to and from flic files


Sep 14, 2001
Is there a program that converts to and from flics? I am trying to make a static flic that has minimal size but is still a valid flic. 3 Meg is too much for me and it seems like that could be smaller. I though I remember reading something in this forum that could do it but that was a while ago and the search doesn't work.
I got flicster but it didn't quite work. It loads both unit flics and leaderhead flics buy they seem to be different. All the tabs are present for the unit flics but only the info tabs are there for the leader flics. Does any version of flicster work on leaderhead flics or does any other program work on those?
The only program that can make CivIII Custom FLCs (the type used for units) is FLICSter. Leaderheads, however, use 'normal' flcs - and Animation Shop is best for that.
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