• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

OOC: No, it wasn't. I believe you called for an apology, though. :p Nonetheless, it's a bit dramatic, despite the circumstances.
I'm going to enjoy bombing you
That was very entertaining an brightened my day flyingchicken. You will recieve the desired "Capitalist Pig Dog Killer" Award at the end of the NES.

Update is looking like Saturday/Sunday again.
That was very entertaining an brightened my day flyingchicken. You will recieve the desired "Capitalist Pig Dog Killer" Award at the end of the NES.

OOC: "end" of Never Ending Story? HAHAHA
I'm going to enjoy bombing you
Greece is going to enjoy killing as many American bombers as it can. ;)
That was very entertaining an brightened my day flyingchicken. You will recieve the desired "Capitalist Pig Dog Killer" Award at the end of the NES.
:D Yay.

What? I don't get it
OOC: Your invasion of South America was uncalled for, IC America. I tried it once in HoI II, but I ended up with revolutions plaguing North America due to the lack of an option to "blame South Americans for killing the whole of Congress to gain a casus belli against them to expand my pilot-run dictatorship." EDIT2: Of course, it was already answered with an earlier edit, but the confusingness of it all leaves me embarrassed. :o
To Greece, People of the USSR
From Leon Trotsky

3 years ago was a glorous time for us. We had ATO on the run. But now, the tables have turned. It is us who face the hordes of ATO.

But do we surrender? No! A thousand times no! The USSR will remain Communist, at their true borders, or perish where it stands! We will not sell ourselves short, and surrender, and go back to the depths of Siberia, or be annexed.

The Americans say they stand for truth and justice. The truth is, they will rape, pillage, and kill. Your children will grow up enslaved. They are here to destroy everything we have gained. Will you let that stand? Will you allow them to kill you and your families? Or will you fight?

The brave men and women who are serving and have died for Communism on the battlefield, are thanked from the bottom of my heart.

But will you allow their sacrifices to come to nothing? Or will you carry out their dream?

I say we fight. Not one step backwards. If a single Russian is killed, than every single capitalist man, woman, and child will suffer tenfold.

I ask that you, the people of the Soviet Union and believers of Communism, to fight back. Do not let ATO occupy your home, eat the produce of your fields, and to have their way with your women.

People of Communism, fight back! Take the glory that is yours!
Are there still any free nations?

I think Guanxi is still open and if it is I would like to sign up for my first NES (as any free nation)
Guangxi is yours if you want it, since The Farow abandoned the NES about a turn after he rejoined it.
OOC: Guangxi is open and you may take it. Dar-al-Islam, I think, is also open, but you can play as Chile or something if you want to take on a nation with a lesser role. Suggested since it is your first NES, but then again I am not one to talk.

At any rate, welcome aboard.
USSR, use that [25 IC] of yours to bring in 100 Militia Divisions (1,000,000-2,000,000 poorly trained troops!) into the battle AND start conscription (MORE even more poorly trained troops). Have them hold the borders for the next few turns until we can begin a grand counterattack! Sadly Greece cannot hold such an unrealistic defense (and frankly highly dangerous because the militias might as well rise up in revolt) as that, so it us to YOU to keep the SPIRIT OF COMMUNISM ALIVE IN THE HEARTS OF MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN!

OOC: I have a feeling things would have turned out better if you created more tank divisions in preparation instead of militia and infantry divisions...just a feeling.
Chicken, I made you my Military Chief for a reason. Why didn't you tell me this earlier :p
No, I believe you told me to attribute my doomed air plan to Leon Trotsky. I honestly believe in strong tank and motorized offensives myself but I had to stick with playing thematically IC. :)
Is there any way I can help the anti-US effort?

Edit: Like right now.
wait removed as i dont want it to happen. :p
Follow your name, a_propagandist! Join as an independent news company sympathetic to the Communist cause in the ATO! :D
The Abyssinian Empire has reached a major zenith. The war having had gone very well, the region of Sudan had been attached to Abyssinia and incorporated as a province of the Empire. Emperor Iyasu V Selassie was well aware, however, that there was some dissent and unhappiness. Whereas much of the world had moved on to democracy - some of these becoming subverted into communist or fascist dictatorships - Abyssinia retained its old absolute monarchy and traditional privileged elites.
Celebrations had been held across the capital as peace was declared, but underlying these parades were sentiments spreading throughout the small middle-class and spreading to the general peasant population - people wanted change and a voice.
But how to enact such drastic change and follow a democratizing trend without tearing the country apart between reformers and traditionalists? Emperor Iyasu V knew that it would've been folly to just give elections right away. People weren't prepared! They were not wise enough to choose yet - and whatever radical organizations might exist would surely take advantage of the inexperience.

He met with his inner circle of top generals and princes to discuss the situation, as well as with prominent businessmen (though the pool was small, the business class being pretty small). It was generally agreed that the people at large were not yet prepared for electing their own officials. Besides, political parties weren't really formed so much - besides maybe the capital and some cities where some politicization had taken place there was really no national cohesive organizations.

"I'm not so keen on having a loud-mouth demagogue as a-uhhh-whatchamacallit," the Emperor said in the meeting. "Prime Minister! That's it! I dont' want a fool as a prime minister just because he's loud."
The inner council agreed pretty much.
"Buy beyond just politics we have economic issues as well," a prince from the Axum area said. "Our economy is pretty shoddy, and we need to start some programs as well to start putting life into it."
The meeting went on for several hours, with a bit of lunch or dinner break, and continued the next morning. It was a bunch of constant push-and-pull for quite a bit but eventually the monarch and his small cadre of nobles, generals, industrialists, and merchants drafted a general plan. Two documents had been drafted and proclaimed by the Emperor within a week of the meeting.

The first, and most important of these, was the Selassie Constitution.
Abridged, it's basic provisions were:
  • The Abyssinian Empire is to be ruled by the monarch who has been passed down the crown by heredity.
  • The will of the monarch is the rule of the Empire. He alone has the absolute last word on affairs of state.
  • All princes, generals, industrialists, merchants, priests, farmers, workers of the Abyssinian Empire are subjects of the Emperor.
  • The Emperor Himself chooses a 15-member Inner Council composed of the political elite of the nation. The leader of the Council is the Prime Minister and is likewise selected by and responsible to the Emperor.
  • Should the heir to the throne ascend before age 18, the Inner Council will act as a regency council and provide a smooth transition of power.
  • The Inner Council is also responsible for judicial appointments per Emperor's approval.
  • A unicameral legislature, the Senate, a body of 100 members of the Empire's political elite is to review the Emperor's laws, make suggestions to the Prime Minister and Inner Council who will relay the Senate's suggestions to the Emperor who will then make any changes necessary and pass them back down to the Senate to formally ratify.
  • The Senate's primary focus is to be the economic, infrastructural, and industrial advancement of the Empire.
  • Elections to the Senate are held every 4 years. Any male landowner, including landed nobility, is eligible to vote. Furthermore, top generals having won decisive victories or shown courage and loyalty for the Empire are to instantly qualify to vote as well, being given some land as well. Male industrial and merchant business owners are also eligible if approved by the Inner Council.
  • The first Senate is to be convened after the first elections to the assembly are held in 4 years. The intervening time should be enough time for cohesive political organizations to form to provide more political discourse in the new system. Parties may begin applying as soon as possible so long as they prove membership beyond 10,000 and are to be approved by the Emperor and his Inner Council.
  • Local governments are to continue operating with the princes and landowners as the priamry local executives. Eventually, however, Abyssinia remains its unitary centralized state and the Emperor's laws take precedence over local laws, even if conflicting.

Related to the Selassie Constitution, another document was also drafted.
Acts of Loyalty
  • All citizens of Abyssinia are by virtue of birth and residence subject to Abyssinian laws.
  • By birth and residence, all citizens - no matter what creed or location - are loyal ultimately to the Emperor of Abyssinia.
  • If the Empire is in dire straits, citizens are obliged to assist the war effort to defend and reassert Abyssinia's sovereignty and power either via volunteering or donations to the general effort (monetary, food, health service, etc.)
  • Political partisan membership takes a back seat to membership in the community of the Abyssinian Empire.
  • During emergencies such as war and unrest, people shown to actively betray the Empire and the Emperor are subject to be treated as such traitors and be punished accordingly.
  • News and broadcast remains its obligation to seek government approval of articles and reports. Censorship and editing is legal.
  • The Emperor is great and ordained by divine powers to rule and lead Abyssinia to prosperity, yet acknowledges the necessity of advice and the human element to connect with the true needs of the Abyssinian people.

The third document emerging from the deliberations was the Abyssinian Economic Blueprint:
  • In times of war, 70-80% of the budget shall be invested into military industries, research, and institutions to assist the war effort. In times of peace, only 10-20% of the budget is to be allocated to military production. The remaining shall be split evenly between public and private enterprise to continue advancement and evolution of Abyssinia's economy. This budget allocation schematic shall remain unless changed by the government.
  • Private enterprise is to be promoted to facilitate the rise of a middle-class to help the eventual transition into a modernized, democratized royal government and suppport trade, prop up the economy if the public sector falters.
  • Public spending is to also continue with the goal of advancing government-sponsored economic projects.
  • The taxation rate shall be set at a flat rate of 13% of property owned. Peasant farmers may fulfill this requirement by giving part of their harvests to local and government stockpiles. This may be amended when necessary.

Finally, another economic document - the Four Year Plan was published:
  • The goal of the economic plan of the Emperor for the next four years is to begin the modernization of the Empire's economy.
  • Infrastructure is to be a major priority. Roads must be built or fixed to connect the capital Addis Abbaba to the rest of the cities, towns, and provinces.
  • A highway is to be built connecting Addis Abbaba to Khartoum, the capital of the new province of Sudan.
  • Along the highway, roads are to be built to being branching out further connections across countryside.
  • Work is to also begin on railroads and improving the quality of tracks that have been or are to be laid to prevent accidents.
  • Government spending is to go into these infrastructure projects.
  • Private enterprises are welcome to invest and gain contracts on the infrastructure project. Heads of companies competing for and awarded deals with this focus of the Four Year Plan will be automatically eligible for voting.
  • A new Four Year Plan is to be determined by the Senate once it convenes. Whether all, some, or none of this Plan's provisions will be used is to be decided by the necessity and success of the goals and initiatives presented.
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