modifiers, and forced me to pump units. It also took a long time to safely sneak GMs to the Celts. Sold a city to Portugal and DOW'ed for two bombs. After bombing the Celts I hit 99.7% influence just as the golden age wore off, but then it took another 4 frustrating turns to go over 100%:badcomp:

With smarter WC proposals and more diligent scouting with Open Borders, I could have shaved off many turns. Only popped 5 GWs.

CulV t229 13 points

A. Build* as many as you can of the following World Wonders: 4 points (Missed Globe)
B. Spread your religion! Most popular religion: 4 points (by 2 cities :))
C. number of Great Writers/Artists/Musicians: at least 6 each = 5 points
D. Enjoy 100+ turns of Carnival: 68turns. 0 points

Fun map, I almost never play peaceful CV so had to think and make a plan. Unfortunately, it ended up being more like "think" and "plan". Turned out good anyways due to nice land and the best? peaceful CV civ.

Spoiler :

Well, I didn't hoard enough happiness for natural Carnival soon enough after getting +50% length. Didn't get natural Carnival before t171. Bad timing there

On the other hand, never had great hammers in my cities so had to buy a lot of buildings.

Settled in place. Built Scoutx3-Settlerx3. Full tradition. A bit slowed down start since I went all-in for religion prioritising working Mt Sinai and building Shrine/Temple asap. Prioritised Cargo Ships as usual, actually sent 1st to Mt Sinai city. Stole 2 worker from CS and 4 from Rome.

Got Education around t105, went straight for Acoustics for Sistine. Then I picked
Printing Press -> Sci Theory -> Radio (Oxford) -> Industrialisation -> Archaeology ->Refrigeration -> Fertiliser -> Internet (t220ish)

Sistine t128 (1turn before Boudicca (Spy :))
Uffizi t146 (GE from Pisa)
Broadway t175
Louvre t198

Also had Eiffel Tower, SoL. Snatched a late Porcelain Tower as well, since it was like 5 quests.

Lost Globe to the fat man, even a war didn't stop him from building it. I got Pisa and GE´ed Uffizi though, which was a mistake. GE on Globe and build Uffizi was better shot.

Had pretty good game until t135, after that slowed down due to sub-par city placement. Not great hammer/food combinations. Maybe going Chemistry/Fertiliser earlier would have been better. Had to think quite a lot as well, to coordinate and time balance between Great Work and bulb. In the end I had 20t of Carnival left + extra artist, so my "think" wasn't very intelligent. Could have filled out Uffizi instead of Sistine. Always found timing to be much easier in SV than in CV.

On t171 I entered Carnival and got my gpt back from Schools, which allowed me to start a world war raging the next 60 turns. Augustus next door somehow liked me most of the game, and was easy to use as "my" army slowing down the Marian culture.

Got 6 Writers, 7 Artist and 6 Musician. Could buy 2 Musician in the end. Also bought a GE for Broadway. So much stuff to build in culture games.

Rome was pagan, so got the opportunity to spread my religion. Was close though, with the Celtic Catholicism breathing down my neck the entire game. Ended with 2 more, one of them being a settled city to gift for GM bomb :)

Bulbed more or less from Replaceable Parts till Internet and had it t220ish. Got the visitor centre around t226 and 2500 faith on t227. Finally something that coordinated! But I only needed 1GM to win:mad:, it turned out to be "coordination" only. At t229 evil Pedro banished the world to an eternity of looking at bare skin while drinking carpirinhas.

Somewhere along the way I held a speech in Istanbul, forcing Suleiman to tear down his wall. Unsurprisingly, the Ottomans didn't like his Iron Curtain much once they got the taste of the Brazilian beach. I don't think they really wanted to visit my mosquito-infested jungle-tile. As a Communist with respect for himself, he proudly amassed -72 happiness from Ideology.

Some pictures:

Finished this one, too, but did not count the points. It really helped to have Rome in the backyard without a religion. :lol: And I think I won International Games? 1452 tourism felt good, but I believe I had over 1700 once on Immortal, where I got a lot more wonders and artifacts.


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