Tiltless Tectonics


Pacifistic Technologist
Nov 29, 2007
This is a very simple hack of the Tectonics mapscript to simulate a planet with no axial tilt: The most-arid part of the world will be at the equator for most map options. When I say it's dead simple: It's a one-line edit to make the script treat latitudes 0-90 as though they were the latitudes from 15 to 90 stretched over the same area ... and that's it! (Plus two lines of comments added at the top identifying what this is.) I hope it's useful!


And here's a version with a slightly less simple hack, adding two options to the setup screen: Grassland extension can be used to increase the proportion of grassland on the map and/or "remove the axial tilt" as the initial version does. I hope this proves useful to someone!


A few screen shots, please 🙂
Sorry it took me so long to see this! First of all, I've attached my latest version of the script to this post, adding an option to increase the mountainousness of the map as well so the setup screen for the new version looks like this:


And depending on the various options you choose, you can get a wide range of results; for instance, I chose a Tiny map with Lakes (30% water) for Landmass Type, Normal for Aridity, Emphasized for the Enhanced Mountains option, Slight for Extended Grassland, and None for Axial Tilt, and got a map whose equatorial band includes regions like this:


(Note the minimap in the corner howing the full map as well.)


Hi! Very grateful. But, in my opinion, your climate is not harsh enough. For example, the tundra zone could be slightly larger, as well as the desert zone. I'm taking the "Like the Earth" mode. The player can start building an empire from almost anywhere on a regular map, which is not entirely realistic, since a significant part of the planet's territory is deserts, tundra and permafrost zones.
What seems to be missing in this map script. Here, the plains are almost adjacent to the glaciers through a few cells. Which, of course, cannot be.
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