• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

the oobs 2nd pitboss game, 18 players

There it goes again - I forgot to press enter on my turn, so I went back in and tried to connect again. But Civ crashed while I was trying to connect, and now I can't even get to the title screen. I might miss a couple of turns while I find time to reinstall (again).
Xerol said:
There it goes again - I forgot to press enter on my turn, so I went back in and tried to connect again. But Civ crashed while I was trying to connect, and now I can't even get to the title screen. I might miss a couple of turns while I find time to reinstall (again).

Okie doke.
We're currently undergoing renovations of the western border, but need to wait for Washington to take his turn (so as not to double-turn). I'll wait another 4 hours, but I need to get to sleep early tonight.
Remember that you only need to wait a maximum of 12 hours (by the game clock) before taking your turn in such situations. I would suggest you make arrangements with Crazy Joe (Warshington) about who will take their turn at what time.
The treacherous Spanish strike again... They made the mistake once of trying to attack through the jungles towards the American heartland... Will this time be the same folly?
Since he lives near me, I'm going to lend Dr Strangelove my Civ 4 capable laptop while he gets his computer sorted. So he should be able to start taking his turns again either next turn or the turn after that.
Dr.Strangelove: I had to take my turn "before" you did. But civstats showed that you logged in twice before me, each lasting rather long. I donnu how come you still havn't your turn, yet I see that you moved quite a bit already. In addition, there is less than 12 hours timer left and I won't return home till 15-16 hours later (got a party).
Sorry on the earlier not taking turn thing, login twice to move units 1st time and forgot to end turn, second time moved the garrison units from cities, and forgot to end turn so decided to let the time expire.
Hey, Warshington don't forgot to gift me the 3 southern cities as part of the deal, cheers ^_^
Who is Fuse and who's Civ is he playing and why were the players not informed. I too have made deals involving Washington's three southern cities and they cannot be shared by two Civ's. If Fuse has taken over from Dr.Stangelove and I was not informed of this change I am going to be P$%#ed off. Germany must be under no illusion to think that I will not go to war.
Who is Fuse and who's Civ is he playing and why were the players not informed. I too have made deals involving Washington's three southern cities and they cannot be shared by two Civ's. If Fuse has taken over from Dr.Stangelove and I was not informed of this change I am going to be P$%#ed off. Germany must be under no illusion to think that I will not go to war.

Relax, they're the same person.

Fuse == Dr Strangelove == Alex
I won't relax!!!!!
Germany if you take the the 3 Cities (as Chamberlain said ) a state of war will exist between us.
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