The second rise of the Ottomans


Starfleet Admiral
Jan 15, 2002
Bleckede,Northern Germany
Constantinople,July 16th 1890


Sultan Mehmet III walked through the halls of the High Gate in Constantinople,the palace of the Ottoman rulers.So many great rulers like Suleyman the Splendid or Mehmet II had lived and ruled here,when the Ottomans were feared all over the world and their soldiers marched through Cairo,Baghdad,Mecca,Belgrade,Athens,Budapest and almost Vienna.But then,a long decline had begun in the 17th century and more and more territories had fallen to the European imperialists-North Africa,Hungary,Greece,Romania,Bulgaria,Serbia,Albania and only 18 years ago Baghdad had fallen to the new German Empire,ambushing the outdated Ottomans with the newest weapons and forcing them to a humiliating peace.
Following this defeat the old Sultan had been overthrown by Mehmets father,Isnogud. Isnogud was a great man and for the first time in 200 years he had gained new land for the Ottomans.For the last time,the Janitschars were succesful;Persia had been defeated,as well as the Central Asian nomads like Tajiks or Kazachs and even the warring Afghans,whom had resisted the British empire successfully,had been subjugated,at least partly.But now Isnogud was dead and Mehmet had to rule a once again shaking empire.
Afghan,Arabian and Persian rebels were plaging the lands,attacking convoys,outposts,patrols and breaking trade routes to the new eastern lands.Mehmet knew,only with European technology,tactics and thoughts the Ottoman Empire could survive these dangerous times as the last nation honouring Allah's words.


58 km east of Ankara,May 3rd 1893

Mehmet smiled when he overlooked the fertile valley before him.In the dawn,he could see hundreds of men working on the new railroad Constantinople-Ankara-Mosul.This railroad was the first in the Turkish lands,but many more would follow.Things were going well for the Empire.Mehmet was a man of Great faith and some even said he was a new prophet.He had managed to end the Persian,Arabian and Afghan resistance by convincing them all Muslims had to stand together to remain independent from Christian oppression like in Egypt,Malaya or India.
Of course,there had been rebels who refused to lay down weapons,but they were no more.Mehmet had build new barracks around the country,reorganized the military command structure and education after European model and introduced new techniques into the Ottoman military.Already thousands of Riflemen and cavalrists were protecting the Empire and it became more with everyday.
But Mehmet not only was a great administrator and a military genius,but also a skilled diplomat.He had been able to establish embassies in all important countries of the world and some rulers even liked him so much,that they had signed Defensive pacts with him,most notably King Emmanuele of Italy.By the Italians and the British,who did not want his land to fall to the Russians or Austrians,he had also acquired new technologies,which had not only allowed them to build the railroads laying before him,but also riflemen or ironclads.Soon,the first Ironclads would leave the shipyards and once again restore the glory of the Ottoman navy,lost in Lepanto in 1571.But the price for all of it,was the complete ruin of the Ottoman treasury.This became even worse,as had to import resources like Iron or coal,needed for these new modern weapons.His only hope was one of his augurs,who had told him a strange black liquour found in the Arabian desert would someday get very valuable.
For the moment,he had seen enough.He changed his horse and together with the Imperial guard he rode back to his residence in Ankara,where new work waited for him.


This story is based on the scenario "The world 1850-1900" by _Impreza_
:goodjob: Very nice. :D
Baghdad,October 19th 1893

The people in the streets were still cheering while fireworks exploded over their heads.Mehmet looked out of the magnificient windows of the old Caliphs palace and smiled.His plan had worked perfectly:new universities,mosques,theaters had been build all over the country,especially in the areas bordering the Two River Valley.The people of Baghdad and surrounding villages had seen the new strength and glory of the new Ottoman era and finally they decided to act.
They threw out the German governor and his large garrison;though there had been modern infanterists under the Germans,in a bloody street battle the locals in the end triumphed and the Germans could not afford to send more soldiers as tensions were heightening once more in Europe.Ottoman troops only waited till the last German was killed or expulsed and then marched in and they were celebrated as representatives of Allah's empire on Earth.
Furthermore,Mehmet had word of the first Ottoman Ironclad,the O.N.S. Suleyman leaving the shipyard and making its first trips along the Black Sea coast.The new design had proven itself and soon a whole fleet of ironclads would be to his disposal,countering or even out-classing the Russian navy in the Black Sea.
The citizens of Baghdad had already begun enjoying the new luxuries of the Ottoman Empire,imported or not:Arabian incense,Anatolian wine,Danish furs,Chinese silks and British ivory.
Nevertheless the Sultans treasury still was almost empty and there was a long way to go before Turkey would once again be under the richest nations of the world.To pursue this aim,he had ordered a new secret building in Constantinople,which would be finished soon.


Thanks,lmsw. :cool:
Constantinople,February 11th 1894

The room was filled with thousands of voices in many different languages,all shouting around and awaiting the next development eagerly.Mehmets plan had worked. The new Constantinople Stock exchange [read:Wall Street] was in action now for 2 1/2 months and it was on the way to one of the most important on the globe,as many merchants and businessmen had seen the possibility in a still undeveloped,but fast developing and Ottoman market.He had made it a precondition for Western companies to be noted on the CSE for doing business in his Empire,so many western companies like Krupp,HSBC or Standard Oil were already present here and it became more with everyday.

Mehmet and his advisors had also developed a totally new approach to scientific progress:instead of waiting ages for the Ottoman scientists,he had cut down the science budget enormously and used the saved money to buy technologies from the British for a very good price.This was faster and only with western technology he'd be able to modernize the economy and possibly to gain more land once more.
But in Europe things became more and more difficult:A massive uprising had occurred in the Northern Italian provinces,led by a man called Umberto Bossi who seeked to separate the rich north from the extremely poor south.Of course the Central government in Rome hadn't accepted this,so Bossi made a deal with Emperor Franz-Josef of Austria and made and made his Padania an Austrian protectorate.There were rumours of massive money transfers from Vienna to Turin before the rebellion,but they were not proven yet.Nevertheless tensions between Austria-Hungary and Italy grew and possibly to frighten him a large Austrian army was operating in the border regions.
23km north of Babylon,November 17th 1894

Mehmet paused in studying the papers for a moment and looked out of the window where the landscape-mostly desert-passed over rapidly.This was the virgin voyage of this train and it was on its way to Babylon.One could now travel from Constantinople via Ankara via Mosul either to Baghdad or to the ruins of Babylon.He had decided for Babylon,center of a culture gone down 2500 years ago.He had allowed western archeologists to begin their work in Babylon and with them came many tourists from Europe and America,searching for an adventure in the "wild Kurdistan".

The railroad workers were meanwhile expanding the network to the south through the Arabian desert till Sana'a and to the East till Isfahan and Teheran.Teheran would become a very important city soon:with new knowledge from Britain they had begun replacing the little manufacturies with new,western-type factories producing all the goods an emerging industrial nation needed,steel,machines,pharmaceutica or railway parts and very
soon the first of these many factories would be opened up in Teheran.
In the same time,his commanding Admiral Erdogan had developed a new,old strategy to hit the Austro-Hungarians;they had revived the old privateer concept and these ships had brought down several Austrian trade ships and even a Frigate before they were sunk by a French ironclad.Also new Ironclads were leaving the shipyards monthly to build up a navy countering the Russian and Austro-Hungarian.

So things were going well,when a personal assistant came in and gave him a message received via letter dove.He opened the paper roll and was shocked when he read it:The Empires of Great Britain and Russia had signed a defensive pact.This meant a totally new geopolitical situation;before Russia and Britain had always quarreled about influence in China,Japan,India,the Caucasus and,yes,he had to admit it,the too weak Ottoman Empire.But if they now agreed about their respective spheres of influence and their interests,this could ultimately lead to the fall of his empire.Mehmet realized things would not get that easy as he had thought.


thanks Ancient Grudge and heine :)
I don't knew before that you was so good at stories;)
This is good!:goodjob:
Constantinople,July 3rd 1895

Mehmet was glad to be back in his palace again,just having returned from a 6-months-world trip.After hearing the news about the Russo-British agreement,he had decided it were time for a goodwill journey around the globe.Starting in Constantinople via railroad to Moscow,Vienna,Rome,Paris,Berlin,
Madrid,Lisbon,Copenhagen,London.Then with the Imperial Yacht to Washington,with the train to Mexico-City,again with the Yacht to Rio de Janeiro,Buenos Aires,around Kap Hoorn to Tokyo,Beijing and finally back to Constantinople.
A few years ago,his voyage would have been way less succesful,but now he had something to sell:the black liquour called 'oil'.In the past months British specialists had drilled for oil in the Arabian desert and had found incredible numbers of oil.They almost outnumbered the American,Russian,British or French sources and,more importantly,many powerful nations like Germany,Spain or Japan didn't even have this new resource to their disposal.

During the six-month journey,he had signed several trade deals:Arabian horses were delivered to Argentina,Mexico,Portugal and Italy so these nations were able to build up elite cavalry forces.And,more importantly,Ottoman oil was shipped to Germany for a constant flow in of Reichsmark.
On his global journey,accompanied by some spies and scientists,he had also learned something which had convinced him of the success of his work so far:when he had offered oil to Austria-Hungary and Portugal,they had to admit they had absolutely no use for it,they even did not really knew about this new precious resource.Therefore and together with other reports his scientists had confirmed,that the Ottoman Empire was now not only ahead of Latin American or East Asian nations,but also two European ones and even more good new,ahead of the Ottoman arch-enemy Austria-Hungary.Very secretly he had already ordered his Generals to develop some strategies for a possible attack against the Austrian Balkans.

But when he a few hours later got the latest budget reports,he couldn't help start screaming out.Obviously the reports of the last years had been a big fake,not only in terms of money,but also in terms of production.The money he had had to spend the past years was only brought in by clever rewriting of budget plans and false credits and many projects were far from being finished.But now these criminal methods had been discovered and instead of a surplus there was in reality a large budget deficit,especially owing to the Payments to Queen Victoria.Soon he'd not have enough money to pay all his new troops;something had to be done [a golden age has ended,which started in the very first turn,and this has really brought me into trouble].


Thanks for the nice comments everybody.Was a bit busy the last days.
Awesome story. Keep it coming.:D
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