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This may sound mean but..

of course im quoted by the thread maker. This isnt exactly an important thread cuz its foolish to think an idea like this would get thru.

What you guys who say delete the users dont get is admins like TF dont need to go thru and delete users that dont post, that takes time and energy that TF more than likely doesnt have. He has enough troubles making sure the forum runs as smoothly as it does, even tho it has an occasional lapse. I run more own board and while it isnt even as popular as this i know for a fact that i would hate to come home and deal with deleteing users after a hard day at work (school for me). Even supermods like Lefty wouldnt want to do it, at least im guessing at that cuz that is alot of freaking work, Maybe instead of thinking of deleteing users think about the work your heaping on the admin of this fine board and community *insert brown nose here* :D

i hope that ends the debate
I know you wanted to end this debate but i have a great idea, but how about charging one dollar to become a member. That way thunderfall will have money to buy a server to enable search. plus it will get ride of those free loaders.
I don't think this debate show end just yet :cry:
Originally posted by testdummy653
I know you wanted to end this debate but i have a great idea, but how about charging one dollar to become a member.
Advocating the destruction of CFC is a "great idea"? Very few posters here would pay even a dollar for CFC. I don't mean to sound like we're all cheap, or that CFC isn't worth it, but I'm afraid the reality of the situation is different.

Even a dollar crosses the technical line into "pay site".
Surely insisting every member makes a post a day (or whatever) is going to encourage spamming. As someone else said previously, don't make may posts these days but I visit the site 3 or 4 times a day. If you want a Civ site with few members registered - there's lots around.

As for everyone paying a dollar - surely it would be very difficult to administrate. Apart from the fact that it would put of people joining who coud really contribute to the site, what about us non-Americans (would we have to pay extra to cover currency conversion fees?) or those who don't have (maybe because of their age) the means to pay online?
testdummy: did you read what i said, or do you care? deleting users is a lot of work that TF doedsnt need. as for paying to post here... ok you start sending money to TF, im sure he would like it but you got alot of kids who dont even have a job that post here. does that mean that they have to be deleted as well?

Seriously man, give it up.
this wont happen so its a futile debate.
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