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Lord Draegon

Jul 29, 2003
I just bought Tropico, Tropico Trouble in Paradise, and Tropico 2. It's pretty fun, but i'm not that good yet. Anyone else play one of them?
I have all of them. That is one of my favorite games! :)
I have the Mucho Macho edition of Tropico 1. Fun game. For a beginner, choose any traits that make people happy, especially the military, communists, and intellectuals. Hotel magnate (or whatever it's called) is a big help, too, because you get that free hotel off the bat and it makes tourism really easy to get off the ground.

When I first started, I also found that cranking down land elevation was an easy was to make the game more manageable, without losing too many score percentiles. Your workers don't have to flatten the land so much, which makes getting that airport or soccer complex ALOT easier.
I've only played the demo of tropico, but I spent hours playing it cos it was so damn fun. :) Should buy the full thing next time I see it.
Emp.Napoleon said:
Anyoone like to say why, someone like me who does not have it, should buy it?

You're dictator of a carribean island. Each little citizen has his/her own needs, wants, family, and political views. You try to stay in power as long as you can, attract tourists, build industry, manage foreign relations with USSR and USA, keep the people happy with a wide range of buildings, and maybe stash some money in your swiss bank account. :D

All hail the Dictator! :king:
neither, it's real time, but it has very few things in common with Sim City. You get to chose where the buldins are placed and citizens will rush over there and construct it. you have to provide food, housing, religion, ducation, and many other things to keep them happy. each person is part of a faction, such as the intelectuals. each facton has special needs. Also, although i havent witnessed it, you can be invaded. You also get to pass lotsa edicts.
I've got the first one and the expansion pack. I meant to buy the sequel but I forgot all about it until now. Is it any good?
I dont like tropico 2 as much as tropico and the expansion, also you can order your soldiers to kill someone who you dislike(like the candidate for the eleccion) or lock in a dungeon, the music in Tropico is really fun but went i stop playing I keep hearing it.
just got to recently reinstalling the mucho macho edition and could use some tips if anyone has some.

In the past I was always doing the tourist traps but I would like to develop a communist dictator type of island.
It's basically Sim city 2 but thematically set in the Caribbean during the Cold War. Main difference is that it's a bit like the Sims in that every citizen in the game is an actual character with traits and aspects, but you don't have direct control over them, just buildings, economic capacities, and government edicts.

The pirates version of Tropico was a bit more fun (Tropico 2?) and involved ships, exploration, and raiding.

Is is like Sim city or Civ 3?
The pirates version of Tropico was a bit more fun (Tropico 2?) and involved ships, exploration, and raiding.

I loved the Pirate version. Getting them all the parrots and peg-legs. Not huge or terribly deep, but a lot of fun.
I haven't found a copy of Tropico 2 yet. (I saw it like 2 years ago at Circuit City but I put it off for like 2 weeks and it was gone.) I have Tropico Mucho Macho.

Shevchenko said:
the music in Tropico is really fun but went i stop playing I keep hearing it.
I love the music in Tropico. ONe song always sticks in my head. It sounds like they are saying "And its a meat papaya" Its to the same instrumentals as when the game comes on.

Hmm, would it be a good idea to use this thread as a dumpsite for screenshots of our islands? Or should we just use the "Screenshots" thread?

Emp.Napoleon said:
Is is like Sim city or Civ 3?
Think Sim City, but you build actual buildings instead of zoning. You decide how much your workers make and how much each hotel, restaurant, etc. costs. (There are guidlines you use to control the economy that aren't worth going into atm.) You can be elected out of office every 4-6 years. You can deny said elections and rule with an iron fist. You can (although its hard) become the love of the people after having denied them liberty. You can kill opposing candidates to secure office. Really you can have anyone executed/imprisoned for any reason. SOme jobs require high school or college so you can educate your people, or pay a hefty fee to bring in a qualified worker on the next ship. You can base your economy on tourism (hotels and time share condos) or have a strong workforce. ALot of times I like to get my island to Tropicans only status. But use tourism as a source of revenue. (It's way too lucrative to ignore.)
There are a lot different factions too. Like if you keep wages pretty much equal among the pay grades you will keep the communists happy but the capitalists will be upset (which will upset the US as well. Especially if you eliminate/imprison rivals) When you have the higher-education jobs you really need to keep them happy since they were expensive to hire and educate. Also the dissenting factions can form rebellions which remain hidden to you and force you to beef up military. (but remember to keep the militarists happy to prevent coup'de'tat (sic).
Being able to rotate more buildings would have been helpful though.

This and not being able to terraform land (even minorly)are the only problems I see in the original. I mostly like to terraform for walkways that aren't rediculous. I use a method that is expensive to make my walkways ideal. But it is tricky to utilize. (Make every other tile along the path a 1 tile fountain first.)
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