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The Hundred Years' War

Le Sage, I followed your last couple of rounds of advice and finally got it installed. I've played four games of it so far and really enjoyed it. I keep playing the English because English Longbowman is the bomb - cheap to build and, unlike nearly every other archer in Civ, strong on offense because of his bonuses against mounted. English Cav with the right promotions goes head to head even with the 20 percent stronger French Nobles. Genoese Crossbowman is a fearsome adversary as it resists collateral damage; you can sacrifice three or four trebuchets in the city assault and still wonder if you'll lose the man who first attacks Genoese Crossbowman.
JMV And Genghis Dhan: Thank you for your compliments and I am really glad you guys liked it! It makes it all the more worthwhile for me to upload it and create an entirely new ModDB page for it.

This mod has its flaws and to some extent it is quite unfinished. Back in the day when I created it, I really thought it was the best mod ever for Civ 4 though and I was really proud of it and I thought it was fun. Well, it's still a lot of fun, and I'm still proud of it (it's my first mod ever for Civilization), but to my standards as a modder today, I think it seems a tad unfinished. The map needs to be made larger and the tech tree built and many more units added.

Unfortunately that is out of my frame right now. I do plan to make a mod about the Hundred Years' War for Civ5 too, but as for this one, I won't be able and have time to do much. So if anyone's interested in Medieval History and want a mod about the Hundred Years' War to build upon, please be my guest and take over this one! That's a hint to you two who liked it ;)
@ Le Sage

You certainly can be proud of your mod, especially if it was a first attempt as you say, and it certainly is one of the best for Civ 4.
The maps shouln't be made larger, there are still a lot of people that can't upgrade or buy a new computer everyday...
I can understand you plan doing the same for Civ 5, but in my opinion, and as you say yourself it's a tad unfinished, I think it would be better that you polish it up for Civ 4 FIRST : because
1 ) I bet there are still a considerable number of people that play Civ 4 for the reason I gave above....
2 ) Once you have made a polished up final version for Civ 4, it will be all the more easier for you to adapt it to Civ 5 ( IMHO )...

So don't throw the baby with the bath water just because Civ 5 has come on the market, OK ?

Nice to play already, but go to the end of your plans...:)
Unfortunately I don't have the time to do serious updating of this mod. Fairy Tale is my flagship right now and I have just started creating Fairy Tale 2 (for Civ5) and also have a couple of modding projects for Oblivion going, so I unfortunately have to choose where I put my time and energy in.

The Hundred Years' War mod is still up for grabs if anyone wants to learn Civ4 modding and wants to have a nice foundation to build on.
I understand the problem... Once you put a finger in the crankwheel it eats you all...
I love Oblivion too and fallout III but have them on the X Box to "vary the pleasures" as we say...
Yeah! Modding is a big part of my life and it eats a lot of energy too. In a good way, that is. I see computer games as artworks, like books or movies, actually, and in that respect I also think computer games are the ultimate form of entertainment, combining so many elements. I am glad that I get to be a small part in creating these artworks. You see, I am confident that history will see us computer game creators and modders as the avantgarde artists of our time; like van Gogh with expressionism or Renoir with Impressionism.

I've actually never gotten into the Fallout series. I don't know why, but I think it's the Elder Scrolls' Medieval/Fantasy setting that pulls me most. And I've been playing them since Daggerfall back in -96 and Morrowind is still my all-time favourite RPG.
Yes, Modding and computer games are certainly artworks, especially and more obviously on the texture parts of the work.
I don't know if people will see you, computer game creators and modders as the avantgarde artists of our time, as fashions, tastes and art forms change as time pass...
If I take my personnal case ( I know very little about modding and those stuff ) I make a great difference between a contemporary painting, or sculpture, and the level of technical knowledge required by Van Eyk, Canaletto, Rubens, Rodin, and many others of the past centuries, and eventhough it's a question of taste for a great part, I don't believe for one minute, that contemporary artists a more skilled than those of the past centuries. Rather the contrary to my opinion, but again, this is my opinion influenced by my tastes.
For example we can still renovate cathedrals, but do we know the Golden Rule to the extent of those previous masters ? If yes, only very few, I suppose...

As to Fallout 3, I'd say you're really missing something... Different artwork for sure, and some would probably not like it. Not the "green" world of Oblivion for sure...Not the fantasy Middle Age world, but something much darker... ( but fantastic game !! IMHO )
But for the structure, the mechanics of the game, they are a lot alike...
Anyway, as for Fallout III, if you buy it, it is absolutely necessary to buy the "Prima Guide" or else ( Can't remember where I put it )
I also think those 2 games are more easily played with a X BOX controller than with a keybord ( You need to be quick ! )
LOL! Yeah! i went to art school in my green youth and I also have some strong opinions on contemporary art. The crap and utter rubbish my fellow "artists" churned out wouldn't have been worthy of even wiping anyone's behind after a visit to the toilet. so called modern and contemporary art has gone overboard. They use ancient methods to describe a moder society and in doing so they are only trying to be as provocative as possible. That fact also make the artists themselves laughable and pathetic.

When I was at art school I was going to make a "sculpture". I was going to portray a chess board with chess pieces made of different materials and where the inspirarion would have come from fantasy and fairy tales. My teacher told me that this was a bad project, since he didn't consider it art. It wasn't art in the views of real artists. This was fifteen years ago or something. Well, today I have created that chess board (it is called Fairy Tale), and also proven that it IS art, art more important and more useful to the world than any of the crap that those contemporary artists can ever crap out.

We don't get paid for modding. the contemporary artists get paid loads by a sick society that places resources in all the wrong pockets while children are starving in Africa and people are living homeless in cities all over the world, eating out of rubbish bins. We, who dediccate ourselves to the new artform, whether we get paid or not, just because we feel the need to dedicate ourselves, are the real impressionists, we are the real Michelangelos of our times. Those contemporary artists, feeding on society like sickening parasites are nothing but trash that history will forget and who are swimming in resources, sipping fine wine in their fine studios, should get out more and live in the real world where we real, struggling, poor artists live and work.

:lol: Sorry for this rant. I got carried away. But thanks for getting me going!

Yeah. I have thought long and hard about getting into Fallout too, but I'm really caught up with old Oblivion in so may ways still. Maybe I'll go get New Vegas when that comes along. Or is it out yet?
Well, I agree with you on many things.
What you see ( on the TV for instance ) about some people, or so called artists speaking about their Art, to my own opinion, is fully vanity, greed, etc... ( even if not discernable in the first place ..)
And after that they make you a big oral explaining ( that generally nobody understand )
and a demonstration by throwing some blue here, red there, and because they are so infatuated with themselves, they call that art !! They will tell you it means this, or that, but if you look at it, it is the expression of their own psycho miasms... ( excuse me ). Provocation, as you mentionned ? Absolutely
Real knowledge ? No just Hypocrisy and hidden motives behind. Not what used to motivate the true artists from past centuries... ( Even if the guys had to make a living out of it, they were genuine )
This is because of the traits of this ( mercantile only ) society we are in...We are going astray from real values, and not only in Art... Sometimes I say to myself it must have been nice to live in ancient Egypt, with their Spiritual initiation Schools, where you could be initiated, in universal Laws. Who gives a S*** anymore... Well that's what the problem is, and that's why there is such a pessimistic way of life now, because there is "something" that tells us in our soul ( and on the TV, rather more than less, always speaking about apocalypse ) that the "Era of Aquarius" is there. ( And if you understand the value of ancient Astrology [ Not the one from the papers ] that can help ) and big painfull changes are to come. It's a necessity, for the good of everybody. Plus there is the ( seemingly unsolvable ) subject of over population, but I stop here. that would bring it too far. To me this civ is in universal decay. That include Islam as it is, because fanaticism is NOT the answer. I don't even think religion can ever win over mysticism...
I remember one of my friends, when I was young. He hadn't done any Art school, or anything, but he had a very sensitive nature in general. He was always interested in role playing games, and at the time, it was just barely starting with Perso Computers,
and one day he comes at home with a superb chess set. He had not carved the pieces himself, but had made the chessboard, varnished him, had chosen the style of each piece and had lovingly painted them in such details, that was absolutely mindblowing... This was a real artist to me because he had not made any school, but really had inside what's needed for it. But you can have a great sensitiveness inside yourself, for having an intuitive feel on what is truly art, some people like me for example, have sensitiveness, but no talent in expresssing themselves "on the canvass"
The most important is the sensitiveness and the "Gift of God" thing". But then if you have the sensitiveness but no "Gift of God" then you can understand everything, and fully feel to even the extreme, but are unable to play an active part in it.. ( I'm just telling you what I think, I'm not trying to give you a lesson in whatever way it should be dealt with on the personnal point of wiew.)
Yes, the Computer modders and graphic designers I encounter on Forums like this one or Subsim for example are real Artists, because with real Art, there cannot be any incentive with money for them, like with people trying to cure others through the inpersonal self hands therapy ( don't know how they call it, but know the principle ) and they do it whith their heart and souls.
Totally agree with you anyway, and most things we see now in Art is an imposture, or a moral or spiritual fraud...
God Bless !
Matter of taste of course, but for instance :


Had a big poster of the central lower panel once in my previous home, as I am Libra :p

Like the style, why ?? Dunno, may be a previous life. Yes, sorry forgot to say I'm a Christian Heretic :lol:
and don't give a D*** about the "Sub" differences in Christian faith they made afterward to suit themselves...for their peculiar and personal momentary needs or power ambitions.
I know, I know, have to learn to shut my mouth, as we probably are going astray there...
The Download link works for me. Perhaps you're using the wrong address. Here's the Correct One though.

Unfortunately I won't be merging this with RevDCM. I really don't think it's suitable, with all the messy revolutions and new states emerging, and anyhow I don't have the time to update the Hundred Years' War anymore. I am currently actually working on the Hundred Years' War for Civilization 5. You're very much welcome to do your own merge of RevDCM though, but unfortunately I am personally unable to put in the time and energy.
I clicked download file, and it lead me to filefront.com / something...I said download now, and there was an error which stated that the file didn't exist. Little lost here
Happy New Year to all.

I had a problem with your mod, which I described in this thread, but here's a summary:

I've had Civ IV Complete for a few weeks now. I've been playing on a netbook with 1024x600 resolution, and I got around the fact that the game doesn't support that by changing the default resolution to 1310x768 in the .ini file (as described here).

I've played vanilla BTS and the RFC SoI and RevDCM mods without a hitch.

45 minutes ago, I opened BTS and selected the Hundred Years' War mod I DL'd from this very site a few days ago.

The game closed to load the mod, and began to restart. When the load screen had reached 'Init Engine', I got an error message saying the game doesn't support 1024x600 (the same message I got before I tweaked the .ini)

I opened the .ini and saw that the defaults had been restored, so I changed 'em again and opened BTS. Same error message. Tried RevDCM from the desktop, same error. Tried opening a WorldBuilder Save. Same error, even though the .ini says 1310x768...

So then I deleted the HYW mod from C:\....BTS\Mods in case BTS was still trying to load it. Same error message...

I don't have another computer capable of playing Civ IV, so can someone please help me fix this?

The mod should not have made any changes in your game except the .ini file. Try fixing your main .ini back to the way you like it and start a regular game to see if it is fixed. If it is, your install is fine. The mod just behaves in a non-standard fashion. In that case, the best place to ask about it is in the C&C forum under the thread or subforum, whichever it has, for the mod in question.

If your game turns out to be permanently messed up, then the modder did some programming changes that aren't supposed to happen. That seems unlikely but would then necessitate a reinstall and avoiding that mod in the future!

So I was wondering whether you made any major programming changes, or if anyone else has had similar problems.

It's a shame, because I was really looking foward to playing this mod...

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