Triumph & Tragedy: Bronze Age to Late Antiquity

tootall_2012 said:
I love the urbanization feature though the fact that you can't navigate to the different city locations once the popup appears makes it difficult to properly determine which city or tile you would want to select. Perhaps you could give a popup saying that the player has the option to add an urban tile, and then provide a different screen to make their final selection once they've made their decision?

That's a great idea, and I've had the same woes. I wonder if there would be a way for a pop-up to arrive at the start of a turn, saying that next turn you'll choose? Or perhaps at the end of your turn you'll choose? I wonder if there is a simple way to do this with lua, like a "delay 1 turn" after the event, or something similar.

tootall_2012 said:
Recently, I'm on turn C.E. 35, I've been getting messages that I failed to retake certain cities, even though they were never mine to begin with. Is there some kind of background penalty occuring that the player is not being made aware off (or rather should I be getting these messages at all if there not my cities)?

Aha! Thanks for catching that. This means that I failed to ID the "human tribe" for the ui text. Woops! I've corrected it now, will certainly be in next update. Spoiler below on why you're seeing this -- if you don't want the spoiler, research "Divined Power."
Spoiler :
When you research Divined Power, you have potential for unlocking some wild features in the game, e.g., Campaign of Vengeance, which allows you to utilize disasters. Before this can happen, though, Divined Power will present a challenge to you: a city you own will question that you are a god, and will rebel completely (become barbarian). You must retake the city within a certain # of turns. If you do, you'll get rewards as if you are a god, and if you don't, more rebels will appear.
That's a great idea, and I've had the same woes. I wonder if there would be a way for a pop-up to arrive at the start of a turn, saying that next turn you'll choose? Or perhaps at the end of your turn you'll choose? I wonder if there is a simple way to do this with lua, like a "delay 1 turn" after the event, or something similar.
In onCityProcessingComplete.lua, there is an example of using the delayedAction module to make something happen 10 turns in the future. Let me know if you need an explanation (I may have just given you the code). Incidentally, you define the function divinedPowerFailureEvent twice.

Personally, I would suggest using a key press event to let the human player choose a city. Toggle a flag when the player can make a choice, then, when an appropriate key is pressed, use the current tile to determine the city.
Sure -- I have it coded in at 25% of the time. The bird chirp might be easy to miss with the soundtrack. You can indeed build more of them! And the woodsman, too. The Shepherd requires "Standardized Rites" tech and the Woodsman requires "Medicine" tech. They might have population limits, too... I can't remember. Worth implementing if not.

But yes! You need to really protect that first one you get, as it is the only for a while.
OK. If I'm only going to have a very limited number of these units, and the chance is 25%, I actually wouldn't mind a popup box letting me know when they were successful (in addition to the bird chirp, which yes I probably did miss because of the soundtrack).

I should have looked more closely in the Civilopedia, I see those build prerequisites there -- my bad. It still seems a bit odd to me because "Shepherd" and "Woodsman" feel like simple units I ought to build early, when my empire has a more agrarian/primitive character -- and I'd find it reasonable for them to become obsolete later on, perhaps with something like Urbanization. (Also... why "Standardized Rites" and "Medicine" specifically? Perhaps you were just trying to assign those units to Level II techs, but nothing about the names of those techs seems to correlate with the types of units they enable.)

Thanks to @Prof. Garfield 's advice I was able to correct all of the retirement issues, and will upload a new version with this. Spoiler below on how to use the Hero effectively!
I think in my game, not only did my Hero not retire, but neither did those belonging to any of the other 6 AI nations, so there are 7 Heroes permanently running around the map (actually now it's probably 6, because one of the enemy Heroes attacked mine and lost). Perhaps this reduced my probability of "using the Hero effectively" because of competition with the AI nations using their Heroes the same way. So maybe with the retirement patch in place, there won't be so many Heroes active simultaneously. On the other hand, my Hero would have far fewer turns to find anything... I'd have to start another game to see how it goes, I guess.

Thanks for pointing this out! I should definitely revise. I think I had considered the Chariots are mounted, and so deal with the baggage of being a "horse" unit, but have fast movement, where the Bows do not. But still, I think that bows should be cheaper.
This is a big oversight! I'll need to adjust this. The Horse Archers should definitely be more expensive.
I should add that I didn't try to do a thorough analysis of all unit stats and build costs, so you may find other discrepancies as well. These are just the ones I noticed in my build options at the present time.

Yes, this is an issue. I haven't yet found an elegant way to prevent cities from building capped units if they are already in the queue (though the AI does follow the rule, to my knowledge?).
In my Medieval Millennium mod, I don't have capped units, but I do have city improvements with population-based requirements or nationwide quantity limits. I believe I wrote code that runs each turn and checks the current production for each city belonging to the human player, and verifies that the city should actually be allowed to build that item. If not, I warn the user that they need to change production. If they don't and an invalid item is actually completed, I undo that by deleting the item, refill the shield box to full, and announce that the current production item could not be completed. Alternatively, if you detect an invalid item currently being produced, you could just change city.currentProduction to something else automatically, although picking something valid and appropriate might take some effort.

Thank you both again, and Prof. for his above fixes. I've actually adjusted a few things in the last couple days, and will be posting an update sometime very soon! Do let me know if there are other notes to make, or if you have any feedback / comments on the above, tips, etc.
I'll look forward to an updated release sometime soon. Thanks for taking all this feedback into account!
Hi ThichN,

On turn CE 240 I noticed that I somehow lost the ability to keep producing the 'Legion' unit in my cities even though I still possess its associated advance 'Carreer Soldiering'. As it has no substitution unit, i.e. its 'until' flag is set at 'nil' I can't quite figure out why this would be, as my cities had the ability on just the previous turn.

Is there something going on in the code?

I've attached the sav file in case that helps.

EDIT: Never mind, I should have read the readme and previous posts about capping more carefully :mischief:. I reached the legion unit limit!


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Knighttime said:
OK. If I'm only going to have a very limited number of these units, and the chance is 25%, I actually wouldn't mind a popup box letting me know when they were successful (in addition to the bird chirp, which yes I probably did miss because of the soundtrack).

I should have looked more closely in the Civilopedia, I see those build prerequisites there -- my bad. It still seems a bit odd to me because "Shepherd" and "Woodsman" feel like simple units I ought to build early, when my empire has a more agrarian/primitive character -- and I'd find it reasonable for them to become obsolete later on, perhaps with something like Urbanization. (Also... why "Standardized Rites" and "Medicine" specifically? Perhaps you were just trying to assign those units to Level II techs, but nothing about the names of those techs seems to correlate with the types of units they enable.)

It may also be the case that you were just unlucky, and the food add didn't trigger before your unit was killed. This has happened to me. But I'll take your suggestion of a popup into consideration!

For those prereqs, here was my logic both in terms of theme and game design. I figure Standardized Rites is linking up even rural, non-sedentary communities with a larger administrative body (could be religious, political, social, all of the above), and so a city attracting ("building") Shepherds that pool food for a larger unit made sense in this regard. Mechanically, I thought this to be a good time to introduce that unit for build -- it becomes a choice by the player to engage that strategy rather than be forced into it, if that makes sense. Then for the Woodsman, I figured similar mechanically, but thematically thought that a social understanding of ecology / the natural environment would facilitate those who live off the land beyond settlements.

All that said, I wouldn't be opposed to more random chances of receiving these units without building them. I could code something to that effect.

Knighttime said:
I think in my game, not only did my Hero not retire, but neither did those belonging to any of the other 6 AI nations, so there are 7 Heroes permanently running around the map (actually now it's probably 6, because one of the enemy Heroes attacked mine and lost). Perhaps this reduced my probability of "using the Hero effectively" because of competition with the AI nations using their Heroes the same way. So maybe with the retirement patch in place, there won't be so many Heroes active simultaneously. On the other hand, my Hero would have far fewer turns to find anything... I'd have to start another game to see how it goes, I guess.

Yeah, that's not right! It shouldn't happen that way. What I imagined is that all Heroes appear at the same time, and it is sort of a scavenger hunt / race against other civs and the clock to find targets, or even conduct war.

Knighttime said:
In my Medieval Millennium mod, I don't have capped units, but I do have city improvements with population-based requirements or nationwide quantity limits. I believe I wrote code that runs each turn and checks the current production for each city belonging to the human player, and verifies that the city should actually be allowed to build that item. If not, I warn the user that they need to change production. If they don't and an invalid item is actually completed, I undo that by deleting the item, refill the shield box to full, and announce that the current production item could not be completed. Alternatively, if you detect an invalid item currently being produced, you could just change city.currentProduction to something else automatically, although picking something valid and appropriate might take some effort.

These are great ideas! I do remember that now. I would love to implement something similar.

Knighttime said:
I'll look forward to an updated release sometime soon. Thanks for taking all this feedback into account!

Thank you! It's really helpful for me. Ultimately I hope for this mod to be enjoyable for those who play it, and no better way than workshopping like this. Appreciate it!

Prof. Garfield said:
In onCityProcessingComplete.lua, there is an example of using the delayedAction module to make something happen 10 turns in the future. Let me know if you need an explanation (I may have just given you the code). Incidentally, you define the function divinedPowerFailureEvent twice.

Personally, I would suggest using a key press event to let the human player choose a city. Toggle a flag when the player can make a choice, then, when an appropriate key is pressed, use the current tile to determine the city.

Great idea! And keep the current code for the AI. That's nice. I could also do this for the legion's road-building ability -- have a key press for the human player, leave as-is for the AI.

@tootall_2012 Yes, that's right! The legion gets capped based on population. Hope it didn't put you in too much of a bind. Did you feel it was too soon for the cap (I could lower it in the code)? Oddly, I couldn't open your .sav file. I'd love to see screenshots, if you're up for sharing.

By the way, I have been wondering recently how this mod would play multiplayer -- if at all. Something to ponder for the future.
Hi ThichN,

Let me start by saying I completed the mod yesterday and I enjoyed playing it very much! As you've indicated previously, this is still an alpha version but you already managed to introduce some very fun and interesting features, and of course as I've said before the quality of the graphics and overall polish of the mod is just first rate!

@tootall_2012 Yes, that's right! The legion gets capped based on population. Hope it didn't put you in too much of a bind. Did you feel it was too soon for the cap (I could lower it in the code)?

As you discussed in a previous post with Knighttime, since the mechanism to prevent cities from building legions when the cap is reached isn't in place, I still had 3 of my cities that could keep building this unit therefore I was able to slightly pass my cap (25 legions for a population of roughly 200 citizens).

In case this helps, cap limits play a vital role in my Battle of Italy (BoI) scenario and as such I implemented two different mechanisms to track and prevent unwanted or surplus units:

1. Sometimes, when the Allies captured an Italian city, it would still be producing an Italian Infantry unit which I obviously didn't want. So in my onCityProduction.lua file I added this bit of code which deleted the unit as soon as the city produced it and gave a warning to the player to review their city production...

function onCityProduction.onCityProduction(city,prod)
    if city.owner == object.pAllies and civ.isUnit(prod) then
            if prod.type == object.uFanteriaVeterana then
                text.simple("The " .. .. " built in " .. .. " was removed.\n^\r^This is a reminder that the Allies may only build either\n^city improvements or 'Capitalization' in their cities.\n^\r^As such, you should check your cities production\n^status screen to ensure they aren't building units.","Illegal Production Eliminated!",object.monexone)

I imagine in your case, you could modify the code to only delete a unit if it exceeded the cap?

2. In the second case, on given turns the Allies are required to withdraw units through the event file. But this caused a problem if the unit was loaded on a truck at the time that the witdrawal was scheduled. So I added the following code in my onActivate.lua file that always tracks the maximum number of unit as specific type has. If, when its the unit's turn to activate, it exceeds it's allowable limit, I delete the unit and give a message stating why...

    -- Reason: It's possible that some units may not have been withdrawn because they were being tranported by trucks at the time
    -- See also onTribeBeginTurn.lua -- PARTIAL UNIT.TYPE DELETION FUNCTION section where I prevent withdrawing units from the 'unit.location ~= object.ltransportPoint' because this could cause an error when trying to unload the truck afterwards

    if civ.getTurn() >= 19 then
        -- GI Veteran
        if unit.type == object.uGIVeteran then
            local GIVeteran = 0
            for unit in civ.iterateUnits() do
                if unit.type == object.uGIVeteran then
                    GIVeteran = GIVeteran + 1
            if     GIVeteran > counter.value("# GI Veteran") then  
                civ.ui.text("The " .. .." located at (" .. text.coordinates(unit.location) ..") was belatedly withdrawn from the theater as part of a previously scheduled departured!")

Finally, since you are using a cap for multiple units, may I suggest you implement a dashboard, again similar to what I've done in BoI (which is accessible by pressing on the keyboard '2' key), that dynamically tracks not only the number of current active unit types but their maximum allowable limit?


Of course, these are merely suggessions for you to review in the case they may be useful to you. Feel free to use or discard them at your own convenience.

Oddly, I couldn't open your .sav file. I'd love to see screenshots, if you're up for sharing.
In this screen shot, you can see that I started my Roman Empire at the very tip of an isolated peninsula and had to expand ever eastward as a consequence...


Near the end of the scenario, as I was the dominant power on the board, all the other powers had joined an alliance against me. I had no option but to wage war (in this scene I'm making inroads against the Iberians and the Kushans, with the Hittites just east of Kausambi city)...


Even launching a maritime invasion on the other side of the world again against the Iberians and this time Egyptians!


I attached my last save game in case you are able to open this one.

It may also be the case that you were just unlucky, and the food add didn't trigger before your unit was killed. This has happened to me. But I'll take your suggestion of a popup into consideration!
To be honest, in my play through, I didn't really pay much attention to the Sheperd/Woodsman units. They didn't 'chirp' very often and when they did, it was never really clear what city they may have added their bonus or even how significant it was. It's also not clear if there is a maximum range for them to operate from your cities before the effect is nullified altogether.

Finally, I noticed there are many units for which you are removing the health bar (Settlers, Sheperd, Woodsman, etc). I'm just curious as to why you took this approach?

EDIT: One final note, I noticed that the Coastal Fortress doesn't appear to trigger when a city is attacked by a naval unit (I came across a similar situation when play testing civ2units Reformation scenario but we couldn't figure out why). I checked the ToTPP Configuration screen and none of the disable dialogs boxes are checked. Have you, or anyone else, experienced the same problem with your mod (or other scenarios)?



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tootall_2012 said:
Let me start by saying I completed the mod yesterday and I enjoyed playing it very much! As you've indicated previously, this is still an alpha version but you already managed to introduce some very fun and interesting features, and of course as I've said before the quality of the graphics and overall polish of the mod is just first rate!

It means a lot to hear this, many thanks! I put a lot of hours into this thus far, so always nice to hear it was at least partially successful. I also really appreciate the feedback -- that's what this thread is for, and I look forward to making these improvements / fixes.

tootall_2012 said:
In case this helps, cap limits play a vital role in my Battle of Italy (BoI) scenario and as such I implemented two different mechanisms to track and prevent unwanted or surplus units:

Thank you for these! Absolutely. I think a combination of these, and a popular similar to the one in Knighttime's mod, will work quite well. Thank you for giving these suggestions and for the code. Extremely useful. As an aside, I'm diving into BoI for the first time this afternoon. :)

tootall_2012 said:
Finally, since you are using a cap for multiple units, may I suggest you implement a dashboard, again similar to what I've done in BoI (which is accessible by pressing on the keyboard '2' key), that dynamically tracks not only the number of current active unit types but their maximum allowable limit?

Wow! This is fantastic. I don't think I knew this could be done. Is this difficult to write the code for? (onKeyPress? I haven't tinkered with that, but I also really like Prof.'s suggestion above, so I should learn it)

tootall_2012 said:
To be honest, in my play through, I didn't really pay much attention to the Sheperd/Woodsman units. They didn't 'chirp' very often and when they did, it was never really clear what city they may have added their bonus or even how significant it was. It's also not clear if there is a maximum range for them to operate from your cities before the effect is nullified altogether.

They are basically scouts, but with an added bonus. So it is best to use them as scouts, but if, say, you can move thru plains as a Shepherd rather than a forest, it might be beneficial to try, as it could add food to the nearest city. The impact is subtle, not magnificent or dramatic -- and that is perhaps why it goes into the background. This was by design, though. I have played test games though where I intentionally moved a Shepherd back and forth through plains to accumulate food in a nearby city. It does work, if you happen to need it, but it should not (in my strategic opinion) replace scouting, goodie huts, knowing coastlines, etc.

And: a well-timed Woodsman can boost production towards that unit you need to defend a city.

There is no range limit for them -- they should work even over ocean. I do understand that not knowing what city they are impacting could be frustrating. It will always be the nearest city to the unit, though, so you have that to go by.

It is very fun to think of this mechanic on a grander scale for some kind of colonization mod in the future.

tootall_2012 said:
Finally, I noticed there are many units for which you are removing the health bar (Settlers, Sheperd, Woodsman, etc). I'm just curious as to why you took this approach?

It is strange, isn't it? I made this conscious decision for aesthetic and subtle mechanical reasons. You can see the civ the units belong to by hovering the cursor over them, sure, but not having the knowledge immediately in-game in the map interface was intriguing to me... as if they are "unaffiliated," as a tribe might be before founding a city, or a satellite non-sedentary people would be who gave tribute towards a more established polity. I realize though that this is pretty abstract as far as these things go. ;)

tootall_2012 said:
One final note, I noticed that the Coastal Fortress doesn't appear to trigger when a city is attacked by a naval unit (I came across a similar situation when play testing civ2units Reformation scenario but we couldn't figure out why). I checked the ToTPP Configuration screen and none of the disable dialogs boxes are checked. Have you, or anyone else, experienced the same problem with your mod (or other scenarios)?

Hmm, I'm not sure about this! Do you mean that the Coastal Fortress isn't functioning as it should (upping defense), or that the pop-up isn't coming up? Thanks for reporting this. If the CF is not functioning, that is a big issue.

Really fun seeing your screenshots, too, @tootall_2012 ... Did the volcano near Katisambi ever erupt? Were you ever at any point asked to aid another civilization with funds? Fantastic population there, too. Did you find the mod too easy? I wonder too if your Bronze Age collapse event ever triggered.

An update is coming soon! Can't thank you enough for your comments.
And one thing I did greatly overlook was merchants from merchant tribes! For the merchant tribes, you can hire caravans, but they will always be grain. I wonder if there is a way to create a pop-up to choose their goods type...!

Did you find yourself engaging with these tribes? They generate less frequently as the game progresses. I wonder if they are over/underpowered, or just right.
Wow! This is fantastic. I don't think I knew this could be done. Is this difficult to write the code for? (onKeyPress? I haven't tinkered with that, but I also really like Prof.'s suggestion above, so I should learn it)
You can find my code for this in the consolidatedEvents.lua file. It might be a little intimidating a first but if you take a look at these two sections you should start to get an idea:
From lines 352 - 364: the function identifies the units you want to keep track of
Lines 2714 - 2806: is associated to keyboard.two which allows you display the results on screen

In my example, the code is a little more involved in the sense that I'm tracking types of groups of units, whereas in your case you would only want to track individual unit types.

It is strange, isn't it? I made this conscious decision for aesthetic and subtle mechanical reasons. You can see the civ the units belong to by hovering the cursor over them, sure, but not having the knowledge immediately in-game in the map interface was intriguing to me... as if they are "unaffiliated," as a tribe might be before founding a city, or a satellite non-sedentary people would be who gave tribute towards a more established polity. I realize though that this is pretty abstract as far as these things go. ;)
Ok, thanks for the explanation.

This is just a personal design preference of mine, but I typically like to use the hide health bar for:
1. When you want to add a type of fog of war where you don't want the human player to see how wounded an enemy unit is. @techumseh applies this very successfully in his Burma scenario.
2. If the health bar is a visual hindrance. For example in my Battle of Italy, I removed the health bar of the Sea Mines because the Allied player can't really attack them and therefore the health bar only served to hide other units or terrain features.

Hmm, I'm not sure about this! Do you mean that the Coastal Fortress isn't functioning as it should (upping defense), or that the pop-up isn't coming up? Thanks for reporting this. If the CF is not functioning, that is a big issue.
Definitely that the message isn't popping up and I believe that the defensive bonus isn't working either. As I indicated this was an issue as I also experienced while playing civ2units Reformation scenario.

Thus I was wondering, if this was only happening for me or whether you, or others, had experienced it as well?

If so, then perhaps it's a ToTPP issue?

Really fun seeing your screenshots, too, @tootall_2012 ... Did the volcano near Katisambi ever erupt? Were you ever at any point asked to aid another civilization with funds? Fantastic population there, too. Did you find the mod too easy? I wonder too if your Bronze Age collapse event ever triggered.
I never saw an explosion myself, but I did receive a few messages to the effect that a volcano had exploded.

I don't recall getting any request for aid.

As I'm not certain what the Bronze Age effects were supposed to be so I can't confirm if it happened or not.

And one thing I did greatly overlook was merchants from merchant tribes! For the merchant tribes, you can hire caravans, but they will always be grain. I wonder if there is a way to create a pop-up to choose their goods type...!

Did you find yourself engaging with these tribes? They generate less frequently as the game progresses. I wonder if they are over/underpowered, or just right.
I'm not familiar with code for homing a caravan though I imagine it must be possible. The Prof. might be able to tell you himself what can or not be done here?

Did you find yourself engaging with these tribes? They generate less frequently as the game progresses. I wonder if they are over/underpowered, or just right.
I did. Depending on the type of tribe I would bargain for different bonuses.
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I'm not familiar with code for homing a caravan though I imagine it must be possible. The Prof. might be able to tell you himself what can or not be done here?
In code, changing the home city of a caravan is the same for any other unit. You can change the caravan commodity by changing unit.domainSpec (which is an integer).
@tootall_2012 Thank you for your tips and this valuable feedback!

I just finished my latest playthru of this alpha. I had a total blast -- it was really touch and go for my Akkadian Empire, but I broke through enemy lines and conquered the world sometime in 250 CE. What was great about this playthru was the timing of events... I think I discovered "Monotheism" on 5 BCE or so, and other tech seemed to basically relate to "real" timeline analogues.

Naval warfare was also exciting, although I managed to crush enemy navies before they could develop Juggernauts or properly put Siege Ships to good use. It was close, though! The Hittites, funny enough, were very skilled at using Liburnas to surprise some of my earlier naval units. But that tide shifted. Barbarians also posed a threat. Some civs clearly were able to conquer cities back, others could not -- so there was a tribal state of Eritrea for a while, which was a huge thorn in the AI's side on one of the main arms of the continent.

Screenshot attached of my lineup of units on their way to Olympia. They were ambushed by Gauls! But they successfully fought the barbarians back and made their way through, piercing the Spartan state.

Spartan assault.png

A lot of needed fixes came up during my playthru. Here is my latest comprehensive list. If anyone else has found items, please let me know, and I'll add to this before going into fix-it mode.
  • Should not be able to get Republic w/o Representation
  • Gladiator death text?
  • Gladiator role in rules.txt?
  • Second gladiator not working (justice?)
  • Getting other civ accomplishments w/Epic Poetry :(
  • Fires should go away the turn after they are made
  • Make Hetaroi more powerful
  • Ensure Famine is powered for later part of game
  • "Let us defend them with STRING0!" - advice.txt malfunction
  • “The Agora” should be “Agora”
  • Some sort of way to clear pollution in a city's radius (e.g., if an improvement is built... Vigiles?)
  • “8” on "new urban quarters" isn’t where I think it is… oops!
  • “II” on special unit should be “IV”? - maybe
  • Is capturing sea vessels working???
  • “Academy of Gondishapur” “HELP” not working (Civilopedia?)
  • “Eruption” unit should not be able to enter ocean terrain
  • More ways to get Engineers in late game?
  • “You have failed to retake Corinth!” — needs human only... don't need to see AI version of this
  • Academy of Gondishapur — can build after building it
  • “Your people’s belief that all other empires should be pillaged…” change this text to something clear (when civ is negotiating with another civ that has disaster units)
  • More late game challenges (I have a sinister idea...)
  • More frequent famine in late game
  • Does AI ever clear pollution?
  • More threatening barbs extending outward from conquered cities
  • Check tootall's price/power comparison of units and make changes accordingly
  • Create a dashboard for unit allotments
  • Do onkeypress lua for urban quarters and fortresses
Some screenies from latest playthru as the Aksumites. Still have the above fixes, but having fun with it. Bronze Age Collapse isn't launching how I want it to. Originally I was covering tiles for the player, but I think that is too harsh, and may dial that part back.

Aksum vs Iberia.png

The Aksumites invade Iberia and leave behind a trail of destruction... quite literally. This war was successful, but proved to be the downfall of the Aksumite Empire down the road.

Greece and Rome.png

The Etruscans were probably the most successful. Not pictured is their megalopolis with 27 population. I liked that the Greeks and Etruscans were adjacent in this playthru.


What Aksum looked like prior to the Iberian invasion. Note the various features around Wiqro... we have a lot of builder tribes settled there. I was waiting to raise the funds to turn them into workshop districts, but only one panned out that way.


The Parthians were a loyal ally throughout my blunders. But while those volcanoes advanced their city pops quite a bit, an unlucky series of eruptions limited the amount of resources they could muster to fight back against what would be the dominant empire: the Etruscans.
First playthrough. Etruscans! Spartans to the east. Achaemenids to the north. Both hostile. Two turns after this screenshot, the Spartan hero showed up and conquered Caere. Sent my own hero to take it back but he died fruitlessly in combat. The Egyptian hero threatened Vulci but I paid him off with Mysticism. That barbarian village in the northwest is the only tribe I've found and it seems the Egyptian hero interacted with it somehow on his way down. It looks different now than in the screenshot and there was a message about an engineer.
Etruscans - Copy.png
Thanks for playing, @Dupuire Unaru !
I recommend that you turn the "sprite animations" off - your Spears unit shouldn't look like that. Otherwise it looks like you are doing well! Explore the map more and you should find more tribes to interact with. Definitely read the Readme file if you haven't. It'll help a lot with some of the new concepts (but I see your shepherd out in the grass, so that seems to be going well).

The Engineer came from a civ researching 2 of the vital techs before you did - so they received a great engineer. The interaction between the hero and that tribe was probably just combat (removal of the tribe). It looks different because there are 3 tribe types that can spawn, which provide different effects/options. Keep the screenshots coming!
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