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The Deity Challenge Line-up #32 - England

Suicide charges happen in all of my Dom victories at the end. If I'm trying to close in on a city quickly, sacrificing some cavalry to pillage important roads/keep threatening troops away from my siege units is key. I lost 5-6 cavalry right at the end of this challenge and they were martyrs the lot of them :)
I can do this one. I'll aim for a Medium difficulty map and post it late on the 19th, EST. Did you have a civilization in mind or should I just choose from the remainders?

France France France! I want to try a CV
Good if you manage to get those damn cultural wonders :D

But being French, i'm all up for Nappy !
As her Throne grew smaller in size
She wished a new and more glorious one
It would be made from bones of dead children
"Father... is this what you wanted?"

They marched at dawn, the sun never did set
Chaos remained where people once lived
As mayhem engulfed the surrounding lands
"Where is your God now?"

One by one, they felt the might
Trail of blood was all that was left
As the last of them was hunted down
"Only Hell would follow me!"

I hope you didn't find my poetry that horrible :lol:

Spoiler :

The entire game was a kind of a perfect storm. I had next to no resistance due to constant fighting on the other end. So, after I stomped Arabia and Mayans, I set foot on the other continent, stomped Mongolia and had my ships swing around the back of Beijing and take it from the sea. Venice and Mayans double teamed me but they are pushovers, nobody even came close, and my ships made short work of the Blind Man.

Persia were severely weakened by their war with Russia and China, so Persepolis fell easily, the road was clear and only a handful of muskets was defending. By that time, my Longbows all had Logistics so he didn't stand a chance.

It was then time to take on the Gargantua. All this time, Cathy was free to turtle up, being isolated up north, but constant war with the neighbors and my CS allies spread her out just enough for me to gain the edge. She offered the southern expo for peace, which I accepted, and used new territory to upgrade all cannons to arty.

The fire sale took care of the happiness issues, and I was free to begin one last attack. The longbows served me well in the campaign but they were the meatshields in this siege.

In the end, the suicide charge on Moscow worked, she had the Great Wall, the Brandenburg Gate and possibly Himeji, didn't check. But I completely forgot that Arty has indirect fire, so in setting up for a hill strike, I realized all I needed was an disposable spotter, and luckily I had 3 workers sitting around. Arties made short work of the 88 str city and then not even the Wall could stop a single lone cavalry sentry medic :D



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Nice one ST! Is that with reloads or is it 'alpine style' ?
I don't think of it as that cheesy. It's actually not a great idea most of the time, though, IMO. Razing is a much better idea. :D
Upon capture
Well in which case there is no better way than selling them, if you have to.

Normally I would wonder why you were so unhappy, but having played the map and really struggled with happiness, I can already see why!
Hi. Haven't played in a while but stopped by the forums and these challenges looked like fun.

Spoiler :

Fairly standard 6 city liberty opener. Stole two workers from Arabia and one from Ur who I kept at war to train archers. Found El Dorado (bought Settler) but huts gave me one archer, then barbs and maps.

NC around T80, Education T104 Machinery and Uni's up in most of my cities by T118. After that I beelined navigation.

Happiness was tough all game but I managed to stay barely positive for most of the game. I prioritized the two Mercantiles with both spies and gold (everything else went to upgrades and buying hills to stagnate cities on) and microing population.

Took me a while to mobilize through the jungle between me and them but Dow'ed Harun around T138 with 6 LB, 3-4 of which had logistics, and rolled through his cap and second city by T147. I reloaded after taking the cap because I signed a peace deal for 61gpt but then realized I needed to take Medina if I wanted to DOW Pacal effectively. I also reloaded sometime after the war with Pacal to change from banking to gunpowder/chemistry.

By this time the other continent had begun asking for war with Ghengis so I joined in and used SoTL plus one privateer to take him out. Artillery around T170 (went industrialization first for LB upgrades/Order happiness policies). I also took down Beijing around this time with Gatling guns, ships, and cannons.

I ended up hitting flight and buying a couple of GW bombers to finish up Russia But my other three opponents fell to artillery/Gatling guns fairly quickly.

Anyway, thanks for listening to me and for posting these.


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well done :)

also, happiness was mostly an issue because the neighboring CSs pretty much all had the same luxury so allying one or allying more didn't make things any easier
T230 and I don´t know if I will make it

Spoiler :
After founding 5 cities and getting NC at T81 and Education somewhere around t105 I finished Liberty and went exploring with the Great Admiral to trade my salt and whales. This way I could manage my happiness almost the entire game, but without much surplus. With the terrain ahead and my slow start, I didn´t go for the LB rush and went for ST first and then for Artillery. With 10 Ships of the Line, 6 artilleries and some meatshields I went for Venice and just took it without losses (T230). I´m 5th on technology (412 bpt) and I think I´m the only one with Artillery (and my SotL still can rule the seas). Cities are smaller than they should (London 25, Nottingham 18) for what I see in other posts (can´t post screenshot). Happiness is 18. Gold 109 gpt with Enrico paying 37 gpt because of the peace deal. I have to choose Ideology and I will probably go for Order (Arabia and Persia chose it, the other one is China with Autocracy). Everybody is fighting the mongols on the other continent and nobody has got a clear lead. I have 3 possible ways from here, and I don´t if any of them will take me to victory:

1. Stop fighting and focus on science to try the SV. I think I could make it (I have 2 academies, one GS parked and working all the slots) but I haven´t played that much Deity to be sure.

2. Keep fighting, secure the continent with the artillery and wait for planes to get the other one and try for the DV. I´ve never done it on Deity, and when I started this game it was the original plan.

3. Go for Pacal (who got most of the culture wonders), stop there and try the CV with all his tourism generators (he even got SS and converted my cities, so I have some tourism generated by faith buildings). This is a really long shot, but may be a fun one. I would probably have to take China anyway, who got all the other wonders.

I will travel for work the next two days and wont be able to play until tuesday night. Any ideas from you are welcome.

Thank you for your answers and advice.
It's too late for a DomV at that point tbqh unless you upgrade to Battleships, Stealth Bombers and Nukes. Should have used Longbows to kill your continent, because Longbows are awesome
I'd LOVE the map even if it won't end up on the DCL. Please share IronFighterXXX! :)
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