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The Official Civ4 Ideas Thread

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This sounds like a promising idea, since it is based on a single resource, luxury, etc.

While we are at it, get rid of the small wonder the Iron Works.
It is very rare (on a huge map) that one has both iron and coal within the hexes of a single city, making the Iron Works so rare a possibility so as to add very little to the game. I would guess Iron Works is a possibility in maybe 10% of the games that I play.

Howard Mahler
Agree on that iron works... I've had the opportunity to build it only twice in two years... a couple of times the resources were in a location were corruption was too high to build it... The concept would be great if the resources were in your own territory...

The game does not recognize the improvements in efficiency of transport...
with only roads connecting your resource there should be a recognized "hinterland" that increases in size with improvements in transport.. distance to resource decreases in time with roads and more so with RR.

There should be a time delay with RR for movements... a train does not move troops nor resources across a continent in an eye blink.. conversely corruption should decrease with the ability of troops or police to "control" population centres at a greater distance but with less time as transport improves...

River transportation should also be allowed in speed of transport.
How about letting Civ 4 run in 800x600 resolution(at least as an option)? Besides slowing down the load time for people running in it normally, you would now be able to run Civ on a computer with a small monitor.
Khan Quest's specialized city improvement idea is pretty good, I think. To expand on it a little, possibly in part in a different way, and also make civilizations in general a little more specialized would be also to make Unique Improvements, as well as unique units. Besides stategic & luxury improvements, also, each civ should have specialized ones, especially if they are part of the nation's traits. Things such as an American TV station, increasing commerce an additional 25% or one more happy face in modern era, or for Aztecs have a sacrificial alter to increase culture by sacrificing enemy workers.[things out of the conquests could be useful in the main game, even in a sequel] also, possibly have 'group' small wonders, such as Crusades [creating a knight/crusader in city every five turns, like the current wonder], and a group improvement, such as for in european, feudal contract. which increases shield production by 25% as well as decreases happiness by 1. Those are some examples. Later!
To clarify [since I had to hurry to finish my previous post] Each civilization should also gain a unique improvement. I will tell you now I am not qualified to give suggestions on the individual ones, as my knowledge of history isn't nearly comprehensive enough to do justice. Also, make a new improvement to each culture group, as well as a new small wonder. This would make each group a bit more seperated from each other, even more than before. Also, to refine the previous post from Khan Quest, things such as tobacco, and sugar, etc, could allow the creation of [as the improvement which can be built if in city radius] type of plantation, which creates a treasure type unit every, say, five turns. [again, my inspiration for these things comes from the Conquests. Those things are a treasure trove of ideas!] which when sent to the capital adds money to the treasury, [maybe 100g] as well as possibly ten extra commerce points for that turn. [distributed to each sector as rate is set]. That would work for many of them. As Khan Quest said also, for things like horses and iron etc, units requiring those could decrease cost by 25%. And also, I agree with his ideas for the bonus resources, with an increase [noncorruptable] of commerce/food/production, depending on which one it is.

Also, I have an idea. A new culture group should be included, besides the current five. A kind of Neo European/Neo Western culture group could be created, not only fixing the problem of the U.S. as an American civ, but also giving a good excuse to add several modern American [which are all Neo European] countries. Since these countries are considered Neo European nations in real life, it wouldn't be too far a stretch to add them as a distinct culture group.

Later! And remember provinces!!!
What about civ mergers through marriage until after monarchy is discovered? I wouldn't mind seeing Lincoln and Cleo hook up. :)
Whichever civ is the largest would retain it's outonomy and absorb the other without a war. Picture that..
A new way of playing civ would be created.
You'd have warmongers, politicians, culture kings and now...P.I.M.P's! :lol:
This is not important to the game overall :crazyeye: but I would like to see different types of trees in the palace improvements.

For example, the different wings and floors of the buildings have different types of architectures, so why aren't their trees of different types.

Like actually have asian tees for the asian architecture and middle-eastern trees for the middle-eastern architecture.:egypt:

It is not extremely important to the game but it would be easy to implement since the code for switching architecture is already in place.
This is not important to the game overall but I would like to see different types of trees in the palace improvements.

For example, the different wings and floors of the buildings have different types of architectures, so why aren't their trees of different types.

I think the best palace improvement system was in original Civ - I liked being able to change my mind about styles partway through and also make this HUGE castle with manymany turrets! I'd like to see a return to this method and maybe with a couple more styles added (possibility to change roofing colours and flags and such?)
I would like to put a ship on patrol route ..
Automatically send units to an assembly area after they have been built in a different city..
Allow workers to irrigate and build roads only or clear forest and build roads etc before moving on..
I would like to sort cities on the Domestic advisor screen alphabetically, or by production type
I would like units to stop and wait for orders when meeting enemy or barbarian units on my roads rather than going off the road around them while filling movement orders..:egypt:
The ability to set up civil engineering plans in advance.

For instance, you could be able to draw up a road or railroad on the map, set up priorities, then let the automated workers do the construction job.

It's the perfect mix between the CTP public works concept and the Civ automated tasks.
I would like to see a streamlining of the unit types. For example, do we really need two different types of subs? Also, I think the diplomacy options should be greatly increased, the system at present is just two simple. I want to be able to be really devious and do things like setting up client states to fight proxy wars for me.

Your government type should determine who you can set up an alliance with. For example, a penalty should be awarded to a democratic nation if it wants to enter an alliance with a communist nation. (population unhappines)?

Finally, the combat model should be overhauled. Supply to units in the field should be made to be a consideration and change the map to hex based.
Make the game run on older systems also (VERY OFTEN left out feature)
This is just a minor thing, should be easy to implement.
I would like to see the names of countries and their citizens change over time. It is a bit odd to have a modern-age Sumeria, or an ancient age America, IMO. What would happen could be as simple as this: for each era, a civilization could have a different name. For example, for ancient and medieval times Persia could be called Persia, but then change to Iran (and its citizen names/adjectives/etc. change accordingly) once it has researched its first tech of the industrial era. Of course, in the real world, Persia became Iran in the 1930's, which is around the middle of the industrial era in Civ III. So maybe, you could say that a civ will change names once it has researched x techs from a specific era.

I wouldn't mind a whole lot if this wasn't included, but it would be nice to see.
conquer the world militeristically (note: i dont no if this idea has been said)i thought it would be fun when after you've completely conquerd an enemy and took his towns you had a choice weither to take the other nations towns and citys under your wing and control them as you uselly do.or you had the option to set up a 'puppet regime' in that nation and that nations comes completely loyal to do. that menas you dont control the towns and control its production the puppet regime does it for you.so its kinda like a locked allience except that you share new techs between you EG. if you research a new tech. then your puppet regime nation also get that tech vice versa if the puppet regime doe's. also you share resources so whatever resources you havethe puppet regime does also there like there own nation but u can control who your puppet regime goes to war with and you dont have to get involved would be a nice add aswell if you can give units to other nations say give control of these units to your ally's so its a new way of funding your allys to fight agaisnt your enemy;s without you getting involved in the war itself. would also apply to your puppet nation. give him units ect to fight his war's but of course if you go to war your puppet regime follow's

i thought that would be a nice touch as when i completely conquer a nation on another continant's there citys are in civil disorder and a state and they take ages to build anything they are basically like brand new city's. and you have to spread your forces over the continant to defend it all. but of course with this puppet regime. the citys are like normal with production and such and build units and improvements like they did before you attacked them. andi also like the giving units to other nations idea as it would add a more political element to the game funding other nations with arms ect just like america gave weapons to iraq to fight iran :D

would also set up the possibility of civil war's betwen the 2 nation's.

so the benefits of setting up a puppet regime could be

-your puppet regime researchesa tech while you do a diffrent tech. so you can get techs twice as fast

-you can get your puppet regime to fight your wars for you while you sit back

-also you could get a choose to take one of your puppet regimes triat's. so EG. if your Agricutural/Religious, and your puppet regime was Industrial/Militerictic. you can choose one of those two traits to take. so you then would become Agricultural/Religious/Industrial Or Militeristic. and you would then aquire all of that triats bonuses.but your puppet regime still stays Industrial/Militeristic ect.

just a few idea's.

Edit- only thing i couldnt think of is when this should be allowed maybe after nationalism. but if you could also do this from the ancient time when you set up a puppet regime and they become loyal. you could also be able to build there Unique Unit.
I am not sure it has been said that it is possible at all, but anyways, I d like to see the ability to tweak AI, almost teach them. Just imagined competitions between AIs created by different groups of programmers...
Here are a couple of them that are just cosmetic and don't affect the game play but could be added to CIV4.

1) Have random pictures on the opening page. And have the ability to add different startup pics into the rotation or select one to stick with.

2) Have the ability to customize in game the advisor screens. Change colors and patterns and again have the ability to load pics to be used in the advisor screen borders and such.

Internet Explorer had something like this a few years ago and I never used it but I see over in the creation and customization forums a few people have supplied different startup pics and different advisor screens. I think it is something minor enough that could be added and it obvious will not affect the way the AI plays the game.
doesn't anyone else find the cute, sunday morning cartoon styling of civ 3 a touch repulsive? you're taking on empires, and yet your enemies look like teletubies in disguise.

both civ 2 and civ 1 had an authentic charm a sort of generosity which gave enough to the imagination to create plausible alternative worlds, civilisation 3's attempts to make worlds more "real" betrays a cultural stereotyping which is just a pick and mix of idiosyncracies. in one way the mechanics of the game, in fact of games in general, force this mechanical cultural point system but on the other hand i never had this problem with civ 2 and civ 1.

why just make stereotypes? each civilisation's culture should surely be born out of the history you create whilst playing the game, a landscape of psycho-geography, culture is not accrued in a materialistic sense of "cultural buldings" each unit of which grants a superiority over others, why can't a culture of barracks be created for aggresive civilisations which war often? or a culture of bankers who gain bureaucratic benefits given the unholy levels of taxation?

again the problem of stereotyping in games is ubiquitous, the increasing recognition of games as part of our culture only speaks of our current cultural poverty and not the raising of the gaming bar which stood more of a chance when reality was abstracted to the level of civ 1. although civ 3 is fine, it hasn't improved over civ 2, it makes some token moves to acknowledge the fact that time has passed and new features or graphics must be provided (from a financial point of view to encourage sales if nothing else) but, to be frank, they're ****. to put it another way, the mechanics of the civ series were expanded horizontally rather than vertically.

you could argue that i'm reading too much into the older civ games, that the designers never intended these sorts of attachments and civ 3 is the true image of their intentions, but that is precisely the beauty of the civilisation series, that you really did create a culture and an empire, however sparse, in a loose collection of colours and numbers, labourers and aqueducts, set amongst notional mountain heights and shore lengths. that is the cultural reality that should be investigated and not different "culture" graphics.

civ 2 rocks

i remember a lot of hope, when civ 3 was being developed, on the apolyton forums and the bitter disappointments when it came out (not least because it was so damned slow!) and i have a feeling this little rant is falling on deaf ears. part of the problem as i recall was the shere ambition of the requests, but i forget them now and only remember that they seemed to go in the right direction. i think a revisiting of that apolyton list would be incredibly useful. i've talked at length and i might not have been clear enough...

1. more abstraction, ikaruga for the game cube offers more scope for imagination than civ 3

2. the disneyfication of civ 3 is horrible. please, stop.

3. culture system doesn't need to be "added on" there is plenty of material to work with for creating a culture out of the siting of a civlisation, for creating a religion and government tailored to the resources found and the things built, the consideration of the seasonal/economic/political/religious cycles modified therein. as time progresses technology/politics/morality will determine whether the civilisation cares about the weather, the environment etc.

4. in general make the game more open ended. work back against the idea of "the diplomatic" vicotyr or "the military" victory, and towards the progression of time and subsequent cultivation of a culture/civilisation.

the game works because of the abstraction of reality and the depth of the layers, in civ 3 the series took a step sideways and not in a direction i enjoyed. i imagine the ideas i've put forward are pretty far fetched but i hope they'll provoke thought about how we can add other layers to the game rather than how we can increase micromanagement.

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