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TSG4 After Action Report

Well, that was fun game but I made some stupid mistakes and could have easily won earlier.

My strategy was to settle only a few cities and puppet most of the starting continent. China was my first target. I conquered it easily with Mohawks and puppeted all 6 cities I captured.

After that I had some problems with unhappiness and needed to wait a bit before attacking Mongolia with longswords. I managed to capture 4 cities and after that Genghis offered all his remaining cities for peace. I accepted and puppeted all cities I get.

Then Caesar declared war but his pikemen and archers were easy to kill and I captured 2 of his cities. Then he wanted peace and gave me 2 cities. I had serious unhappiness problems and needed to raze 3 cities to get unhappiness over -10.

After that I had 5 settled cities and 14 puppets. Rest of the game was just researching towards Globalization. I made a long beeline to it with 3 Great scientists, Oxford and Scientific Revolution at the same turn. The United Nations took 18 turns to build (Golden Age from Taj Mahal).

Things I should have done better:

-Had too slow start. Should have atacked China earlier or settled more cities.
-Had serious unhappiness problems before Forbidden Palace
-Found first maritime city state (Ragusa) really late.
-Get only 4 Great Scientists-
-Should have found the other continent earlier for some trade
-Wasted some turns as I didn't micromanage research enough. (No research overflow:mad:)


  • TSG4_1605 AD.Civ5Save
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Diplomatic victory in 1957AD, score 1274, HOF 1698.

Made detailed notes, attached for anyone interested.


Settled in place and went for early expansion.
Missed out on Stonehenge and decided not to build ANY wonders in my rage ;)
Got to about 4 cities then went on the offensive once had got iron and mohawks.
Half killed China to the N then Mongols to the W, then finished off China.
Had a few skirmishes with Rome, he had Artillery VERY early! Almost took me out.
Spammed markets, banks, trading posts, etc. for maximum cash.
Didn't really do much with the other continent except a few happiness deals.
Every civ declared on me at one point, I like being dishonourable.
Fairly straight-forward bee-line to Globalisation, UN and bribing city-states.

Things I learnt:

- Those Cho-ko-nut things are lethal.
- Mohawks are a fair match for Longswords.
- Forests/jungles as roads is really nice.

Things I could have done better:

- Having decided on taking out my neighbours, should have gone offensive earlier.
- Once you attack, finish em off.
- Don't forget to build/buy a factory when building wonders.


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  • Hiawatha_0564 AD-1957-.Civ5Save
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Played this game with a CS slingshot ... no not Civil Service, but City States.

I usually have ignored then up to now, but after taking out some barb camps and getting some friendly, I noticed the nice gifts. So I built alliances with cultural and militaristic CS (they did most of my troop production). Only later did I ally with a maratime, and I let that lapse as happy issues became problematic.

I settled 1 west over the river. Used a small core and puppet approach, with some culture policy focus (I built 'henge, Sistine, and Redentor). Everything was so slow to build, but the CS allies were granting me resources (happiness and horse/iron), culture, and units.

When I got to longswords I went after China, took (puppeted) all but two cities (Wu became a trading partner after that, esp for research agreements). Then took out all but one Mongol city. However, he would never trade, so when AC asked to go to war with him, I said wait 10 turns and killed him myself.

I was recovering happiness when AC declared on me, in conjuction with Napoleon and Liz. But the latter only sent naval irritants, so I took about half of AC and we all made peace. Later on AC made an assault in the NW with lots of rifles and some art, and I had to retreat from 3 cities until I could wear him down on defense and go take them back. This was coupled with more war from the other continent, but not land troops sent. In retrospect, I should have taken out more of AC in the first round, so he would not be a threat later. So in this second war, I took him out completely.

Then it was a cruise to the UN, completed the rationalism track for the last two tech, had a smattering in other branches (one tradition, two in liberty, a couple in honor, none in piety, the money stretchers in patronage).

Interesting having war when you have 10 CS allies. I purposely allied to some on other continent, so some of their war efforts were aimed at the CS. I sent a few troops to the CS to keep them afloat at times.

Built a sub just for fun ... it has serious ranged naval attack power. Hmm, didn't see if it could bombard a city , which would be a laugh.

For cities, Capital near start, then settled north on the river. Later annexed Beijing in same river on North coast, and one SW coast city to build ships. Otherwise, had puppeted most of my landmass, except three Chinse cities at games end.

Rather satisfying game, learned a lot, and had a bit of challenge (or at least some initial worry) with being at war with 3 at a time for most late wars. Thank goodness for oceans!



  • Hiawatha_0488 AD-1898_21.Civ5Replay
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  • TSG4 DiWinHiawatha_0488 AD-1898.Civ5Save
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Nice game. Fairly straightforward take over the continent and tech away whilst protecting those city states. I obviously could have optimised better though looking at some of the better scores!


  • Hiawatha_0355 AD-1675.Civ5Save
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This was fun to try, I have had never played Hiawatha for more than a few turns before. I made some very big mistakes on policies that probably would have saved me alot of turns. I took all but one policy the turn I got them.

A summary of my game. This was my first time trying to take notes. I kept forgeting and missed alot.

Spoiler :
Turn 1: Settled in place

Turn 69: Defeated China with 3 warriors and an upgraded scout. Puppeted his 2 cities for a total of 3

Turn 122: Took Karakorum from Mongols left their other city thinking I would trade with them, but that never happens.

Turn 128-130: Graphic glitch with a wall of graphics across the screen that I tried to play through but I had save to switch to DX9 to get rid of it.

Turn 137-145: Declare on Rome and take 3 cities and make peace with -4 unhappy. I now have 7 puppets and 4 built cities.

Turn 251: finaly make it to other continent and see the mess over there.

Turn 280ish: Kiiled Mongolia off. They just couldnt make enough money to help me.

Turn330ish: Kill Rome in about 10 turns with 2 Cavalry and 2 Longswords.

Lots of building and researching (some of if the wrong path :( ) and peace until...

Turn 390ish: Research for the UN complete. I wasted my 1 great engineer on something else earlier so I have to build it the hard way.

Turn 416: UN Victory Year 1812. I have 36 cities, built 20 of them and puppeted 16.
Pumping out 1133 science per turn by the end, but only 292 gpt.


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First game on Emperor, and on Epic. Quite happy with the win!

Ended on turn 480, year 1870. Score in the in-game hall of fame is 2836. Is this the HOF everyone else is referring to, or is there a HOF mod?


  • Hiawatha_0460 AD-1870.Civ5Save
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  • Hiawatha_0460 AD-1870_4.Civ5Replay
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Here is my submission. Diplomatic victory in 1941 with a game score of 3858.

It was fun to play. I thought things were going terrible in the beginning, but that was because I was not used to the slower game pace.

Some things I learned from this game:

1) The Great Warpath was great to have on the densely forested eastern part of the continent. In my part of the continent I only had to build a road on five or six tiles to connect all my cities.

2) The Great Warpath functions as rail road too! Having very few roads but using Warpath and harbours instead I could have the 50% production bonus in all cities very soon after discovery of rail road.

3) Because of the Great Warpath I could manage with a small group of workers.
Contrary to other games I did not automate workers because they messed up the Warpath by clearing forests.

4) I made a mistake with attacking Budapest twice. I only had a few units. I was my first military campaign. My attack was followed by a declaration of war from China and Mongolia. I made peace with Budapest to be able to concentrate on my neighbours. After I had dealt with them I declared war on Budapest again because I still wanted free cotton. That second declaration of war triggered the city states to form a league which caused my influence with them to decrease more rapidly. I think I suffered from that for the rest of the game. So my lesson seems to be: Only take one city state in a game and only declare war on it once.

5) In the end I had liberated five city states from other players. A very profitable business!

6) Ruling the waves is easy because the AI is much worse at sea than on land. In the end I had three destroyers with increased bombardment range and two attacks per turn. Those units are really nice to have because they can hit anything twice per turn and sail back to safety afterwards.


  • Hiawatha_0532 AD-1941-.Civ5Save
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^ha... I totally forgot about the warpath stuff and put roads/rails right through the forest tiles inside my borders anyhow. Doh! :blush:
Late again, but will post for reference. I took new SP the turn they became available (a la forthcoming patch) and didn't use ICS. I built 5 cities using Liberty fairly early, then took out China and Mongolia (gaining 8 puppets), I annexed Beijing for marble bonus and built my first wonder very late for me (Taj Mahal). Had an interesting naval war with England, then puppeted the major Roman cities. Rolling in money and had all city states as allies then, as I moved towards victory, England DoW and annexed two bordering CS. I still had enough votes for Diplo victory but wanted a full set, so invaded England by sea with Mech Inf and Rocket Artillery, supported by Battleships and destroyers:- great fun! I even used a bomber (my first air attack in CiV). After liberating the CS and taking 4 English cities (including London), I made peace the turn before my Diplo victory.

Thanks for the interesting map. Hiawatha was OK:- the Warpath movement / trade bonus speeded up early expansion and longhouses were useful mid-late game when production ramped up (although a bit overpriced early doors). The UU was underwhelming.


  • Hiawatha_0435 AD-1845.Civ5Save
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  • Hiawatha_0435 AD-1845_7.Civ5Replay
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^ha... I totally forgot about the warpath stuff and put roads/rails right through the forest tiles inside my borders anyhow. Doh! :blush:

I think the rails are still a good idea for the production bonus. Or is the Warpath also doing that?
I think the rails are still a good idea for the production bonus. Or is the Warpath also doing that?

Yes, the Warpath is also doing that. I wondered about it so I tried and it worked. Those forest tiles acted as railroads, I think it was after I had connected my capital to the forest. Then I could see the 50% production bonus in all cities with forest connections.
Slow both in game terms and finishing date. Reads like a list of mistakes.

I think Hiawatha is great for encouraging a different style (focus on forests).

1) Beelined to mohawk warriors and then proceeded to take over continent (probably could have taken China with warriors.
2) Puppeted as I went having read posts on forums about the improvements with the gold emphasis. This meant I couldn't get the happiness buildings which meant I ended up with numerous small cities and never managed to develop the sprawl to support science and production. This is despite all happiness resources being owned or traded.
3) Started war on other continent before exploring and took half of Greece (razed). Hoped to avoid war with France/Germany as more advanced and larger populations. 4) Realised the only benefit of war would be to liberate Kuala Lumpa & Monaco (French owned). Took a couple of England cities as a staging post then gave ones I didn't need back in peace treaty
5) France declared war on me :mad: and almost took Athens in one turn, so I gave it back to Greece. The French army then had to travel back across the continent to fight. This mean't I could take one French city and Monaco with little difficulty then deal with the cavalry then infantry separately.
NB Impressed with promoted knights who made mincemeat of my cavalry due to formation upgrades.
Took a couple more cities freed KL and focused on the tech tree.
6) Used two GS to bulb final techs and GG for golden age. Bought Hydroplant in wrong city and didn't have enough cash to buy it for a few turns. Invaded France again, this time to free Stockholm.
7) Finally built UN then ten turn countdown, by this time bored so immediately halted wars and clicked next turn
8) Forgot to save.


  • Hiawatha_0433 AD-1843_6.Civ5Replay
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as I cant include file in edit: here is save from my game:

turn 254 un vote - all but 5 ais for me - clueless how to get this hof score - maybe some1 want have look at the save and get it for me ..

bascily - race to astro to be able to ship and be in ren is main prio to get good score in this setting - after wards its dumb mirco people on and off scientists


  • GOTM4_tommynt_t256win.Civ5Save
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Finished too late to submit but won Diplomatic Victory in the 1880s - a little slow but I'm quite pleased as my first attempt at that victory type and difficulty level. The need to focus on science and maintain enough modern enough troops to avoid unwanted wars helped me to curb my bad instinct to build far too many buildings! This also usually prevents me from being able to fight early wars other than defensively - this game was probably the first time I've gone and attacked early for advantage, taking out China and reducing Mongolia to a single isolated city. A little more focus on military and I reckon I could have taken out Rome too and won more quickly.
Finished sometime in the early 1700s. Was utterly bored by this victory condition in Civ5. What was the most complex and multifaceted way to win in Civ4 seems to have become the most simplistic, monochromatic, and in my opinion just plain tedious victory condition in Civ5.

Let's face it--there is no diplomacy needed for a "diplomatic" victory in Civ5. All that is needed is cash. Return, return, return, return. Sigh.
Quit in 1000bc when the patch hit my game and changed everything. We had a good start. Our core of 6 cities completed the Great Library (for Civil Service), we had a couple of Mohawk Warriors ready to invade China, and had just started on Longhouses.
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