I chucked all the numbers into a mixing bowl with a copy of MS Office, baked in the oven for 20 minutes and out popped this calculator....
Note that the spreadsheet doesn't validate all options, this means you can use it to calculate non-viable combinations of tile/feature/resource, ie a desert tile with fish on it, you'll never play that tile in game though.
Most of the worker improvement options are validated, so if you dont see expected results from adding an improvement, ensure that the correct resource has ben added first.
- Note: spreadsheet is not locked down so anyone can delve into the formulas if they desire, downside is that means you can easily mess it up if you accidentally delete something - to avoid this just use the drop down menus, radio buttons and checkboxes - the spreadsheet does all the other work for you.
- file format is Excel 97-2003 version.
- all calculations are done in the worksheets using simple form controls, it doesnt use macros, ActiveX or VB
- road/rail/farms/mines not working yet, I'll chip them off when i get chance
- this was put together in a hurry and I havent massively tested it, some errors are likely, please let me know if anyone spots any miscalculations
- also please let me know of any other comments or suggestions
Have fun!