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the oobs 2nd pitboss game, 18 players

I've played games with oob before and he can vouch for my honesty in game playing.

Yeah I haven't had any honesty problems with Brizza in either game. Let this be a lesson to everyone: wait to hear the other side of the story before you start throwing accusations around.
The problem with Mutineer's accusation, in my opinion, is that there is no way for us to tell our scouts not to scout a particular person's land. If brizza had his scout on auto, then it's not nesicarily true that he did this on purpose. It would be simple for him to just be the person who went last, and then the game auto matically moved his scout again as soon as the turn flipped... there would be no way for Brizza to stop that.

To demand recompence for it is unfair and unreasonable. In fact, requesting to have open borders, with no scouting is unreasonable itself, that's why I wasn't dealing with mutineer. You can't eat your cake and keep it too...
I don't think anyone noticed (so I won't bother sending an email about it) but the connection to the server's been down for a few hours, it's back up now, but I make no guarantees about the next several hours, as I'm about to go to bed.
Yeah sorry about that my connection went crappy while I was asleep, anyway you guys have taken your turns now so no problem. I've sent out an email regarding a relaxation of my policy on reload requests.

Dr Strangelove (our new player... not sure if he'll use that name this time) couldn't log in this morning because of the same problem, so he'll log in when he gets home from work tonight (about 7-8 hours from now), in the mean time the AI will continue to run Germany.
CB Droege said:
I noticed. I'll try again now.

My bad... well remember that if you want to be notified when the connection is back up, you need to post on this thread or email me when you're unable to connect, if no one does so I assume no one tried to connect and thus don't bother telling anyone.

That said if I know the connection has been down for an extended period of time I am quite likely to at least post here saying when it's up, but I make no guarantees on this. I would encourage everyone to subscribe for email notification when there's a new post on this thread, but it's not required since all important messages from me go through email.
ok cool.

By the way, when you say "'transfering game data' step is starting to get really long", this may be because my internet speed is capped at the moment, which you can all expect to happen for a few days each month (long story). The fact that we're playing on a huge map probably isn't helping either.

If anyone has any suggestions about how I might speed the transfer up I'm all ears. I'll say now that I have capped the upload rate at 10kB/sec (my maximum is about 16), because if I don't cap it I seem to lose my connection to Trillian when someone connects to the game. I think I'll raise this to 14 and see how it goes.

Does anyone here know roughly how much data is being transferred when someone connects to the game?
Hmmm ok if someone wants to time how long it takes to get the save file (not the whole loading process mind you, just the transfer) that would be appreciated... if your maximum download is higher than the amount of upstream I've allocated for pitboss (14kB/s) then it should take approximately 26 seconds.
Civ crashed before I could finish my turn, and I can't get it started again (probably need a reboot). So if I miss my turn, that's why.
ok everyone check the email I just sent... server will hopefully be up in a few hours, just want to make sure my connection remains stable, I think I've solved the problem I had.

Oob sent a message out letting everyone know that the game was down until further notice

Nice to know at least one person is reading the email :p
How much time is going to be left on the timer? I probably won't be able to play until tomorrow night (about 22 hours from now) unless it goes back up in the next hour.
Server's back up, there's about 18 and a half hours left on the timer.

Hopefully the line filter has been what's causing all these problems and everything will magically work now, and gumdrops will fall from the sky...
I stayed up to make sure I could play my turn and...it's not working. (Did you remember to start the DNS this time?)
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