So the game crash when you press the start game, but before you actually see the map (i.e. when the map etc is created?)
Can you crosscheck with a tool like winmerge to compare xml tag of your new civs with an existing one from module folder (e.g. mazatl)?
Also: does this happens regardless of the map?
Also: can you check with/without super forts option?
Game crashes during "Initialization" of Map Creation, yes. So after pressing start game.
With WinMerge, I see no big differences in structure to the Mazatle XML.
Besides different Units, Leaders, Buildings, I have addionally the feaure that my civ does not remove forests. But I copied that over from the elves civs.
Addionally I have given my civ the "<bSpellResearchFromMaintainFeatures>1</bSpellResearchFromMaintainFeatures>" Tag.
Also, the order of the tags is a bit different.
I had, for testing, remove all tags, all buildings, all units etc. So that I only had the main civ xml with one Bannor leader inside. Still crashed the same way.
I use for testing the maps on Kobold size, so that I directly set my civ and the civ of the one AI enemy.
It crashed before on Human size with mutiple AIs as well.
If I only use "normal" civs, then it does not crash.
If I play as one of my new Civs, it crashes.
Testing with different maps. I found something exciting:
Crashed on maps: MoM_Lakes_Climate, MoM_Erebus_Climate
NO crashes on Maps: MoM_Erebus, MoM_Lakes
So, it seems that the Climate Map Scripts do not like new Civilizations. Is maybe a setting missing for a default fallback for the start area? Or do I need to add a certain tag somewhere for these Maps?
I have sadly no experience in these Map Scripts.
What I can see is that there is a "GetCivPreferences" function that checks for Civilizations. But not all are in there anyway, so I assume that's not the issue.
Super Forts
The setting for super forts seems to have no influence.
- Climate Map Scripts seem to be the Issue.
- Now I am not sure if this "bug" already exists in previous versions, as I am unsure if we have ever tested my new Civ on Climate Map Scripts.
- For now, this is a working Workaround for me: I will avoid the Climate Map Scripts. Would be awesome if there could be a fix in the future 
- Like this, I can continue modding my new civs and buildings
Thank you very much for the idea of testing different maps!