TurnBasedLovers: Best 10 Turn-Based Strategy Games of the Last Two (And a Bit) Years (with Old World!)


Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008
TurnBasedLovers, obviously a website dedicated to turn-based games, has published a new article: Best 10 Turn-Based Strategy Games of the Last Two (And a Bit) Years.
The list contains 10 turn-based games from the last 2+ years, which should be of special interst to the community which is interested in turn-based games (again, obviously). The list includes the very recently published "Age Of Wonders 4", the historic 4X game "Ozymandias", and also Old World, which is of special relevance for us here. The author used as criteria for the inclusion besides the theme of the game also UI and AI, among others.
A short excerpt from the Old World entry:
Old World is not a simple game, with a lot of interlocking systems but it benefits from a lovely, easy to understand UI, clean graphics and strong gameplay. Whilst it doesn’t cover the sweep of millenia the same way as Civ, I often felt far more connected to my Empire in Old-World than I ever did in Civ.

You can read the whole article here.
I get a privacy error clicking on this website and my browser advises I don't visit it. Is it a safe website?

Kind regards,
Ita Bear
I think the site is having some problems. The link worked fine for me yesterday, I was also getting a certificate error this morning and now the link is dead.
Yeah, they probably just did like the network team where I work and didn't give themselves any reminders that they'd have to renew the certificate, and forgot about it until it expired. Use Let's Encrypt and set it to auto-renew!

A well-deserved placement, I agree that I often feel more connected to my empire in Old World than Civ, especially versions of Civ newer than Civ4.

I also appreciate that this article covers more than just the most popular turn-based games and gives me some new ideas of games to try.
That's a REALLY old version of Old World in the header image! :eek:
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The website is working now, which is good. The article itself, though, isn't. The Old World part at least seems to have been written by somebody who has never played the game. As Dale pointed out, they're using images from a version that is now years old!

They begin with the oft-repeated cliché “What if Civ and Crusader Kings had a baby?” I don't think I've ever heard the developers use this language at all; it's entirely the media that have drawn these comparisons. Is any game with a family tree now immediately "Crusader Kings-like?" The article goes on, "In Old-World you’ll play a civilisation during the ancient era, playing as the Greeks, Carthaginians or Romans and specifically as the ruler of that particular people." What about the Assyrians, Babylonians, Hittites, Egyptians and Persians? Their image even shows the Babylonians!

At least the article is positive though. Old World deserves the praise!

Kind regards,
Ita Bear
Yeah, the screenshot part especially isn't great - those are very old screenshots predating even the Early Access launch, and I thought they'd have stopped surfacing by now, but no.
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it's entirely the media that have drawn these comparisons. Is any game with a family tree now immediately "Crusader Kings-like?"
Maybe it is the drawer which comes first to mind.

My first contact with family trees was in "Die Gilde" and looking back I found it quite surprising that I really liked that "pet the kids" aspect of that game ...
Later I recognized, that already in the original DOS-version of PanzerGeneral this nurturing game element was present for the core units (in contrast to the auxiliary units), which accompanied the player through the campaign ...

Yeah, the screenshot part especially isn't great - those are very old screenshots predating even the Early Access launch, and I thought they'd have stopped surfacing by now, but no.
Is it like, always the same 5-10 screenshots that "surface", or is there someone in a cave with an old version of OW running so that the writers of those articles specifically contact this guy to generate new screenshots of that very old version for their articles?
It's literally the same screenshots - they're from some early press releases and articles, from before anyone could buy the game. So there were never many people with access to that version but the early screenshots were posted so of course they would show up if you google for "old world screenshots" and then they spread that way.

This is not really unique to Old World. Many games end up with several screenshots that become prominent and feature in tons of articles.
Who would have guessed ? If you put "old" in your game title, people looking for screenshots of your game get "old" screenshots. :lol:
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