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TSG23 After Action Report

Difficult map for expansion, being hemmed in by the mountains to the North. Therefore, decided to settle two cities only. In turn, this meant a relatively peaceful game, until Oda decided to DoW me near the end. No problem to hold him off with Artillery. I found the going slow towards the end, with unusually long wait times between turns. It must have been because of the larger than usual number Civs and the larger than usual number of units on the map. The run-in was interesting with the Ottomans and Greeks trying to buy the best City States away from me. Finally, allied the requisite number of City States 3 turns from the end then DoW'd both Civs to ensure they wouldn't buy any back again. By then it was too late for them to organise any reprisals.
Diplomatic turn 271

Game: Civ5 GOTM 23
Date submitted: 2011-11-05
Reference number:25117
Your name: Yrag80
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1802AD
Turns played: 271
Base score: 1205
Final score: 2231
Time played: 4:54:00
Submitted save: Ramkhamhaeng_0271 AD-1802 .Civ5Save
Renamed file: Yrag80_C502301.Civ5Save

Game coulda been better. For some reason I signed a RA with Japan and they DOW'd me 1 turn away.... AI is so dumb. Got pissed at them and whiped them out. my SP's were tradition opener, Liberty then back to fill tradition, along the way I snagged Rat opener and Patronage. Filled left side of Rationalism at the end to get 2 free techs to go with my oxford and 8 GS's. also popped the lourve or w/e to get the 2 free GA's to push my GPT at the end to 350+. sold my GPT to buy out the CS's from Persia. Pretty fun game even though my Comp could barely handle 10 civs at once. Game got real slow at the end especially once i started rackin up the CS allys.

If I would timed my GE better and didnt oversign RA's at the end I coulda finished around 250. My cap took 16 turns to finish UN.

Would post some SS's but steam crashes with civ 5 when I press f12 key. Some runtime error or something.
Diplomatic win, turn 324, 1904 AD, Score 1764/2756

I foundate only two cities, no good place around. I manage GL and HS and with Steel I quickly conquered India and then Japan. City states gave me a lot of culture and food, so it was easy. After I made UN, all rest staes attacked me and my alies, and it took about ten turns to vote - I was able to protect only some of them, but finally I received 14 vots.

My mistakes - a lot. The worst was let workers to work automatically, I was lazy to take care of them. Theresult was I spend 90 Gold on road maintenance, 15 income. It cost me a fortune. Another was that I choose Freedom and make anarchy (I had Order before)

Game was fun, but last 30 turns was a bit boring. I have nothing to do but wait for the end of turn.
My first submitted game, I did shadow a couple before. My 3rd (I think) emperor win ever, so I'm quite pleased.

Game: Civ5 GOTM 23
Date submitted: 2011-11-07
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1866AD
Turns played: 303
Base score: 1355
Final score: 2258
Time played: 3:47:00
Submitted save: Ende - TSG23 AD-1866.Civ5Save
Renamed file: madmatt55_C502301.Civ5Save

Founded in the western Gems, which turned out to be a GREAT spot with all the iron and even picking up the furs SW. Tradition opener first while beelining to writing, then kind of changed my mind and filled up representation while building the GL (Philosophy) and teching to Iron working. Japan took the sweet spot at the northern river with silver, so I prepared the free settler to take the so far unknown iron spot. Seeing all the iron at the capitol spot I founded at the eastern coast, bought/built/upgrades some warriors/swordsman and razed said japanese city (I think 4 swordsmen).

During the war I managed to get NC and the HS, teched up to Education and got myself 2 more settlers. Settled the river/silver spot and the west coast spot grabbing both tiles of the natural wonder. I used the HS engineer and the representation engineer for ND and PT, bulbed navigation. During that I managed to take all but a west coast japanese city with swordsman and 2-3 catapults.

I used a caravel to find all the others for RAs, at some point I used legalism to get some wats (i think 2 and a temple), founded 1 more city at the coast and was done with settling. I kept all of the japanese cities for trading post spam, used longswords to take Machu Pichu from India and all but the most northern indian cities for more trading posts.

From that position I remained peaceful till the end of the game, used my cities for great scientiests and spammed RAs as much as possible. I took the rationalism opener, freedom opener and only then filled up rationalism.

My only concern in the endgame were Persia and Greece, who stocked up huge gold piles (I think Persia ended the game with 14000). Thank god the AI are completely stupid in spending the money on city states, so I managed to get all of the alive ones (13) for the UN vote. I tried to get rid of some gold/ keep them busy by bribing persia to war against greece a couple of times, but they never even managed to even exchange one city...

Pretty fun game overall, I think the starting position was godly. The crowded map didn't seem to change to much, probably even made the RA-spamming and thus teching even better. I guess a war with Japan was unavoidable in any case ;)
finished this tonight in t186 with a Diplo win.
Will do some writeup later, votes been pretty close - I was too lazy (press end turns only) to get ais gold before they dowed me - So I could barly buy enough CS - 10+my vote been enough ..

Had from turn 172-to175 1 RA going in each turn and together with oxford and 4 GS the last 9 techs came in kinda fast - had 2 engis rdy aswell (which been saved for LONG time) - for for like 80 turns - standing close to cap doing nothing ...

Faster finish time should be possible easily for some1 good if he buys open boarder with asiyaka and starts RA spam more early with meeting civs 60 turns faster than I did
Here's a mistake for you guys: I was half asleep and mis-clicked a Great Scientist to give a golden age instead of free tech Globalism... :( This put me 15 turns behind where I should've been, but I'm still pretty happy with finishing at turn 337.
Faster finish time should be possible easily for some1 good if he buys open boarder with asiyaka and starts RA spam more early with meeting civs 60 turns faster than I did

Thing is he became guarded in my game and i couldn't open borders with him. Even if he was friendly, i don't know if i would have opened border because i tought we were 4 alone on our continent until much later in the game. I discovered a 5th civ around turn 120.

I played until turn 172 i think and i don't know if i will finish under 240 turns. Pretty lame game for me overall, i played sessions after my ''no writing tech domination game'' at deity so i hadn't much will to bring a very good game here. I even lost 3-4 units for ''nothing''. Songhai, Japan and Ghandi triple DoWed me and i only captured an Indian's city and defending myself. I retreive myself with only 6 RAers and 1 civ is always broke(Suleiman).

I play this game bad, i'm pretty unlucky with diplo(not declared war at all and everyone is still against me) and i played it with no brain juice left.

I should at least take a big break or simply wait for the other day next time :)

Sry if it's in the wrong thread, but at that point i discovered everyone and every cs so it doesn't change anything.
A pretty easy win, could have been better I guess if I had started with RA's sooner and would have conquered more aggressively (first RA signed at t152!)

Settled west on diamond hill, build a scout 1st, mining 1st. My warrior went via Sidon north of mountain range, my scout went the southern way where my scout bumped into a Japanese settler/warrior pair leaving Kyoto going southeast. I took the chance and attacked, with my warrior/sout combo. My settler from SP went to 3 wheat spot SE of Kyoto, for a 2 city NC setup via GLib (that I used for CS).
beelined CS, then Iron, then Astro, then Steel.
By turn 60 I'd defeated Oda with 4 swords, by turn 115 Ghandi, giving me a nice part of the world on my own.
Because of my early warmongering everyone the whole game was guarded, which costed me a fortune, I only got 109 gold for each lux, and I had plenty. No one ever DOWed me.
I finally took out Askia as well, out of boredom I guess. Then stopped, but with my techlead I easily could have moved on.

edit: I finally signed 8RA's, actually only needed 6 to get to the end bulb.
edit: For the vote I had a real overkill, only Dublin was not my ally!
Thanks to my big civ, i managed to get a raw :c5science: high enough for the last 70 turns. Conquests fund me some RAs and Alex was litterally my :c5gold: bank. I went into a golden age for approx 40 turns in a row until the end. I began to ally cs 20 turns before Globalization to let my capital to grow from 10 to 15 :c5citizen: to complete the UN in 1 turn. Thanks Alex!
Game: Civ5 GOTM 23
Date submitted: 2011-11-08
Reference number: 25139
Your name: Banman
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1886AD
Turns played: 313
Base score: 1554
Final score: 2506
Time played: 7:18:00
Submitted save: TSG23Ramkhamhaeng_0313 AD-1886.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Banman_C502301.Civ5Save

settled on the N gems by the mountain and later regretted it strategically, since I didn't end up having a good production city on the eastern coast to meet other civs. Popped a city in the NW and another in the SW on the iron hill, focused on wonder production and research. got most every wonder I tried for (GL, HS, PT, and so on). Japan went to war with everybody they knew in the early game, and I used geography to hold them off with archers and swords. Once my tech edge got bigger, I mowed in, liberated sidon, got super-friendly with asoka and gandhi due to our mutual struggle, took Japan's eastern border cities and got a lot of their (formerly Songhai) puppet empire in the peace deal. The puppet empire ended up providing the cash for RAs and CS alliances --> I waited until I was into the patronage tree before starting to ally in earnest. Japan DOW'd again, but by that time I had artillery almost to logistics and pretty much wiped them out. After that, the economy was really really pumping. No one else DOW'd me, though after taking the rest of Japan the other side of the world got pretty wary. Definitely could have shaved a lot of turns in a variety of ways: in hindsight, more even city placement; more GEs relative to GSs in pocket; an earlier start to RAs; etc. occur off the top of my head

Overall, I enjoyed the higher AI# --> made things more challenging/exciting foreign policy-wise, and forces harder choices with respect to city placement and military development. would definitely like higher AI #s in the future ... thanks for the game!
You see Tabarnak,

now you beat me again by two turns....congrats!!

...should have been one turn if my GG would have been inside my territory at start of UN building. Now I was 8 hammers short for a 4 turn build, or 2hpt in my pop28 capital
Diplomatic win on turn 223.

Winning was never an issue, the problem was to finish as fast as possible.
In that regard I think it made two big mistakes, I should have annexed Sidon and puppetting way sooner, same thing for RAs ; I started both around turn 140. When I reached Globalization I was producing close to 900 beakers and around 600 gpt under GA, I had more than 7K gold leftover after allying all 15 CS left so I guess I should have stopped developing my civilization a bunch of turns sooner to focus on the diplomatic victory, I didn't need such a powerhouse.
Doing all this could have shaved maybe a little over 20 turns but I'm still far from Tommynt's win date. I wonder what I am still missing.

Thanks for the game, great training exercise ;)

Edit : re-read some comments and it looks like golden ages helped a lot so not having Chichen Itza was also a mistake.
Tommynt's win date. I wonder what I am still missing.

Guess no1 else is milking ais as much as I do ....

Actually I usually DoW 1 civ 1 time each game. So most times I meet a civ I ll grab all his gold for lux and dow right away (if my scout is save not to get killed) - after 10 turns most civs will be very happy to have peace and often be more friendly then before dowing (as they are happy not to get killed).

This additional money usually flows into CS or buying units early on - having 3-4 CS more as other with this strat just gives some headstart.

Dowing more then once brings danger of civs getting unfriendly making Ras impossible.

Apart that I play too much civ and am pretty good at some "small" stuff I think.
I believe I did a pretty good milking job too as no AI ever reached 600 gold at any point in the game. I often had to buy their gpt so they had enough for RAs and even gifted gold to the almost wiped out civs.

Good trick declaring a war early just to get their gold. I wasn't planning it but happen to do that this game. When I discovered my first ruin, Ghandi's scout was going to beat me to it by one turn so I traded my gpt for all his gold, declared war, got the ruin and he offered a clean peace 10 turns later and was friendly. I just copied someone's idea in the progress thread, maybe it was you ;)

As you say, all the small stuff that comes from experience builds up through the game and contribute to shaving some turns in the end so I'll keep practicing !

Thanks ;)
That should be easy enough.

You click on the link in the first post, this is the same link.

When you get to the submission system, it will ask you for whether you have played GOTM before, for your forum name and for your email address (so it can send you confirmation that your save was uploaded). If you lost via conquest defeat, you tell the system through the drop down menu that you saved the game the turn before defeat, otherwise it is a save from the turn after victory and then you select the save you want to upload. Click on the upload button and allow the site to churn away for a few minutes as your save is parsed and, voila, you should be all set.

Please give it a try and see how it goes. :cheers:

edit - You may also try the Civ5 Replay Facility to compare games. It can be found here.

ye know, i think Leif is probably my favourite Mod on the board?

and not just because he is one of the few Mods not to have given me an infraction warning! ;)

youll get a submission from me for most GOTM's untill you stop posting them. ive probably just committed myself to years of Civ5 playing, ha.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 23
Date submitted: 2011-11-12
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1892AD
Turns played: 316
Base score: 1230
Final score: 1952
Time played: 5:34:00

Why, oh why, didn't Julius Caesar buy off all these City States just before I got my diplomatic victory? He did have about 70k gold in his treasury, while I only had 5k :rolleyes:. He could have won the game if he just tried. This is why I don't like playing diplo, it feels too fake. Maybe it needs to be reconsidered... I would suggest that the longer a civ keeps an alliance with a City State, the more it costs other civs to buy it off. How about that?
Game: Civ5 GOTM 23
Date submitted: 2011-11-13
Reference number: 25157
Your name: kcd_swede
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1937AD
Turns played: 357
Base score: 1593
Final score: 2243
Time played: 10:35:00

Thing is, I built the UN in t317. I had 9 votes when I reached Econ and was ready to use 2 free techs from civics 2t later for Globalization, with 2GE's ready to build the UN. Saving money to buy the last 2 CA's of course. But.. Econ seems to be a trigger for something.... got DOW'd by Persia and Greece. Then a bunch of denouncements, etc.

Ugh. I could not help 2 of my CA allies in time, and they were captured. I lost Rome and Baghdad as well. Then I get Rome back and liberate it. Now I just need to liberate Bagdad and the CS and I'll win. Not a simple task against the higherst power civs... but instead of saving cash, I can now buy a whole bunch of hardware.

I finally got to see nukes get used... against me, twice, in totally ineffectual way.:rolleyes:

Anyhow, it was a very exciting game that required me to do a bit of everything. Note, I don't borrow cash from people... it seems like a silly mechanism that makes the games tedious. (But that's why my finish times stink, I suppose). But I got to build a lot of stuff, WW's, get a lot of policies, could have built a SS, use a whole lot of modern-era units (cool battle graphics, actually) and got nuked (twice). What more could you ask for in a game? I'm glad I stuck it out for a diplo win, it was quite a challenge requiring a lot of adaptation. Thanks for the map, Leif! :goodjob:
Game: Civ5 GOTM 23
Date submitted: 2011-11-13
Reference number: 25158
Your name: Quizman
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1856AD
Turns played: 299
Base score: 716
Final score: 1213
Time played: 4:28:00
Renamed file: Quizman_C502301.Civ5Save

A pleasing victory and my first at emperor . I played this as an OCC. Furthermore, I made my own additional rule that I would play it entirely peacefully. That included no puppeting or city razing and it suited my preference for peaceful games.

As it happened Oda was the only AI to DoW me although for a reason I cannot fathom, I had a host of denouncements midway through - all on the same turn. Mostly though, I was friendly with everyone, even Oda. This helped incredibly with all the RA's that I signed up to, even if the later ones did cost me an extra 100 per time.

I made a last minute decision to settle on the western gems rather than the northern ones which was original plan and I am really pleased that I did so especially after researching IW. Adequate gold was always an issue, but I had just about enough to pledge to all the city states at the end.

My RA planning worked almost perfectly. I was 3 turns short of where I wanted to be on the last one because that was the turns left to complete Radio before using my 2 saved GS's for the last two required techs. I only had one GE though so I needed another 5 turns before completing UN on turn 288. After that, it was just a case of splashing the cash.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 23
Date submitted: 2011-11-13
Reference number: 25161
Your name: danglading
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1957AD
Turns played: 377
Base score: 1449
Final score: 1932
Time played: 12:20:00
Renamed file: danglading_C502301.Civ5Save

First GotM for any Civ ever. A little slow, but I got there eventually. :)

I expanded to 3 cities to start the game: Original starting spot, down on the hill near the snow to get the furs (I know, but it slowly became one of my better cities...), and west between the mountains and coast (I know, I know...not a great location). This felt like a tough starting spot for expansion, for sure.

I intended to expand as fast as I could, hold enough military to slap around any irritants, and basically pile up money while teching my way to as many science buildings as I could and then the UN.

The terrain and Japan put the kibosh on the whole "early expansion" idea by expanding right up to my doorstep. They declared war on me right when I got swords, and after I slapped that down pretty hard (terrain was a HUGE advantage here) I quickly realized that I was hopelessly boxed in and there was no way I would keep up the economic strength I needed to buy this victory without some conquest. So, while Japan was busy fighting Gandhi and Askia I went to war with them. I razed a city and puppeted another before accepting one favorable peace treaty, which I used to regroup. One more round of war (spanning muskets then rifles) pushed japan off the mainland to the little pissant island off the west coast.

From there I just turtled. I milked my happiness till I could annex Japans two best cities and tweak them to my liking. I ran neck-and-neck with Persia on the tech race the whole game, which helped a lot when the bastards attacked me for no reason. (Is there ever a reason...) After shredding their initial attacking force with only one troop making landfall I made an ill-fated expedition to attempt a liberation of Quebec City but got completely humiliated. After the remnants of Operation Canadian Storm limped home I just worked on my defenses and used my small but hard-hitting navy to sink flotilla after flotilla that Darius sent my way. Eventually he saw the wisdom of taking peace without demanding half my cities and I took it because I was feeling sorry for his poor army.

At this point it was just a question of tweaking my economy to science & gold to make sure I was the first to the UN and had the cash to take advantage of it. I maintained my alliance with the three military CS's on my part of the continent (didn't realize it wasn't a separate continent until Satellites revealed the whole map), so once my defenses were comfortable I just kept shuttling the gifted troops to my turf and turning them into cash.

Not a great game for great people, but I got enough scientists to keep my tech going strong, more merchants than I'm used to (including two in the end game which helped the coffers a LOT), and had a spare general to pop a well-timed golden age during the second half of my UN build (total of 13 turns or so to build it). I managed to save up enough cash to buy all the remaining CS's on the last turn before the vote, which would give me 12 total votes. Alex bought one on his turn, making me sweat until Darius finished his turn, because he and I had been bidding up Rio for the previous four turns. But I held on to the bare minimum 11 votes for the win.

By the end of the game I had about a dozen wonders while every other team had one, maybe two. That was definitely a first for me. I had about 250gpt without a golden age, and over 1100 beakers per turn. I ended up completing the Liberty (there's that expansion plan again...) and Rationalism trees, the first tier of the Honor tree (for the barb/production/combat bonus) and the left half of the Patronage tree.

This was also my first attempt at Emperor, so it felt pretty good to never find myself in any "oh CRAP" situations. A few "what the heck was I thinking!" moments, but I can live with that. =)

Next month I'll work on screen shots. ;-)
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