The Entire Thought Experiment

Got it.

Thoughts to follow.....

Unhappiness is not a big issue. most of it comes from slavery, 2-4 from WW, 1-2 from emancipation so I'm not sure democracy is that important particularly as Nyork already has SoL.

I'm also not sure we need so many maces though maybe split our army into 2 main stacks to speed up conquest. We surely don't need more units.

Unhealth is certainly a problem, buildings will help, acquiring wheat will help.

Builds to focus on health and wealth.

Maybe use GS for physics bulb.

Do we want to build Pentagon for denial purposes? Probably not.
we should think about a GA now (we considered using it for AS and we are right there..)
We can also prepare another one for space ship building -> keep GS if we can for that. (i don't remeber how many GP we have right now and how mutch a GA would cost).

we are at a point where bulb have pretty low value, i'd rather use them only for GA if possible unless we can't : aka too many of a kind.
pentagon :fail gold is not interesting as we don't have any bonus on this one (do we?), let's build wealth instead.

for the rest: agree: no more many troops, build for economy.
I think in terms of unhappiness that it's something we have to 'wear' for a bit, but the important thing is that despite it, most of our cities are very productive.

Clearly most of the Maces have City Raider promotions and were destined for upgrading, but at 230:gold: each, it's a bit of a judgement call. As noted, I spent a small fortune upgrading a small stack of naval units instead (albeit a City Raider III Vulture also got an upgrade at a pricey 335:gold:) while I was also spreading Mining Inc around to a few cities. Note that there are a couple of Riflemen super-medics that can be upgraded when they're next in a Columbian city.

Again - judgement call on how many more units that we may or may not need. I'd be happy to see Eridu continue to churn out the troops even in peacetime, as you never quite know what Shaka's likely to do ...

West Point's available. Possibly a luxury that could be better spent on 'wealth' or something, but maybe Cahokia might be a candidate in light of two merged Great Generals and it also being coastal (?).

The Pentagon ... I wouldn't bother, but if the roster wants it, that's OK as I suspect it won't be a 'game breaker' either way.

I agree with astre in that I'd prefer to use our Great People now mainly for 'Maus of Maus'-boosted Golden Ages. I'd be OK with proposals to merge Great Merchants and Great Scientists into Uruk, or Great Engineers merging into Nanjing, or otherwise Great Merchants going on trade missions (as indeed I did last turnset as we were a bit tight on :gold:), but I'd prefer to just use them for end-game Golden Ages.

Best of luck! :)
I would not merge any GP into cities. They won't contribute much during the time that is left. Best use is GA and second best is bulb/trade mission.

This is a minor point, but if for whatever reason we want to cut off Lincoln's capacity to build Cavalry, I've just noticed that his only source of Horses currently is immediately north of Buffalo.
I've played 8 turns.

We've captured LA, Phladelphia and New York. Lost quite a few cannon, disbanded some 7-xp maces, got a GG on ice.

We also got a Prophet, haven't used any GPs, saving them for Gages.

We've learned physics and elec, now studying radio.

Built Westpoint in Ironwork City (?Nanjing). Uruk's building Broadway.

Shaka's declared on SB and will annihilate him pretty soon I expect.

Bod's founded Creative Constructions.

WW is pretty horrendous, theatres+30% culture has taken the edge off of it.

New York is surrounded by Vox culture but its got a sushi exec so should survive.

We could capture and raze Buffalo in 4-5 turns or go for peace and launch a GA, we can get a tech for peace, certainly milsci, maybe democracy but not both atm.


Thanks for the turnset. :)

Quick glance;

I think we should be pressing on with:

(a.) the war ... to Chicago at least, and

(b.) producing Sushi and Mining Inc Exec's and pushing them into newly captured cities.

Tiny point; there's a free Fish resource south of Memphis that's without a Work Boat.

I'm wondering if we should DoW on Sitting Bull for the positive diplomatic bonus with Shaka? If so, what's the chance of Sitting Bull making a last ditch strike on Anhaica with his small stack of Rifles?
Ok, got it, but I don't think I'll be able to play before Monday.

Which objectives are still open (besides space victory)?
well, well, unhapiness seems a problem. someone forget to buid jail it seems...
fascism and its wonder could have help too but we don't plan to stay in war for so long, so lets just live with that... In the mean time lets push culture slider more. seems like 50% culture gave the best return (beaker +gold). Please sengir check that.

We should check how many troops there is in chicago and raze this city then make peace please don't take phenix if possible in the peace deal but take albuquerque or even better san diego.

furthermore, to help finance our coprs we need to work 4 merchant in every possible place in priority. sometime, i can click on a specialist to block it but i can't do it with our game. maybe a BUG function...

in addition we have 5 k EP on wash. maybe we can try to steal something? MSc to acheive one of our goals? build 3 spies and sent them in vox lands.

agree to declare SB right now. he will not attack us and boudica and shaka don't like him. no problem expected.

after radio, road to rocketery or computer seems the best deal. computer could be better because of laboratories.

When at peace, launch a GA then build massive observatory/bank impovement. no change in civic expected except for emancipation. we don't really need slavery anyway.
Decision not be build jails/revolt to PS was deliberate as its seems likely the war won't last much longer and once we're at peace happiness won't be a problem at all.

Vox is pretty tanked now so capturing cities is mainly a matter of extra turns of WW.

I'm wondering if caste would be more useful than emancipation.
Ok, got it, but I don't think I'll be able to play before Monday.

Which objectives are still open (besides space victory)?

I think we need to bribe someone into a war.

Horseback units with blitz

Helicopter with charge.
I agree with the general sentiment that all of this unhappiness is largely temporary - bear in mind that Chicago's got the Statue of Zeus that has lifted this issue up another notch.

I've also thought about our civic options in light of the possible benefit of Caste, Free Speech, and maybe even Emancipation - maybe a Golden Age after the war's done could work OK?

On the question of the optional achievements (those 'struck through' have been achieved);


Negotiate with a 'third party' rival to declare war upon an empire with who Columbia is already at war.​

Devil's Kiss

Launch a Tactical Nuke or a Guided Missile.​
Murder of Crows

Build 12 Vulture units.​
Bucking Bronco

Promote a Horseback unit (req. Horse resource) with the 'Blitz' promotion.​
Shock Jockey

Attach a Great General to a Horseback unit (req. Horse resource) that already has the 'Shock' promotion.​

Promote a Gunship with the 'Charge' promotion.​

Found the corporation; Sid's Sushi Co.​

Return to Sender

Liberate or gift-back a city that was once founded by a rival empire to the rival that founded the city.​
Sorry guys, apparently my comp is not yet up for playing the game. I loaded it up again, and it keeps crashing after a couple of minutes. I'm not sure what the problem is yet, but I can't even get the gaming running long enough to post a PPP.
basic plan:
declare SB, check if anyone want to join party.
regroup to raze chicago with marine shipping.

then take peace with vox getting a city in the process.

prepare 4 spies and ship them to vox land (albu ) to steal demo and/or Mscience.

for teching: radio then road to computer

for cities push culture to 50 % to help war effort. try to sneak some jail if they can be acheived in 1 turn.

in cities, build observatories and other important building for economy or build wealth.
when at peace launch GA with artist and scientist

keep next probable GE for elevator

get a cav ready for upgrade for Bucking Bronco

will play in next few days. i'm starting my holydays right now
Thanks for the plan. I'm very happy to go along with it.

I don't think that Jails are all that necessary. I would prefer we worked on something else unless we're sure that their benefit can justify the 'cost' and 'opportunity cost' of not producing something else.

I'll leave it to you re. what to take from Lincoln when we do eventually want to negotiate peace. I'd take Albuquerque + a tech' if possible.

I suggest that we get out enough Sushi and Mining Executives for all new cities, being two (or three if taking Albuquerque, or four if also taking one of Sitting Bull's cities) more of each I believe.

I agree that we should first burn Great Scientists, Great Merchants, and Great Artists on Golden Ages due to the capacity to later replace them through Caste.

If we are going to run a Golden Age, what are our civic preferences both during and after the Golden Age?

The Space Elevator requires Robotics, which is an optional technology ... do we need it?

I assume that we'll go for the Eiffel Tower and Rock n Roll. Do we have interest in Cristo Redentor, or do we leave it given that we have a few anarchy-free Golden Ages planned for the future?

As earlier noted, a tiny point on the need for a Work Boat for the seafood south of Memphis.

Best of luck! :)
I'd leave Albequerque as spy haven, there's an island city SW of Nyork ? Seattle.

I'd also miss out on jails. Observatories (for labs) is something i should have thought about myself.

If we're beelining internet we can probably pick up robotics for Spelevator.

Maybe try to bribe Shaka to peace out with SB then we declare on SB in 10 turns and drag Shaka along, its cheap in some ways but expensive in others.
found the solution. get ceasefire then take one turn of angriness during unload of armies.
get peace next turn after razing chicago(if vox ready to talk)

EDIT: i found out that WW with SB is still very high. i will not declare unless shaka ask. (3 turns of shared war in not enought)
I played first halve of the set.
took cease fire, healed up, prepared boats, declared vox again, unloads 5 boats next to chicago, raze chicago.

Then happen a nice surprise: Shaka just finished with SB the turn before, he was free of war. i could bribe him into vox war :)
I have pictures on my other computer, i'll had them.

Well, as soon as i bribded shaka, i asked for peace (vox was broken but WW was too high even after i razed staue of zeus in chicago, WW was still at 600...).
I'm at this point.
I'll start a golden age, continue building infrastructures and i'll soon reach industrialism.

EDIT: jpg uploaded


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Well done.
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