Tom's Recolouration Factory


Oct 12, 2005

Welcome, here you will find my recolourations of existing unit graphics.

EDIT: Taking no Requests at this time while finishing requests and other mod work, but I will again take requests to recolour units shortly... Please post a message in this thread with a link to the unit page and a description of how you would like it recoloured and I will do them in the order they are requested.

All units come with updated (recoloured) Large/Small/Unit32 PCX files.

In order to save space, sound files are not included, but you can most likely get them in the original unit thread, which is linked on each unit. NOTE: You will need to update the Sounds in the INI file for these units, I use a general Sounds directory to grab all wav files from, and did not/will not go through all the INI's to change them. :)

Recoloured Units List:

Fantasy Units:

Air Elemental
Blue Bow Skink
Blue Harpy
Blue Kong (King Kong)
Centaur Captain
Demon Settler
Demon Worker
Diamond Golem
Efreet and Efreet Sultan
Elohim (Dark Blue)
Elohim (Light Blue)
Evil Eye
Genie and Master Genie
Grey Dire Wolf / Grey Wolf Pack
Grey Pegasus
Magma Elemental
Master Gremlin
Minotaur King
Ogre (Green)
Royal Griffin
Stone Golem
Worker - Ogre, Orc, Goblin, etc.

Ancient Units:

Egyptian Settler Darker Version
Egyptian Worker Darker Version

Modern Units:

BMW-3 w/ All Civ Colors
Brass Abe Lincoln

Future Units:

Reaver Titan with Original Civ Coloring



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:hatsoff: Thanks for the Efreet.:)
Good ,that you have opened a own thread for the recolors.
They are very welcome to me.:goodjob: Extra thanks for recoloring the pedia and 32.pcx.:thanx:
The Efreet goes straight into my Elementals Mod ...
Stone Golem (my recolouring of embryodead's Earth Elemental)


Download here... View attachment GolemStone.rar

Until I create new 'Golem' sounds, You can download the Earth Elemental sounds from embryodead's Earth Elemental unit, link is above.

If anyone is interested, I can make a Green one as well, which could be used as the Incredible Hulk :).

Thanks again for the great work. Everything looks really nice.:goodjob::)
Any chance of you adding this one to the download collection? It's so fabulously goodlooking I just have to ask... :blush:

Apologies for not responding earlier.. I'm moving and packing up the house to my next destination, and have been missing msg's all over the place. Yes, I will release them all, some I was going to release when I release CoMM3 mod, but I may end up putting them out sooner, since they are only recolours :) When I get moved I'll stick a few more up here, I've done quite a few more in the meantime.

Apologies for not responding earlier.. I'm moving and packing up the house to my next destination, and have been missing msg's all over the place. Yes, I will release them all, some I was going to release when I release CoMM3 mod, but I may end up putting them out sooner, since they are only recolours :) When I get moved I'll stick a few more up here, I've done quite a few more in the meantime.

No problems, looking forward to see your recolourations and later on to play your mod!
And good luck with the moving, I know how much work that is ("is ALL this mine?!") :)
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