• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

OOC: No! No! It's the evil US! Lalalala! I can't hear you!
I have access. (albeit VERY VERY limited/)

For those of you who are losing or have lost the war, I'd like to say the following and announce a new in-development feature which will adorn this NES following the conclusion of the war.

Players will be able to start terrorist organizations and play as these groups which may very well not be on the map. These organizations can be set up similarly to a fresh-start NES and may be formed to achieve a specified goal. Ultimately these groups, if successful, could become their own nation

These organizations will be able to recieve aid from true nations and have significant flexibility for creativity.

Once more, these will be available for creation upon the conclusion of the war. Just thought i'd announce them.

Finally, other work is taking a bit longer than expected, so i'll be shoving the update back to tomorrow morning.
Orders Incoming Now
Ah, terrorist organizations. This'll be fun.
Orders coming soon.
Update starting now. Just so ya'll know however, the update may not be posted for another 12 hours due to a break in the middle to go to work.
EQ, npc Persia for this turn, just have them sign peace and put money into non-military economy.

I don't want to disrupt your updating groove :D

EDIT: KAMILIAN!!! Your finally back! :D
Unfortunatly I have to be NPCed as well. My computer acted up again all weekend and could not access the internet until the bug was fixed.

Just sign the peace and withdraw troops from area ceded.
Global News Report

THE TIDES OF WAR LESSEN. As the Third World War continues into its fourth year, the number of combatants is dwindling. Argentina, the strongest of the American Accord powers has surrendered after elections brought about a new government in early 1940. Argentina surrendered to the Republic of South Africa, and the American Plan for peace has been put into action and several new occupation zones have been established throughout South America, even while fighting still rages in Venezuela. In the Old World, the Brotherhood of Islamic Nations, capitalizing on their gains in the war, have made peace with the ATO powers, gaining Palestine, Egypt, and Pakistan, the latter forming a new republic and nation for the Brotherhood. However, the nations of Bosnia and Albania have refused to recognize the peace and have continued to fight on, even without support from Dar-al-Islam. See the SPECIAL section at the bottom for more information on the war.

North/Central American News Report

South American News Report

SOUTH AMERICA. Pretoria, Republic of South Africa. The Treaty of Pretoria, a dictation of peace upon Argentina, has been signed. This has caused the heaviest fighting in South America to come to a close. The governments of Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador have all been officially disbanded and the armies demobilized. Ecuador has been occupied by American military governors, as has northern Peru. Southern Peru and Bolivia have been occupied by the German army. Further south, Chile and Brazil have regained extensive tracts of territory from Argentina and Bolivia, sparking celebrations in both countries. Plebiscites in Paraguay and Uruguay led to the creation of a new Uruguayan state. South Africa has been granted Argentina as an occupation zone and the reconstruction efforts have begun.

European News Report

BELGIAN GOVERNMENT DECLARES MILITARY LAW. Brussels, Belgium. As the conflict rages onward, the Belgian President, Leon Degrelle, has declared martial law throughout the control. Like in both Holland and Romania, the new government has become a reformed one, led by fascists. Degrelle has pledged to win the war against the Bourbons and ultimately restore all Belgian territory lost before the Great War. (-5% Dissent)

BULGARIAN KING RESTORED. Sofia, Bulgaria. Boris III, King of Bulgaria before the Second World War, has been restored as monarch of Bulgaria following a military coup. The military were led by Orthodox officers who immediately revolted as soon as the armies of Dar-al-Islam withdrew from the Balkan front against ATO. The king has pledged to take a firm stance against further Islamic incursions into the Balkans, but he has also demanded the return of Varna from Romanian occupation.

African/Middle Eastern News Report

PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST. Cairo, Dar-al-Islam. The Brotherhood of Islamic Nations and the Atlantic Treaty Organization have at last approved a peace between the two alliance blocs. Italy has ceded Egypt and Palestine to the government of Dar-al-Islam, which has promptly annexed the region. Further east, the Islamic dominated regions of Commonwealth India have been turned into the new Republic of Pakistan under Persian guidance. However, the Islamic nations of Albania and Bosnia have refused to recognize the peace and have continued fighting against Italy’s armies as they pour into the Balkans. See the special on the war to learn more about the Balkan front.

Asian/Pacific News Report

NIPPONESE ELECTIONS. Tokyo, Nippon. Following a vicious campaigning season, the Shimpoto Party has won the majority of seats within the Kokkai. However, a significant effect was victory for the Korean Nationalist Party throughout the entire Korean peninsula. The Koreans have negotiated a deal to gain independence by 1942, giving a year for preparation of the transfer of control. (-10% Dissent)

TIBET IN REBELLION. Beijing, People’s Republic of China. As Chinese troops are sent to serve on the German front of the Third World War, discontents at home have taken the opportunity to revolt. Tibet has risen in force against the communist government and overthrown local authority. Using American weapons, the rebellion has seized control of their homeland and seem to be prepared to win the day against the PRC’s military.

Global News Ticker




SPECIAL: World War 3

VENEZUELA. American and Venezuelan forces continue to clash throughout the last remaining American Accord nation as Americans gain more territory through sheer weight of numbers. Despite the odds, the Venezuelans have inflicted heavy casualties upon the invaders once more. Some territory is even still under control of the Accord government as the fight rages on.
Casualty List
Venezuela: 3 Infantry Divisions
USA: 5 Infantry Divisions

ATLANTIC OCEAN. War in the Atlantic has continued as Allied submarine commanders develop new tactics and innovations to continue to strike at ATO trans-Atlantic shipping. Most of the submarines are of Bourbon make, but many are crewed by escaped American Accord sailors. Despite some successes against the ATO convoys, the fighting at sea has definitely turned in the favor of the United States, which has quite ably held the Bourbons at bay. One aid in this campaign to halt the submarines was the US capture of the Azores by a marine division, easily overwhelming the minor garrison in the islands.
Casualty List
Venezuela: 1 Wolfpack
Bourbon Empire: 3 Wolfpacks
USA: 3 Destroyer Groups

IBERIA. Begun in late 1939, the American strategic bombing campaign of Iberia continued well through the first half of 1940. Railroads, highways, air fields, and factories were devastated by persistent raids and attacks. On June 6, 1940, US Marines landed near Lisbon and smashed the local military. The following invasion has made significant progress through Portugal and Spain. The fall of Gibralter in the early days of August has once more opened up ATO shipping through the straits. A Bourbon counteroffensive against American forces did manage to allow the defending forces to hold their ground at Madrid, but the Bourbon armies were shattered in the attempt and the Americans retreated in good order.
Casualty List
Bourbon Empire: 6 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Division, 1 Motorized Division, 1 Armored Division, 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
USA: 2 Infantry Divisions, 2 Motorized Divisions, 1 Armored Division, 3 Jet Fighter Squadrons

FRANCE. ATO forces continued their pushes throughout France during 1940, winning across the board. In the north, Scottish, Dutch, Belgian, and American forces under the command of General Eisenhower broke the Bourbon front and easily poured through the Irish Occupation Zone. Further south, the Italians advanced through difficult terrain to Marseilles, driving the Bourbons before them. Further successes were gained later in the year as the Bourbon command transferred many of its forces to a counterattack against the American landings in Portugal. Despite victory, the advances were halted in the Pyrennes which have acted as a formidable barrier against further attacks. In the air, ATO forces have gained control, particularly thanks to the efforts of the Scots and Irish who spent most of 1939 developing their air corps.
Casualty List
Bourbon Empire: 9 Infantry Divisions, 2 Motorized Divisions, 1 Armored Division, 1 Marine Division, 1 Bomber Squadron, 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons
Belgium: 2 Infantry Divisions
Holland: 1 Infantry Division
Scotland: 1 Motorized Division, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Eire: 1 Fighter Squadron, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
USA: 2 Infantry Divisions
Italy: 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Armored Division

GERMANY. Despite losses earlier in the year due to lack of men, ATO forces in Germany have managed a startling counterattack with massive amounts of mechanized assets. Swiss, American, German, and Polish soldiers have managed to liberate most of Germany. Combined with the great victory at Budapest, the central Soviet army has been devastated and the ATO advance seems unstoppable as German tanks drive through Warsaw. With much of Eastern Europe liberated and ATO forces driving through Finland, it seems that the Soviet Union itself may be next to fall. In the air, the arrival of an overwhelming number of American jets has proceeded to destroy Soviet attempts to control the skies. Bombers have devastated the logistics of the Comintern as the war marches forward.
Casualty List
USSR: 12 Infantry Divisions, 1 Armored Division, 2 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons, 1 Rocket Squadron
PRC: 3 Infantry Divisions
Germany: 1 Infantry Division, 1 Motorized Division, 3 Armored Divisions, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
USA: 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Division, 2 Motorized Divisions, 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 1 Bomber Squadron
Switzerland: 3 Infantry Divisions
Poland: 1 Infantry Division

HUNGARY. Budapest has become the scene of the greatest ATO victory in the war against the Soviet Union. Soviet forces, through sheer strength of numbers managed to force its way into the city, finally capturing it after three years of siege. However, as ATO forces drove their way east through Germany, capturing Berlin, a counterattack was launched in Hungary. Capitalizing on the weak Mongolian lines of the Soviet flanks, Italians broke across the Danube on the right flank while Germans attacked the left. After two weeks of heavy fighting, the Italian and German armies met with over twenty Soviet Divisions trapped in the city. These divisions were forced to surrender after an attempt to break the weaker German and Dutch lines and escape from the city.
Casualty List
USSR: 26 Infantry Divisions, 2 Armored Divisions, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron, 1 Rocket Squadron
Mongolia: 3 Infantry Divisions
Romania: 1 Infantry Division
Hungary: 5 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Division
Germany: 1 Motorized Division, 1 Armored Division
Italy: 3 Infantry Divisions
Holland: 1 Infantry Division
Switzerland: 1 Infantry Division

BALKANS. With the withdrawal of the forces of Dar-al-Islam, Allied lines in the Balkans became incredibly chaotic. Bosnian and Albanian forces rushed to patch the lines, and found themselves at the forefront of an organized Italian offensive. Within a matter of months the Italians found themselves in Tirane, while Serbian forces managed to liberate most of their nation, with the aid of some Bulgarian troops. The ensuing fighting became mostly skirmishing between Greek and ATO forces as the Italians demolish the remaining Muslim troops. Albania and Bosnia have been dismantled as effective regimes as the ATO forces occupied their countries. In the air, the Greeks have maintained air superiority, devastating ATO attempts to gain control.
Casualty List
Albania: 7 Infantry Divisions, 1 Fighter Squadron, 1 Bomber Squadron
Bosnia: 6 Infantry Divisions
Greece: 1 Infantry Division, 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons
Serbia: 3 Infantry Divisions
Italy: 3 Mountain Divisions, 3 Jet Fighter Squadrons

CRETE. With the conquest of Gibralter, American naval forces were able to break open the Mediteranean for ATO naval superiority. With the Albanian sub fleet captured by Italy, no ships were able to dispute this newfound control. American marines and airborne forces, using Libya and southern Italy as a base, launched Operation Husky, the invasion of Crete. The combined amphibious and airborne assault overwhelmed the island’s defense, and the Greek garrison was wiped out. On the island, ATO forces liberated a number of internment camps, where anti-communists had been held prior to the war. Many were close to death by starvation and the artrocious crimes of Greece have been denounced from the global press. Like elsewhere, the US Air Force has managed to wrest control of the skies away from the Greeks, though this is more due to Greek air activity in the north rather than any particular skill on behalf of the Americans.
Casualty List
Greece: 2 Infantry Divisions, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
USA: 1 Airborne Division, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron

SCANDINAVIA. Despite apparent Soviet numerical superiority in the north, ATO forces have made astonishing gains in retaking Finland. Initial Soviet attacks were halted by Irish and Scandinavian forces and the ATO counterattack began with an amphibious assault by German forces. This assault was nearly annihilated and German marines suffered very heavy casualties, until they were rescued by American and Scandinavian regulars. The attack has gone into Finland, though the Soviets have managed to halt the advance in the south. In the skies, neither side has contributed any planes, and the air remains free of combat.
Casualty List
USSR: 13 Infantry Divisions
Germany: 5 Marine Divisions
Scandinavia: 6 Infantry Divisions
USA: 2 Infantry Divisions
Eire: 1 Motorized Division

Diplomatic Pouch

To: Atlantic Treaty Organization
From: Bulgaria

In exchange for the Varna region taken from us by Romania, we will pledge to join your alliance and cause against the Soviet Union.


We have one very significant rule change: you can no longer give IC to other nations for research purposes. Please look over the revised Technology listings.

World Map

Spoiler :
OOC: Splendid update, EQ.

And would a certain communist nation like to apologize for certain comments made about certain "corrupt capitalist pigs?"
Excellent update, EQ, although I must say that I'm not pleased with how it turned out. :p

Argentina, how could you? You collapsed to the South African scum...
talk to your friends in argentina before you start calling names the south Africans are very fair to cooperative and polite people.
Cooperative and polite enough to accept a conditional surrender?
i know it is really minor but the islands south of the falklands should be under my color.
To: The World
From: Communist Greece

The CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS are winning the war, and the workingmen of the world stand to see their corruption, thinly veiled under the guise of a fight for "liberty" and "democracy"? What great injustice this is to the Revolution, to see the men and women of the nations of these CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS toil away to preserve the status quo of CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS exploiting the laborers of the people of the nations of these CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS?

Is it not a greater cause to fight for true liberty, for freedom from the bonds of these CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS than to fight for these CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS? Is it not a more noble cause to destroy the psychological and physical barriers the CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS have set up against the honorable workingman by means of arms than to use these same arms to oppress, as the CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS have done?

We say to the nations of the world, let not the CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS control and rule over your lives any longer, do not let them crush the last bastions of anti-CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS Revolution. They, CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS, have taken all the wealth and privileges by means of exploiting us, the workingmen of the world. This war is just one of the CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS' tools to extend their dominion over us, to crush the last true spirits of true liberty.

We tell you this, the CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS shall see themselves be brought to the butcher. Maybe not today, but the CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS will see the butcher in the future. The CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS will fall against their own weight, their own corruption, as they are indeed CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS. CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS shall squeal in pain in their last days, even if those days do not come soon. The CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS will face the might of the combined might of their own workingmen, and Revolution shall once more be revived.

America and the rest of the ATO, you are the CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS who are destroying the last bastions of anti-CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS power. However, bastions are merely physical things, and not even the power of the CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS can crush the idea and spirit of true rebellion. For unlike bastions and nations, ideas can never be crushed. Ideas will be the death of the CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS. Let it be known to future generations that we, the Comitern, stood strong against the wave of CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS valiantly, defying the tides with our inner strength even with the lack of an outer one.

The conclusion of the war is yet to be seen, but the CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS have the weak wills of the abused and oppressed workingmen behind them. It is not their own strength, but of their workingmen. Why, workingmen, why did you let the Revolution down? Was it because you were all too busy being entertained by cheap porn and scared of a few tanks and guns? The CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS have held you down for too long, and yet you do not rise up. Is it true that the workingmen have been once and for all defeated by the CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS?

Shame, workingmen. Shame to you, for being crushed so easily by these CORRUPT CAPITALIST PIGS.

OOC: Yes, that sounded pretty incoherent and stupid, but I just had to write it down impromptu do editing blah blah etc.
To Greece
From Germany

That was uncalled for.
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