Tweak Mod for Xtended + Master of Mana Updates

yes, summon units should be capped. If you don't cap them you have to nerf them a lot and I think few powerful summons is better than lots of garbage summons. For weak temporary summons it is fine not to take any support.
How about reducing spawn chance and spawning number to half? My concern is that it can be a too big nerf for AI Sheaim...
What about summoning unit be capped but dimensional portal giving +2 unit support?
It seems fair but a small problem is that Sheaim cannot choose units to summon. If unlucky, unit support limit can be filled with relatively weaker units. Probably human players will have to delete some of them waiting for stronger ones.
By the way, does chance and numbers of spawning still follow this rule? (from
Slightly different it seems to me. If I understand the code:
  • 6% when AC < 25
  • 12% AC > 25 and < 50
  • 18% AC > 50 and < 75
  • 24% AC > 75
Multiplied by 2 in case of trait Gatemaster and scaled by gamespeed (1.5 , 1 , 0.66 , 0.33).

Maximum of each unit per Planar Gate:
  • 1 if AC < 50
  • 2 AC > 50
Multiplied by 2 in case of Gatemaster

So it means that Planar Gate also works in term of cap of unit that can spawn.... which is something I like as I did not really felt like adding them to the normal unit cap (which is a pity and against how they should work imho) but still nice that they cannot spawn an infinite number of units...

Maybe can we work on the max cap?
Current spawn chance seems too much to me. (Maximum number rule seems good as it is) Considering that it is not easy for AI Sheaim to raise AC above 25 while humans can easily achieve 50 and higher, vanilla way would be better imho. And, in fact, I still do not prefer capping gate-creatures...
which is a pity and against how they should work imho
I agree.
Could you please tell me which sentence of which file I have to modify to adjust the spawn chance?

P.S. Maybe the problem could be that there is no early weak units like chaos marauder and strong units appear too early in MOM. Succubus at Mage guild and Minotaur at Noble District and they are buffed by ceridwen' favor... Alas, balance stuff is hard and tough...:lol:
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'PLANAR_GATE_CHANCE' sets only base value.
If I change it to 500, base value will be 5%, right? Then, is increment still 6% for every 25 increase of AC? Or will it be also changed to 5%?
Sorry, i'm not sure if I understand you mention correctly...
Does ac_level mean step of AC?
  • ac_level 1 : AC < 25
  • ac_level 2 : 25 < AC < 50
  • ac_level 3 : 50 < AC < 75
  • ac_level 4 : 75 > AC, right?
Then if Planar_gate_chance is four, is the increment also four? Is it defined elsewhere?
Hey, my Modules that I made for this Mod are broken with the newest version.
I had posted them here:

They have worked with the 0.4 Version, but causes an instant Crash as soon as I start a game. (Not on game start, but when I load into a custom game).

It only happens when one of my two new Civilizations is active. Since I am at the end of my knowledge about modding, and I have tried around for 3 days now without any success, I am asking for help here.

The error dumb says: "The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access."
The same error also appears for my friend, so it's not my computer.
If I start a small game with none of my new civilizations, then it works fine. So it must have something to do with how my new civilization modules work...

Has something changed for civilizations or modules since the last version? So from 0.4 to 0.5?
It should have to do something with nations, as I tried to remove everything except the bure bone of my civilization fully. (Name and a single leader from Bannor. It still crashes....)

- I also added new Buildings in a newer, local version. That works just fine. The game mod version only seems to have problems with new civilizations added via Modules I assume. Maybe a general bug instead of something I caused?
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So the game crash when you press the start game, but before you actually see the map (i.e. when the map etc is created?)
Can you crosscheck with a tool like winmerge to compare xml tag of your new civs with an existing one from module folder (e.g. mazatl)?

Also: does this happens regardless of the map?

Also: can you check with/without super forts option?
So the game crash when you press the start game, but before you actually see the map (i.e. when the map etc is created?)
Can you crosscheck with a tool like winmerge to compare xml tag of your new civs with an existing one from module folder (e.g. mazatl)?

Also: does this happens regardless of the map?

Also: can you check with/without super forts option?

Game crashes during "Initialization" of Map Creation, yes. So after pressing start game.

With WinMerge, I see no big differences in structure to the Mazatle XML.
Besides different Units, Leaders, Buildings, I have addionally the feaure that my civ does not remove forests. But I copied that over from the elves civs.
Addionally I have given my civ the "<bSpellResearchFromMaintainFeatures>1</bSpellResearchFromMaintainFeatures>" Tag.
Also, the order of the tags is a bit different.

I had, for testing, remove all tags, all buildings, all units etc. So that I only had the main civ xml with one Bannor leader inside. Still crashed the same way.

I use for testing the maps on Kobold size, so that I directly set my civ and the civ of the one AI enemy.
It crashed before on Human size with mutiple AIs as well.

If I only use "normal" civs, then it does not crash.
If I play as one of my new Civs, it crashes.

Testing with different maps. I found something exciting:
Crashed on maps: MoM_Lakes_Climate, MoM_Erebus_Climate
NO crashes on Maps: MoM_Erebus, MoM_Lakes

So, it seems that the Climate Map Scripts do not like new Civilizations. Is maybe a setting missing for a default fallback for the start area? Or do I need to add a certain tag somewhere for these Maps?
I have sadly no experience in these Map Scripts.
What I can see is that there is a "GetCivPreferences" function that checks for Civilizations. But not all are in there anyway, so I assume that's not the issue.

Super Forts
The setting for super forts seems to have no influence.

- Climate Map Scripts seem to be the Issue.
- Now I am not sure if this "bug" already exists in previous versions, as I am unsure if we have ever tested my new Civ on Climate Map Scripts.
- For now, this is a working Workaround for me: I will avoid the Climate Map Scripts. Would be awesome if there could be a fix in the future :)
- Like this, I can continue modding my new civs and buildings :) Thank you very much for the idea of testing different maps!
Game crashes during "Initialization" of Map Creation, yes. So after pressing start game.
Do you have python exceptions enabled in civ4 bts ini? It might show some error when loading the mod / selecting the mapscript / or starting the game.
Do you have python exceptions enabled in civ4 bts ini? It might show some error when loading the mod / selecting the mapscript / or starting the game.
Civ4BeyondSword.exe from russian version causes this error, original does not have this, I just checked, im sorry.
I didn't find A Bottle of Rum in game, maybe conflict from spell Give the Rom to the Parrot?
just so you know, with these changes the spell works for me.
# if caster.isHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_GEAR_PARROT')) and caster.isHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_GEAR_RUM')):
# iSpell = gc.getInfoTypeForString('SPELL_GIVE_RUM_TO_PARROT')
# elif caster.isHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_GEAR_PARROT')):
if caster.isHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_GEAR_PARROT')):
iSpell = gc.getInfoTypeForString('SPELL_LET_THE_PARROT_TALK')
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Civ4BeyondSword.exe from russian version causes this error, original does not have this, I just checked, im sorry.
I didn't find A Bottle of Rum in game, maybe conflict from spell Give the Rom to the Parrot?
just so you know, with these changes the spell works for me.
Even with your savegame... No error is displayed.
On the other hand, Give Rum to Parrot is not present in the mod, so if this solve the issue for you... I have applied you code modification!
Do you have python exceptions enabled in civ4 bts ini? It might show some error when loading the mod / selecting the mapscript / or starting the game.
I have them active, but sadly I only become the "Dump" option at crash during Map Script Initialization.
So only have this "The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access." result. :)
Hello. It's been a while.
I'm still looking forward to the new version though I don't have time to play game these days...:)

P.S. Now I agree that the number of Planar gate creatures should be capped like that of other units. Unit support limit is a good restriction against the stack of doom in my opinion.
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