TurnBasedLovers: Best 10 4X Strategy Games of All Time

The 1920+ world has a great aesthetic, though. I'd love to see someone publish a pen-and-paper RPG in the setting.

I agree that the theme is very good but the gameplay (at least for the boardgame) is meh.
Everything looks good other than Scythe which has no business being in this list.

Polytopia has more depth than Scythe. :thumbsup:

Dump Scythe and put in Gal Civ. (Pick your iteration.)

Note: I am not saying Polytopia belongs in this list. Fantastic game, though. :goodjob:
Just curious, have you played it? I suppose it doesn't have "depth" as a physical board game isn't always great if they're designed for hours and hours of game play, but for what it's for I love it. I'm actually pretty impressed for what they've put in there while keeping it relatively manageable for a gaming evening.
Just curious, have you played it? I suppose it doesn't have "depth" as a physical board game isn't always great if they're designed for hours and hours of game play, but for what it's for I love it. I'm actually pretty impressed for what they've put in there while keeping it relatively manageable for a gaming evening.

Glad you like it. Stonemaier games are very polarizing. You either love them or you hate them.

For the list's purposes, Gal Civ blows this out of the water, though. So does Master of Orion. Love those Bulrathi. :love:
Well, there's always going to be a lot to disagree with on lists like these. That's to be expected. However...putting Civ IV: Colonization above Alpha Centauri is just plain ridiculous. As much as I loved the original Colonization, Civ4Col was a sub-par game, deeply flawed in both in design and execution. Alpha Centauri, on the other hand, is a gem of game design and atmosphere, probably the most memorable of any TBS I have played. I would have put it right at the top of the list.

Civ VI I can kind of understand. I personally think both Civ V and Civ IV are better, but I see why they would go with VI for the list. It has its strengths, and it's the newest and shiniest one in the series.
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