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The Official Update and Story Help Thread


Never mind...
Jan 7, 2003
When it comes to writing updates and stories, many NESers suffer from not knowing what to do, where to go next, or simply having the confidence to fully trust in their own writing abilities. In this thread, you can request to have a neutral third party read a rough draft of your update or story as well as discuss the different methods for producing successful updates in general.

The hope is that by giving NES moderators an outlet where they can have their work edited and critiqued before it is made public, the number of updates and speed with which they are produced will increase. As was recently revealed by EQandCivfanatics in his thread NESing by the Numbers, most NESes fail before their fifth update. If this thread can help to move this to even a slightly higher number, I think it can be judged a success.

Rules for Requesting a Critique:
1) Do not post updates in the thread! This thread is for filing requests to have your update critiqued and edited as well as for making arrangements to privately send the copy of the update to whoever has agreed to critique and/or edit it for you.

2) You may request for past updates that have already been posted to be critiqued. However, in order to cut down on clutter, please only post the link to the update's location, rather than update itself.

3) If you have a rough draft of a story that you want critiqued and posting it won't compromise the NES it was written for in anyway, you may post that directly in the thread. Please use spoiler tags.

4) Please be clear about what NES your update is for and try to include a little bit about what you want from those who are going to read it. If you can, try to post exactly what problems you are having with writing your update.

5) Please try to be polite and thankful for the feedback you receive. You might not always like what you hear, but remember that people are simply trying to help you. If you feel that someone is using the the chance to critique your update as an excuse to engage in trolling, do not argue about it in the thread. Report it to a moderator privately.

Rules for Critics and Editors:

1) Do not offer to critique or edit an update unless you are completely neutral to the outcome of its respective NES.

2) By agreeing to edit or critique someone's update, you are making a promise to keep all of the content that you read entirely to yourself. Openly discussing what you have read during your critique with anyone is forbidden unless you are given explicit permission to do so by the writer of the update.

3) Do not critique the works of another NESer without first having their permission. A writer has a right to deny anyone the option to read their update. If your offer to do a critique is rejected, do not take it personally.

4) Purposefully leaking information that you have obtained from an unposted update will result in being barred from ever engaging in critique via this thread again.

5) Please be courteous and polite when giving critiques. Using your position as an editor or critic to troll someone's writing ability is unacceptable behavior. Your critiques should focus on telling the person how to improve their work, not just giving a list of mistakes.

If I have forgotten something, or there is something you wish to see added to the rules please let me know.

Moderator Action: Good guidelines. Be helpful; be kind in your critique.

Current Outstanding Requests:
Terrance888: TerraNES Updates
Nuclear Kid: NukeNES Updates
This would have been useful about a month ago when I first endeavored to update GamezNES. :p
Great. I would ask help for updating, it it was 11/13/12.

As it is, I would ask for critique, serious critque, on my update style. I feel that I haven't been efficient with updating, that the quality was spotty, and that sometimes the logic sounds off, but I haven't been able to pinpoint it. Recently, I started proofing my updates 3 times instead of two, so that might have helped.

Bonded Titles are my updates. Can anyone help me with some critique and advice? Thanks!
I would definitely be interested if someone wanted to help improve NukeNes updates :D
Subscription post, just in case I ever need help, or ever think I can give it. Great thread idea! :goodjob:
I am definitely looking for someone to proofread NukeNes on Saturdays usually, if they're interested let me know :)
I've been planning to read your NES for awhile Terrance. I'll PM you if I notice anything about the quality or anything else. Give me a week or two. :)
Useful thread is useful. :goodjob:
Bumping so we don't forget this. :)
Should any of the receivers of the critiquing wish to, they could post what they learned from their experience here, yes? Possibly even the critique itself.
I help promote this I'll be asking for critiques and whatnot for NutraNESIV.6 Update 2 when (if) the players get in their orders.
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