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This may sound mean but..

Originally posted by Strider

Yup, I got my name, but I still think that the user accounts without very many posts need to be deleted. Sure, it won't save up room, but it will free up alot of names.

Also, abou reserving names. Reserving them for what? Whenever they decide to post in a year or two?

Actually, there was a user in the Civ3 section who registered in Nov. 2001, and made their first post in Nov. 2003. Those users lurk, and use the search engine too (when it works). So, no. I don't think they need to be deleted.
Originally posted by Chieftess

Actually, there was a user in the Civ3 section who registered in Nov. 2001, and made their first post in Nov. 2003. Those users lurk, and use the search engine too (when it works). So, no. I don't think they need to be deleted.

That is one out of 37,000. Prolly even more than that, as I don't think we have over 2,000 regular active posters. Most of the posters prolly don't even remember what the heck CFC is much less remember how to get here.
Originally posted by Thunderfall
Search is not always off. Who knows, maybe someday we will move the forum to a very powerful server that allows us to turn search on all the time for all members. :)
I think we should enable search for those with more then 3333 posts and less then 4000 posts ;)
Originally posted by Strider

That is one out of 37,000. Prolly even more than that, as I don't think we have over 2,000 regular active posters. Most of the posters prolly don't even remember what the heck CFC is much less remember how to get here.

Some also just log on to see the front page news, and to get messages from Thunderfall (rare, but it happens). Plus, it shows how good the site is, and how many people registered (minus DLs).
Originally posted by Chieftess

Some also just log on to see the front page news, and to get messages from Thunderfall (rare, but it happens). Plus, it shows how good the site is, and how many people registered (minus DLs).

Keeping them just to look better is a selfish reason. More of a brag then anything else ;). Also, I don't even think half of them are lurkers, goto the who's online right now and tell me how many people you see with 0 posts. I think the smallest number I saw was 4 posts.
well although i fully support strider (nod nod wink wink)

i left for about 6 months and am now sort of returning in that time i didnt post at all.

and also although it may look like there are 100 other bclg people i dont think there are this is just my name on other places so it doesnt really bother me.
Originally posted by BCLG100
well although i fully support strider (nod nod wink wink)

i left for about 6 months and am now sort of returning in that time i didnt post at all.

and also although it may look like there are 100 other bclg people i dont think there are this is just my name on other places so it doesnt really bother me.

Which if I may point out... you still had well over 2.00 posts per day before your return, so you woul have still had another 2 yrs. before your account was deleted if my idea is passed ;).
I have .2 posts per a day but that is only because I try not to post without a reason or unless I'm posting a file.
Just a note, there's a user called Thelgar that has 0 posts and registered in April 2002 but visits the demogame forums fairly often. I've also seen some 0-post lurkers on the "Who's online" screen. I'll bet any of them would be somewhat irate to have their accounts deleted (though it might cause them to reregister and actually post, albeit an angry one in SF ;)).

EDIT: Thelgar's browsing the DG forums right now. ;)
Originally posted by Bootstoots
Just a note, there's a user called Thelgar that has 0 posts and registered in April 2002 but visits the demogame forums fairly often. I've also seen some 0-post lurkers on the "Who's online" screen. I'll bet any of them would be somewhat irate to have their accounts deleted (though it might cause them to reregister and actually post, albeit an angry one in SF ;)).

Well, technically the one's the re-register (or lurkers with 0 posts) would be fine. That means they are active, but I bet you a good 30,000+ registered users NEVER come to this site anymore.
Originally posted by cgannon64
To be serious I think we should keep all members. Just in case they come back, and it makes the site look better.

If they do come back then they can always re-register. Also, think of it this way:

You go to register... type in the nickname you want, fill out everything else and hit the submit button. Pops-up the thing saying your nickname is already chosen, you don't want numbers by your name, so you type in another nickname you like and re-submit the form. Once again the nickname is taken.

This can be a hassle for someone trying to register, and more than likely the person with the nickname they want doesn't even post. I bet that more than half of the peopl registered registered only to use the search function ONCE and then never came back again. Would you rather the site look more popular or be more "newbie friendly."
so all the quality posting by a poster who had to leave for a bit would be deleted? I dont think so. i think the Demogame has corrupted you into thinking CFC is a democracy Strider, we dont vote on who stays and who goes.

The site should stay as is with its 39000+ posters. Its a community of Civers, who cares if they post or not. Its the fact that they get the privelges of using the forum to find topics related to what they need help on, and if there isnt anything they can get help from they can PM (another feature you cant use as an unregistered person) someone or post a thread asking for help.

My 2 cents worth :)
Originally posted by FionnMcCumhall
so all the quality posting by a poster who had to leave for a bit would be deleted? I dont think so. i think the Demogame has corrupted you into thinking CFC is a democracy Strider, we dont vote on who stays and who goes.

The site should stay as is with its 39000+ posters. Its a community of Civers, who cares if they post or not. Its the fact that they get the privelges of using the forum to find topics related to what they need help on, and if there isnt anything they can get help from they can PM (another feature you cant use as an unregistered person) someone or post a thread asking for help.

My 2 cents worth :)

I'm not really suggesting that any accounts that has even one post be deleted, just the one's with 0 posts. Also, even if my "idea" is implements someone who has over 500 posts (or maybe 2 posts per day) it would take about 3 yrs. untill there account is finally deleted.
Ok, I'm pretty dedicated to getting this done (as many of you might beable to tell... and anyway, I can just give my Debate teacher the URL to this thread and have him grade my performance on this :rolleyes:)

Ok, So here's the good and bad to deleting the 0 post members:

  • It free's up names for future members
  • It cleans out the Member List making it easier to find some members (now that the search feature is gone). It also cleans out the Calander some, and possibly make the calander more useful than just finding people's birthday's. Release dates for Mods, patch's, etc. could be put on there.
  • It makes the site appear more "humble." It also might make it appear to visiting people more as most of the registered members are active it looks like the site is very informant or interesting, instead the way it looks now is that there is nothing interesting going on so no one looks here.

The Bad:
  • It deletes the "lurker" accounts, but if the member is a lurker they can always re-register shortly after the deletion, a process that shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.
  • It would me a time costly to delete all the accounts, defiantly if you have to go to each profile and click delete, but it doesn't have to be done all in one day, alittle each day would be sufficient.
Originally posted by Strider

The Bad:
  • It deletes the "lurker" accounts, but if the member is a lurker they can always re-register shortly after the deletion, a process that shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.
  • It would me a time costly to delete all the accounts, defiantly if you have to go to each profile and click delete, but it doesn't have to be done all in one day, alittle each day would be sufficient.

i wont touch on the good cuz there is no good. By all accounts you want to delete lurker accounts if they dont post yet they can remake an account to lurk still? that makes no sense Strider, that means that they would have to start up a new account each time its deleted, i dont know about you but that would just piss me off and not want to come back. and yes it is time consuming
Originally posted by FionnMcCumhall

i wont touch on the good cuz there is no good. By all accounts you want to delete lurker accounts if they dont post yet they can remake an account to lurk still? that makes no sense Strider, that means that they would have to start up a new account each time its deleted, i dont know about you but that would just piss me off and not want to come back. and yes it is time consuming

No, Fionn... you misunderstanding me. The accounts will only be deleted ONCE, and then maybe once again in a year or two. They won't be deleted every week or something. Maybe ever this once, untill it is suggested again.
still wrong on so many levels and i dont think you will ever see that strider. Deleteing accounts just seems wrong in so many ways. The site is newbie friendly as it is, Some of our posters are not but thats them. but it seems silly to delete lurkers just cuz they lurk
Originally posted by FionnMcCumhall
still wrong on so many levels and i dont think you will ever see that strider. Deleteing accounts just seems wrong in so many ways. The site is newbie friendly as it is, Some of our posters are not but thats them. but it seems silly to delete lurkers just cuz they lurk

Your still slightly mis-understanding. First off, I bet overall there are about 7,000 active posters/lurkers. If we DO delete the 33,000 other accounts that would free up so many names. Also, yes some of the lurkers accounts will get deleted, but like I said before they could easily re-register. I say a global announcement and one of those newsletter e-mails noticing everyone of what is going on and the reason why for they know ahead of time to expect this.

Also, as I pointed out before... more than half of the people who is regestered prolly signed up just to use the search feature ONCE and then never came back again, at the most they came used it maybe 20 times, got bored of the game and hasn't been back sense then. Most of those users ARE NOT lurkers, they are old forgotten about accounts.

Also, tell me how is it wrong? Sure, It might set somebody back about 10 minutes at the most, but it is not that much of a hassle to re-register.
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