The Old Empires

What do you think of this scenario

  • Incredible!

    Votes: 55 45.1%
  • Great

    Votes: 33 27.0%
  • Ok

    Votes: 16 13.1%
  • Bad

    Votes: 18 14.8%

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Its good, Belgium looks fun but Im glad Britian isnt a unbeatable superpower anymore. Im looking to turn the tide with the German Reich, very fun stuff
GAH! I have given up like three scenarios latley because other people started to make ones just like it. This one is by far the closest to mine, I even used the same map....I am gonna finish mine though this time...I am too close to being done..Yours is great btw...maine diffrence between mine and yours is there is mine has no USA...just wanted to make sure that you know mine's not a copy when I finish it....however I have to say I copied the Byzantines having Italy off them their owne civ was causing some problems....
Using a larger map for a scenario like this would be crazy. My scenario was first done on a large map but I downgraded Marla's about five months ago because I quickly ran out of room for cities and it was just too massive. I also like Marla's better anyhow, it's the best map out there.

This scenario is great. My two favorite scenarios of all-time are Azales "Of Incas and Aztecs" and yours. I have been working on my scenario "Native Powers 1900" for about six months and I do feel bad in some ways if I released it. First off it's too darn similar to your guys's. It has the Aztecs, Incans as well as all the other civilizations. However I'm still going to release it because it has the Sequoyan Republic, Inuit Confederation, Khanatia, Mali, Congo, and has a lot of other differences as well.

Keep up the good work.. BTW are you working on any other scenarios? Cheers :goodjob:
Ive got a WW1 scenario coming for conquests, Ive got the map set up almost for that, and It should be done around December. Ill be sure to figure out custom units by then and I have assembled a massive amount of custom units via a request thread and I think it will be pretty good. And BTW, I could care less if the scenario is near the same topic, so long as it is a bit different. When yours is done ill be sure to check it out :)
They're difficult to play because a lot of civs surrounding them are way strong. Keep the Keshik's as they are.. it's perfect. Without the Keshik's being as powerful as they are the Mongols are basically useless.
going to download this one, Sarevok, I should hav eknown deep down you were a Byzantine supporter :goodjob:

Mongols + French + Russians + Portuguese


Ottomans + British + Germans + Belgians


Spanish + Byzantines + Dutch + Scandinavian

It was crazy!

First off I had a Mutual Protection act with the Russians and Portuguese.

The Ottomans and Germans had a M.P as well.

So I ended up getting Russia and I against war against the Ottomans and Germans. Then we attacked the Scandinavians who were allied with the Dutch. And before I knew it we were all at war. I had to attack the British and the Byzantines to add them.

Poor me, I got crushed!

The British and Germans ended up winning. The Dutch, Belgians, Portuguese, Scandinavians, and Ottomons were wiped out.

Spain, Byzantines, and I only survived because of possessions of islands and territories far from home.. via Canada for me.
ouch, but you shouldve known that going against the two worldpowers wont bring about good results :lol:
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