The No Point Game of Points


Discord Reigns
Jul 22, 2007
Workwork Workshop
This is a game of points.

Sign up until 5 PM Eastern time tomarrow.

What if I started a quick, simple stated game?

Players start with 5 Points.

They can risk a point to:
50% Chance to get 2 Points. (Action 1)
50% Chance to destroy a rival's point (Action 2 ect)
1/6 Chance to get 6 Action Points
1/6 Chance to destroy 5 Rivals Points.
90% Chance to bank a point.

Goal is to reach 100 points first with at least a 10 point lead.

One orderset per day... Starting now! Post your name and actions with points, updating 12 PM EST ASAP. (for 16 hours time.) Then updating every 5 PM after that. How's that?

You could do it, but it sounds like a Forum Games thing. :)

And so the no point game is on!

To Join, just post you name and what to do with you first points and a power:
Bank Vault: Banking 100% Successful
Raider +20% damage rounded up in all attacks (And get 50% rounded up back to base!)
Treasure-hunter 10% chance a successful point gain doubles

So... mine would be like
Charles-Treasure Hunter
5 Points on Action 1
Saved for states in case more than 20 people join. (BTW, all turns happen at the same time with online dice: Treasure first and Raid attacks later)

Finally, post all orders in thread in bold, under spoilers if needed.

Ozyar-Treasure Hunter
7 Points

7 Points

6 Points

Sprig-Bank Vault
3 Points

New Players 7 POINTS as of 8/18!

CivPlayah-Treasure Hunter
2 Banks Success
3 Small Treasures Yes
No Point Doubles
8 Points

Kolko- Raider
2 Small Treasures no
2 Small Treasures Yes
1 Bank Yes

5 Points

BTW: 1 I use dice online, 2, new players start with 6 points. 3, Orders are due tomarrow 5 PM Eastern Time, 23 hours!
Treasure hunter

All points on action 1
Correction of my earlier Orders:

2 point on Action 3
1 point on Action 2 vs civplayah
1 point on Action 2 vs oyzar
1 point on Action 2 vs sprig

PS: What does banking a point accomplish, and ius this the default action for all unused points?
Shouldnt it be visible somehow that I have banked a point?
Sprig-Bank Vault
2 Small Treasures unsuccessful
1 Small Treasures successful
3 Bank Vault
1 Small Attack by Kulko Successful
3 Points

Ozyar-Treasure Hunter
3 small treasures unsuccessful
3 small treasures successful
1 Treasure doubles
7 Points

1 Big Treasure Successful
1 Big Treasure unsuccessful
1 Small Attack V.S. Civplayah Successful, but no damage
1 Small Attack V.S. Oyzar Successful
1 Small attack v.s. Sprig unsuccessful
6 Points

7 successful Banks
1 unsuccessful bank
1 small attack by Kulko finds no points to raid or destroy
7 Points
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