• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The Mac version is out!


Death to Giant Robots
Feb 20, 2010
Haven't seen a thread on this, apols if I just missed it: The Mac version of Civ V is now out on Steam. If you have bought the PC version, just fire up your Steam client and it should be on the list of games you own on the left side of the window. Installed for me without a problem, runs just as, er, slow as it did on the same machine when I was still dual booting (Windows partition has since been deleted).

2K has done the right thing here offering the OS X version for free with the PC version. Given the price/quality ratio of the game in its current state, and how Valve and Blizzard have gotten people use to getting both versions at the same time, I'm not sure they had a choice.

Now all I need to do is convince my wife I really, really need a Mac Pro ...
Who cares? Mac's suck. :p

These people care. My emphasis:

Apple sold a record 3.472 million Macs in the third quarter, up 33 percent from 2.603 last year, nearly double the 1.734 million Macs sold just four years ago. Laptop sales, bolstered by new MacBook Pros and MacBooks, were 2.468 million, up 41 percent over last year. Desktop sales were 1.004 million, a positive change of 18 percent from last year.

And that was before the new MacBook Air was released. Oh, there is a nice little bar chart go with that at the link. Note the trend. Valve has noted it, Blizzard has noted it, and now, belatedly, 2K has noted it.

But hey, you're just sour because you didn't buy Apple stock five years ago and your Microsoft stock isn't going anywhere: Here is the comparison.
Given the kerfuffle over Civ4 and Steamplay, I'm surprised that Aspyr went along with it this time. Then again...the closer to the PC release you can manage, the more opportunity for full-price purchases and not bargain-bin leftovers. Grats to Aspyr for a fast turnaround, and presumably 2K for architecting the game so that a fast port was possible.

And no need to tell me about the upgrade. Sheesh...I've got an '06 1st gen Intel iMac. It's getting kinda old.
These people care. My emphasis:

And that was before the new MacBook Air was released. Oh, there is a nice little bar chart go with that at the link. Note the trend. Valve has noted it, Blizzard has noted it, and now, belatedly, 2K has noted it.

But hey, you're just sour because you didn't buy Apple stock five years ago and your Microsoft stock isn't going anywhere: Here is the comparison.

Yeah Apple is doing so great! Soon they'll corner the market and pwn everyone. ;)

Only reason Apple stocks do so well is due to latte-drinking yuppy toys. But whatever you say about Apple, Jobs and their products, you have to admit they have the best marketing team in the World. They can convince a whole market segment that their technologically backward steaming POS which was trumped on every major technological breakthrough in the devices by someone else, that they absolutely need to have it, and that's it's the best thing since sliced bread. ;)

More power to 'em I say, but unfortunately it proves that society is stupid. :D
Yeah Apple is doing so great! Soon they'll corner the market and pwn everyone. ;)

Ah, but maybe you should have read the whole paper you linked to. The non-Apple computer builders were only able to increase market share because of "damaging price cuts". And Apple?

Apple has still commanded premium pricing throughout the economic downturn, keeping its profits intact.

The game (for Apple) is not about market share. Who needs to corner the market? It's about profit. Compare GM and BMW. So, yes, Apple is doing just great. And as long as they keep the quality where it is now, I'm perfectly happy to pay those few euros more. Anything not to use a Dell junk laptop like the one I'm forced to cope with at work every day.

Also, more interesting for us here, those numbers include business PC sales, which, and I do have the feeling we have discussed this all before, are completely and utterly irrelevant for computer gaming companies. None of the hundreds of new Dells just installed at my workplace will ever come in danger of having a game installed, though they count towards the numbers you quoted. Just about every Mac sold is to a consumer who possibly, just possibly could be convinced to buy a game.

But we've been through this all before. If you are happy with your PC, fine, more power to you. The nice thing is, from a games perspective, it simply doesn't matter anymore.
But we've been through this all before. If you are happy with your PC, fine, more power to you. The nice thing is, from a games perspective, it simply doesn't matter anymore.

No it doesn't matter anymore, plus there are some areas where a Mac clearly outshines any other format, such as publishing. The ability of a Macbook Air and iPad to completely replace a writer's notepads and scribble journals, is a stroke of genius as far as I'm concerned. Though one area Mac really needs to work on is complex calculations and ability to support major business systems such as Oracle, SAP and Microsoft Servers.

But that is probably not their market goal. :)
Who cares? Mac's suck. :p

Moderator Action: Trolling
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

So when are you going to infract everyone who says "Civ5 sucks"? :mad: Double standards.

And don't bother saying PDMA, I'll infract myself 10 points. How's that? :mischief:
Moderator Action: You know, if you want get infracted, then you can just ask one of the mods, you don't have to tell everyone in public about it.

Public discussion of moderator actions is not allowed in this forum. If you have a problem with any action, then contact the moderator of question or any other to this forum assigned moderator via PM.
They say I am in the wrong region to download the Mac version of CiV since I live in Tbilisi Georgia. Not sure why they would prevent me from buying the damn game, instead of playing a flawed cracked version, but that is how it is. Why are preventing people out of the country from buying it?
The big question, of course, is when some form of Civ V will come out on the iPad. Every time I see Strategic View, it makes me think how great it would be to just touch and swish stuff. Obviously, the processor power is not there; still, we're talking about the people who are thinking of a Civ version for FaceBook. How can this not come?

(BTW, it turns out I was wrong, Mac business sales have taken off, too, plus 66.3 percent. Sorry :)).
Ah and I just bought the game last week!

If I have it on steam can I play it on my Mac too?

I'd really like that.
Ah and I just bought the game last week!

If I have it on steam can I play it on my Mac too?

I'd really like that.

I just downloaded it for free on my OS X partition, was playing in Win7 for the last months.

Although, none of the DLC are there.. so no Babylon, no Mongolia...
Can you tell me how?

Open Steam on the Mac. It should be on the left in your list of games. Click on it and it will ask you if you want to install it. Say "yes".


Then, after a while, you can play. It's basically the same, as far as I can tell, in the good and bad.
I just downloaded it for free on my OS X partition, was playing in Win7 for the last months.

Although, none of the DLC are there.. so no Babylon, no Mongolia...

Even worse, it's actually behind a patch. Say hello to puppets building barracks again!
This is great news. I am so glad I don't have to pay for this garbage twice.
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