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The Old Empires

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@Sarevok: You could use a saved-game editor to set the diplomacy, I think. Let me check and I'll get back to you. Thanks for the saves. And I was just able to load a game (started the scenario, cooked and ate dinner, and it was ready when I got back ;) ) and it looks great. :)
Thanks, but I found a bit of a bug that I dont really nkow how 2 fix. :(

The bug is that every country in the same exact government as the byzantines, the 'Roman Monarchy'. Im not an editor genius, so Im not paticuarly sure what I need to do. I had tried to find a way to prevent the nations frm switching governments, but I think thats whats doing this. If someone can look in the editor and find out why it does that, then I would fell a bit better and if alterations need to be made to make it, then ill put it in V 1.1.
well the thing I hate most about Civ3 and the same reason why you have the gov't problem is because the game chooses the best government that the civ can have.. So.. if you can make it civ-specific or tech-specific.. or just make a better gov't.
Originally posted by Sarevok
how do I make it civ- specific?

Add a tech and assign it to ERA_None. It's important that you don't make this tech. a prerequisite for any other tech in the tech tree otherwise the era_none tech will be researchable.

Next step is to assign your chosen govnt. to the era_none tech.

Finally, make the tech a starting tech for those civs that you want.

I think that works but I haven't tried it personally. I'm pretty sure era none techs can't be traded / researched if you set them up in the above manner. Procifica's American Civil War Scenario does it so you may want to ask him if it works.

Oh, and it sounds like an interesting scenario. As it's a what-if have the Byzantines progressed their "Greek Fire" technology at all? Or, has the secret of Greek Fire spread to other civs?
I have some city placement corrections and suggestions for you.

Dublin should be renamed Belfast. Then you should place Dublin at (119:47).

Ndjamena.. a very important African city which is in present-day Chad should be placed at (138:98) and given to the British.

Fashoda (194:44) should be renamed Khartoum.. and the first Khartoum (144:46) should be renamed to Atbara. Ondurman should either be deleted or moved to (145:91) or (144:90).

I believe Anchorage, the largest city in Alaska, should be placed at (22:34) and given to the U.S.

Halifax, a big city in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia (correct me if I'm wrong) should be placed at (80:56).

Purhaps Islamabad, Pakistan at (177:77)?

Sydney, Australia should be moved down to (229:157).

Australia needs to atleast include the cities of Adelaide (222:158), Albany (210:158), Brisbane (231:151), Darwin (216, 130), Perth (205, 155), Canaravon (204:146), and Cairns (226:138). Canberra should be lowered as well but I don't know where to exactly.

Port Moresby, a large and important city in Papua New Guinea should be placed at (227:127) or (228:128).

Manila should be placed at (208:96).. it's correct spot.

Manaus, Brazil should be put at (78:116), and Puerto Velho should be put (78:124). Oh, and Cuiba at (84:128).

Port-of-Spain may be put at (81:99), and Georgetown, Guyana at (82:106). Be sure to make Georgetown British occupied.

It would also help a whole lot if Panama City/Canal is put on the map.. it would make travel much much easier once you took the city.. (something I always make a priority when I play world maps).

Punta Arenas, Chile should be put at (71:179).

I also believe the correct name of Batayia (200:122) is Batavia.

Sorry if this list is rather long but I think it would make the game much better because it adds important cities to where you don't have any. It also makes accurate corrections. If these corrections aren't accurate somebody please tell me I'm wrong.

I used the coordinates from the map of my Native Powers 1900 scenario which was planned to be released last June but I never got to finishing it because of moving and I ended up restarting it, (and now I'm waiting for Conquest to finish it up). I have used up all summer finding the exact correct locations of all my cities.. which is only 4 below the max allowed. So it should be extremely accurate.

Well, there you go.. just use all this for your Conquest's release or perhaps even another PTW one?
please post 1.1!! Im having tons of fun playing as the Byzantines, but I want to try Belgium or even Canada
I still got alot of stuff to add for 1.1, especially after that last post up there. I was also thinking of adding ANZAC (Australia, New Zealand)

And youre aware that Belgium wouldnt be too strong right? (I did add a fortress to belgiums territory to basically be the Liege fortress BTW.)
Hey um.. shouldn't Ulaan Bator be on the map? It's the current day capital of Mongolia and it should atleast be a city of the Mongol Empire.. it would be placed at (199:57).

Perhaps another city to Denmark/Norway/Sweden. You can chose. Also add a city to the Yucatan Penninsula.

There ya go. Perhaps you should add some new industrial/modern age UU's for every civ or atleast a few of them.
sounds interesting. when conquest comes out ill download the new version. nice idea, u just need conquests to implement it
post it without the units first, im not a whiz at adding them myself :p
If you're making UU's you should just replace the current UU for the civ with a new one. Like what I'm doing in my Native Powers 1900.. I switched the Samurai to the Zero, the Jaguar Warrior to the Jaguar Rifleman, and Man-O-War to the Anzac.

So if you want to create a UU for the Byzantine Emp. just replace the Legionary or Hoplite, whichever one which is the UU for them, to whatever. If you're just adding units.. then look at the Civpedia and the PediaIcon and just learn from that. I'm no genious at the editor myself.. but I'm trying to learn by observing other scenario creations.

Good luck, I can't wait.
So... this is that damned map you have been working on all this time and its finally finished. I like it quite a bit, Im boing to try 1.1 now. You got another project coming right?
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