The Great People Thread


Mar 6, 2010
Great Generals
(Provides movement and combat bonuses to units of their era & following era)

  • Hannibal Barca (Classical General): Grants 1 promotion level to a military land unit.

  • Boudica (Classical General): Converts adjacent Barbarians.

  • Sun Tzu (Classical General): The Art of War (Great Work of Writing)

  • Æthelflæd (Medieval General): Instantly creates a Knight unit.

  • El Cid (Medieval General): Forms a Corps out of a military land unit

  • Genghis Khan (Medieval General): Grants 1 promotional level and a 25% combat experience.

  • Gustavus Adolphus (Renaissance General): Instantly create a Bombard unit.

  • Jeanne D'arc (Renaissance General): Create a Relic.

  • Ana Nzinga (Renaissance General): Gain 1 Envoy.

  • Simon Bolivar (Industrial General) Gain 2 Envoys.

  • Rani Lakshmibai (Industrial General): Instantly creates a Cavalry unit with 1 promotion.

  • Napoleon Bonaparte (Industrial General) Creates an army out of a land unit.

  • Samori Toure (Modern General): Instantly creates an infantry unit with 1 promotion level.

  • Marina Raskova (Modern General): Gain +2 air unit slots in this district.

  • John Monash (Modern General): Grants 1 promotion level and +75% combat experience to a military unit.

  • Douglas MacArthur (Atomic General): Creates a tank unit with 1 free promotion.

  • Dwight Eisenhower (Atomic General) +5% Production towards military units.

  • Georgy Zhukov (Atomic General): +50% Flanking bonus for all land military units.

  • Sudirman (Atomic General): Grants 1 promotion level and +100% combat experience to a military land unit.

  • Ahmad Shah Massoud (Information General): Creates an Anti Tank Crew unit.

  • Vijaya Wimalaratne (Information General) Grants 1 promotion level and +200% combat experience to a military land unit.
Great Admirals
(Provides movement and combat bonuses to units of their era & following era)

  • Themistocles (Classical Admiral): Instantly creates a Quadrireme unit.

  • Gaius Duilius (Classical Admiral): Forms a Corps out of a military naval unit.

  • Artemisia (Classical Admiral): Grants 1 promotion level to a military naval unit.

  • Rajendra Chola (Medieval Admiral): Gain 50 Gold. Military units get +40% rewards to plundering naval Trade Routes.

  • Leif Erikson (Medieval Admiral): Allows all naval units to move over ocean tiles without the required technology.

  • Zheng He (Medieval Admiral): Gain an envoy.

  • Santa Cruz (Renaissance Admiral): Forms an Armada out of a military naval unit.

  • Francis Drake (Renaissance Admiral): Gain 75 Gold (on Standard speed). Military units get +50% rewards to plundering naval Trade Routes.

  • Yi Sun-Sin (Renaissance Admiral): Instantly creates an Ironclad unit with 1 promotion level.

  • Ching Shih (Industrial Admiral): Gain 100 Gold. Military units get +60% rewards for plundering sea Trade Routes.

  • Laskarina Bouboulina (Industrial Admiral): Grants 1 promotion level and +50% combat experience to a military naval unit.

  • Horatio Nelson (Industrial Admiral) - +50 flanking bonus for all naval units

  • Franz von Hipper (Modern Admiral): Instantly creates a battleship with 1 promotion level.

  • Joaquim Marques Lisboa (Modern Admiral): Accumulate 25% less war weariness than usual

  • Togo Heihachiro (Modern Admiral) Grants 1 promotion level and +75% combat experience to a military naval unit

  • Chester Nimitz (Atomic Admiral) +20% Production towards units of the Naval Raider promotion class.

  • Grace Hopper (Atomic Admiral): Trigger the Eureka moment of a random Atomic or Information era tech.

  • Sergei Gorshkov (Atomic Admiral): Grants 1 promotion level and +100% combat experience to a military naval unit

  • Clancy Fernando (Information Admiral): Grants 1 promotion level and +200% combat experience to a military naval unit
Great Scientists

  • Hypatia (Classical Scientist): Libraries provide +1 Science. Instantly builds a Library in this district.

  • Euclid (Classical Scientist): Provides the Eureka bonus for Mathematics along with another random Classical or Medieval tech.

  • Aryabhata (Classical Scientist): Triggers the Eureka moment for 3 random technologies from the Classical or Medieval era.

  • Omar Khayyam (Medieval Scientist): Triggers the Eureka moment for 2 random technologies and the Inspiration moment for 1 random civic from the Medieval or Renaissance era.

  • Hildegard of Bingen (Medieval Scientist) Gain 100 Faith. The Holy Site districts Faith adjacency bonus provides Science as well.

  • Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi (Medieval Scientist): +20 HP healing for units within 1 tile. Triggers the Eureka moment for 1 random technology from the Medieval or Renaissance era. Wounded units can heal +5 HP each turn.

  • Isaac Newton (Renaissance Scientist): Instantly builds a University and Library in this district. Universities provide +2 Science.

  • Galileo Galilei (Renaissance Scientist): Gain 250 Science for each adjacent Mountain tile.

  • Emile du Chatelet (Renaissance Scientist): Triggers the Eureka moment for 3 random technologies from the Renaissance or Industrial eras.

  • Charles Darwin (Industrial Scientist): Gain 500 Science for each adjacent natural wonder.

  • Dmitri Mendeleev (Industrial Scientist): Triggers the Eureka moment for Chemistry and 1 random technology from the Industrial era

  • James Young (Industrial Scientist): Triggers the Eureka moment for 2 random techs from the Industrial or Modern Era. Reveals Oil without the normal tech requirement.

  • Alfred Nobel (Modern Scientist): Triggers one random eureka for a technology from the Modern or Atomic era, applies 20 free Great People Points towards recruiting all current and future Great People.

  • Alan Turing (Modern Scientist): Triggers the eureka moment for Computers and another random technology from the Modern Era.

  • Albert Einstein (Modern Scientist): Triggers a random Modern Eureka moment & provides +4 science to Universities.

  • Mary Leakey (Atomic Scientist) Gain 350 Science for every Artifact in this city. Artifacts in all your cities generate 300% of their normal Tourism.

  • Erwin Schrodinger (Atomic Scientist): Triggers 3 random Eurekas for Atomic/Information techs.

  • Janaki Ammal (Atomic Scientist): Gain 400 Science for each Rainforest tile here or adjacent.

  • Abdus Salam (Information Scientist): Trigger the Eureka bonuses of all Information era technologies [note: Translation unclear]

  • Carl Sagan (Information Scientist): Provides 3000 production towards the Space Race construction project.

  • Stephanie Kwolek (Information Scientist) +100% Production towards space race projects (or Immediately complete production of The Space Race Project)
Great Engineers

  • James of St. George (Medieval Engineer): Instantly builds Ancient and Medieval Walls in this city, and provides enough Gold per turn to pay for their maintenance. (2 Charges)

  • Isidore of Miletus (Medieval Engineer): Grants 215 Wonder production. (2 Charges)

  • Bi Sheng (Medieval Engineer): Lets this city build an additional District regardless of population, and triggers the Eureka for Printing.

  • Filippo Brunelleschi (Renaissance Engineer): Grants 315 Production towards wonder construction. (2 charges)

  • Leonardo da Vinci (Renaissance Engineer): Triggers the Eureka for one random technology of the Modern era. Workshops provide +1 culture.

  • Mimar Sinan (Renaissance Engineer): +1 Housing for this city, +1 Amenity for this City. (2 Charges)

  • Gustave Eiffel (Industrial Engineer): Grants 480 production towards wonder construction. (2 Charges)

  • James Watt (Industrial Engineer): Instantly builds a Factory and Workshop in this district. Factories provide +2 Production.

  • Joseph Paxton (Industrial Engineer) This entertainment district's regional buildings provide +1 Amenity. This district's regional buildings reach 3 tiles farther.

  • Ada Lovelace (Industrial Engineer): Triggers the Eureka moment for the Computers technology. Lets the city build one more district than the population limit allows.

  • Nikola Tesla (Modern Engineer): This industrial district's regional buildings provide +2 production and reach 3 tiles farther.

  • Alvar Aalto (Modern Engineer): This city provides +1 Appeal to any tile it owns.

  • Robert Goddard (Modern Engineer): Triggers the eureka moment for Rocketry, and +20% production towards Space Race projects.

  • Jane Drew (Atomic Engineer): Gain +3 Housing & +4 Amenities in this city.

  • John Roebling (Atomic Engineer): Gain +1 housing and +2 amenities in a city. (2 Charges)

  • Sergei Korolev (Atomic Engineer): Gain 1500 production towards Space Race projects.

  • Charles Correa (Information Engineer): This city provides +2 Appeal to any tile it owns.

  • Wernher Von Braun (Information Engineer): Rush production of a space race project
Great Merchants

  • Colaeus (Classical Merchant): Gain 100 Faith. Grants 1 free copy of the Luxury resource on this tile to your Capital city.

  • Zhang Qian (Classical Merchant): Gain an additional trade route, and foreign trade routes to this city provide +2 gold for both civs.

  • Marcus Lacinius Crassus (Classical Merchant): Gain 60 Gold. Your nearest city annexes this tile in the territory

  • Irene of Athens (Medieval Merchant): Increases Trade Route capacity by 1. Grants 1 free copy of the Luxury resource on this tile to your capital city.

  • Marco Polo (Medieval Merchant) Grants a free Trader unit in this city, and increases trade Route capacity by 1. Foreign Trade Routes to this city provide +2 Gold to both cities.

  • Piero de' Bardi (Medieval Merchant): Gain 200 Gold. Gain 1 Envoy.

  • Giovanni de Medici (Renaissance Era) -Instantly build a Bank and Market in this district. The Bank gets 2 Great Work slots, which can hold anything except Relics.

  • Jakob Fugger (Renaissance Era): Gain 350 Gold. Gain 2 Envoy.

  • John Jacob Astor (Industrial Era): Gain 500 Gold. Gain 2 Envoys.

  • Raja Todar Mal (Renaissance Merchant): Your Trade Routes to your own cities gain +0.5 Gold for each specialty district at the destination. Gain 1 Envoy.

  • Adam Smith (Industrial Merchant): Adds +1 Economic Policy slot to your government.

  • John Spilsbury (Industrial Merchant): Creates one Toys, which provides +4 amenties.

  • John Rockefeller (Modern Merchant): Grants +1 Oil, a strategic resource. Your trade routes gain +2 gold for each strategic resource improved by the destination city.

  • Sarah Breedlove (Modern Merchant): +25% tourism rate towards other civilizations you have a trade route to.

  • Mary Katherine Goddard (Modern Merchant): Gain +1 Diplomatic visibility with other civs.

  • Melitta Bentz (Atomic Merchant): Increases trade route capacity by 1. +25% tourism to other civilizations you have a trade route to.

  • Helena Rubenstein (Atomic Merchant): Provides 2 copies of Cosmetics, which provide 4 Amenities each

  • Levi Strauss (Atomic Merchant): Provides 2 copies of Jeans, which provide 4 Amenities each

  • Estée Lauder (Information Merchant): Provides 2 copies of Perfume, which provide 4 Amenities each

  • Jamseth Tata (Information Merchant): Campuses provide +10 tourism.

  • Masaru Ibuka (Information Merchant): Industrial Zone districts provide +10 Tourism.
Great Writers (Note: Great Works of Writing provide +4 Culture & +4 Tourism)

  • Homer (Classical Writer): Odyssey, Iliad.

  • Bhasa (Classical Writer): The Madhyama Vyayoga, Pratima-nataka

  • Qu Yuan (Classical Writer) Chu Ci, Lament for Ying

  • Ovid (Classical Writer): Metamorphoses, Heroides

  • Geoffrey Chaucer (Medieval Writer) The Canterbury Tales, Troilu, Criseyde

  • Christine de Pizan (Medieval Writer) The Book of the City of Ladies, The Treasure of the City of Ladies

  • Li Bai (Medieval Writer): Drinking Alone by Moonlight, In the Mountains on a Summer Day

  • Murasaki Shikibu (Medieval Writer): The Diary of Lady Murasaki, The Tale of Genji

  • Miguel de Cervantes (Renaissance Writer): Don Quixote, Novelas Ejemplares (Exemplary Novels)

  • William Shakespeare (Renaissance Writer): Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet

  • Niccolo Machiaveli (Renaissance Writer): Discourses on Livy, The Prince

  • Margaret Cavendish (Renaissance Writer): The Blazing World, Observations upon Experimental Philosophy

  • Marie-Catherine D'Aulnoy (Renaissance Writer): Fair Goldilocks, The Dolphin

  • Jane Austen (Industrial Writer): Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility

  • Edgar Allen Poe (Industrial Writer): The Tell-Tale Heart, The Raven

  • James Joyce (Industrial Writer): Ulysses, Dubliners

  • Alexander Pushkin (Industrial Writer): Eugene Onegin, Boris Godunov

  • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (Industrial Writer): Faust, The Sermons of Young Werther

  • Mary Shelley (Industrial Writer): Frankenstein, The Last

  • F. Scott Fitzgerald (Modern Writer): This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and the Damned

  • Leo Tolstoy (Modern Writer): War and Peace, Anna Karenina

  • Emily Dickinson (Modern Writer): A Bird Came Down the Walk , Success is Counted Sweetest

  • Mark Twain (Modern Writer): Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

  • Rabindranath Tagore (Atomic Writer): The Home and The World, The Gardener

  • H.G. Wells (Atomic Writer): The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine

  • Karel Capek (Information Writer): Rossum's Universal Robots (R.U.R), War with the Newts
Great Artists (Note: Great Works of Art provide +3 Culture & +3 Tourism)

  • Andrei Rublev (Renaissance Artist): Annunciation (Religious), Saviour in Glory (Religious), Ascension (Religious)

  • Michelangelo (Renaissance Artist): Sistine Chapel Ceiling (Religious Art), Pieta (Sculpture), David (Sculpture)

  • Donatello (Renaissance Artist): Saint Mark (Sculpture), Gattamelata (Sculpture), Judith Slaying Holofernes (Sculpture)

  • Hieronymus Bosch (Renaissance Artist): The Garden of Earthly Delights (Religious), The Last Judgement (Religious), The Haywain Triptych (Religious)

  • Rembrandt Van Rijn (Industrial Artist): Andries de Graeff (Portrait), Agatha Bas (Portrait), Abraham and Isaac (Religious).

  • El Greco (Industrial Artist) - Adoration of the Magi (Religious), The Assumption of the Virgin (Religious), View of Toledo (Landscape)

  • Qiu Ying (Industrial Artist) Spring Morning in the Han Palace (Landscape), Fisherman in Reclusion Among the Lotus Stream (Landscape), Red Cliff (Landscape)

  • Titian (Industrial Artist) Assunta (Religious), Salome with the Head of John the Baptist (Religious), Equestrian Portrait of Charles V (Portrait)

  • Jang Seung-Eop (Modern Artist): "Saminmunnyeondo" (Landscape), "Rooster" (Landscape), "Ssangma Immuldo"(Landscape)

  • Sofonisba Anguissola (Modern Artist): Three Sisters Playing Chess (Portrait), Phillip II of Spain (Portrait), A Monk (Portrait)

  • Angelica Kauffman (Modern Artist): Ana Maria Jenkins and Thomas Jefferson (Portrait), Portrait of Johann Joachim Winckelmann (Portrait), Sarah Harrop as a Muse (Portrait)

  • Katsushika Hokusai (Modern Artist): "The Great Wave Off Kanagawa" (Landscape), "Lake Suwa in Shinano" (Landscape), "Fuji Mountains in Clear Weather" (Landscape).

  • Edmonia Lewis (Atomic Artist): The Death of Cleopatra (Sculpture), Marriage of Hiawatha (Sculpture), Pompeiian Girl (Sculpture)

  • Claude Monet (Atomic Artist): Water Lillies (Landscape), Sunrise Impression (Landscape), Haystack at Giverny (Landscape)

  • Gustav Klimt (Atomic Artist): The Kiss (Protrait), Avenue of Schloss Kammer Park (Landscape), Sunflower (Landscape)

  • Marie-Anne Collot (Atomic Artist) Portrait of Pierre Etienne Falconet (Sculpture), Portrait of Catherine II (Sculpture), Portrait of Marie Cathcart (Sculpture)

  • Vincent Van Gogh (Atomic Artist): Starry Night (Landscape), Café Terrace at Night (Landscape), The Night Cafe (Landscape)

  • Amrita Sher-Gil (Information Artist) Three Girls (Portrait), Bride's Toliet (Portrait), Self Portrait (Portrait)

  • Boris Orlovsky (Information Artist): Mikhail Kutuzov (Sulpture), Alexander Victory Column (Sulpture), Bust of Tsar Alexander (Sulpture)

  • Mary Cassatt (Information Artist): Lydia Leaning on Her Arms (Portrait), The Child's Bath (Portrait), The Cup of Tea (Portrait)
Great Musicians (Note: Great Works of Music provide +4 Culture & +4 Tourism)

Great Prophets

Formatting lifted from Well of Souls. Props to Arioch, Algn, & Silverdawn for compiling everything. Red denotes information that is new
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Ed Beach and Dennis Shirk did a commentary on the announcement trailer in May and confirmed Liberty Leading the People and Starry Night as Great Works, so Delacroix and Van Gogh are presumably Great Artists.
Interesting, I didn't realize that so many Great People had been revealed. To clarify, what does "unconfirmed" mean in the context of this thread. Are these Great People that previewers remember but don't have screenshots for, or are they simply speculation about likely additions to the list. I'd also mention somewhere in the OP that the General and Admiral Bonuses are "retirement" abilities in addition to their combat boost.
Though I have not personally seen all of them, one thing of note about the great generals/admirals is that they still provide the combat bonus to adjacent units, however it's era specific. The abilities listed here are consumables for when the general "expires", So for example that I do know about, since it was specifically talked about in one of the videos, Having a largely medieval military while you have Hanibal Barca would render his combat bonus useless. So you can use his ability to consume the GG and give one of your units a free promotion.

Looking at the list this largely makes sense, Yi Sun-Sin is Renaissance Era admiral that would could boost your frigates, or creates an Ironclad unit with 1 promotion level. So you could have the choice of using him to increase the power of your navy by adding 1 advanced unit - or you can buff it with the typical combat bonuses, and consume him to create the ironclad later, when he begins to lose his relevance in your navy.

Which is awesome, frankly.

As far as scientists are concerned - I appreciate the relative nerf of tying their bursts to eureka's. It makes a lot of sense. I've noticed this in couple videos in regards to goody huts too; It would appear that you may not get whole technologies from the huts anymore, but rather their Eurekas.
To clarify, what does "unconfirmed" mean in the context of this thread. Are these Great People that previewers remember but don't have screenshots for... I'd also mention... their combat boost.

Yeah, the Gamestar.De people apparently mentioned Genghis Khan as being a Great General with bonuses to Cavalry. Hearst is a murkier case, there was a spontaneous discussion about him in the screenshot analysis thread that I attributed to user snipperrabbit seeing his name in some preview. Hopefully he'll see this & clarify things a little.
I am very pleased to see that Aethelflaed is a Great General. If I get her in the game, I will use her ability to make a Knight and I will rename it to Uhtred of Bebbanberg.
I like the fact there is decent amount of great non-Western people among those, maybe it's a bit better than civ5 where ~80-90% of them were from few Western nations :D (and remaining ones almost only from China)
Boudica, Ching Chih, Crassus, and Justin Bieber are the ones I'm most looking forward to trying.

Curious to know what some of the Modern/Information era GP effects will be like. Presumably they'd be a lot more powerful. Maybe Great Merchant Kim Kardashian would give a particular Theatre Square 10 time the culture output and add +10 gold to the tile.
With Boudicca and Gustavus Adolphus as great people, it seems like the leaders for the Celts (if they are added to the game), and Sweden will be different this time.

Not sure if they will split the Celts into several civs (ex: Gaels, Britons, Gauls) though.
Well, maybe. But bear in mind a lot of Civs in V were originally represented by City States in Vanilla (such as the Celts & Sweden cough cough).

Could be that if they ever want to bring Boudica back, they could always just replace her with someone like Arminus.
As I understand it the great general is now obtained by great person points rather than experience points. So is there a different effect for accummulating experience points into a pool besides the promotions?
Another thing I wonder is what can you do with great prophet points after you have founded a religion or all religions are founded.
Bit confused by the fact GA's can produce multiple works... Do you get all of them, or one at random?
Small update from a German video:


Haji Huud (Renaissance Prophet)
Christine de Pizan (Medieval Writer) The Book of the City of Ladies, The Treasure of the City of Ladies
Bodhidharma (Unknown era Prophet)
So, Hall of Fame games will not only require 100 map rerolls, but another 100 rerolls to get the perfect boosts with Aryabhata et al. (I guess you could control this to a degree, e.g. if there's only three medieval techs without boost left)
Do we know whether there is always same order in which great people come? I.e. whether specific GS is always the first, and once taken is always replaced by 2nd in row? Or was the opposite already proven by videos?
One final name from quill18 here at 7:29

Great Engineer
Ada Lovelace (Industrial Era): Triggers the Eureka moment for the Computers technology. Lets the city build one more district than the population limit allows.
We also see the Great Prophet slot empty with "All individuals of this type have been earned." I wonder what that means for Great Prophet points after you've gotten one? Hagia Sophia gives them but requires you to have founded a religion, so there must be some use for them.
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