Typhoon Submarine

Originally posted by Rocoteh
"why all the trouble"
Well, I suppose it`s because U.S. SSN:s carries
the Tomahawk missile, which have conventional warheads.

If necessary, the tomahawks could be fitted with nuclear warheads, making them equivalent to tactical nukes in Civ3.
Not all Tomahak missiles are conventional, some Tomahawk missiles carries nuclear warheads
The most used land atack Tomahawk (TLAN/C) and anti ship version (TSAM) are both conventional, however tne TLAM/A cariant carries a nuclear warhead
In fact The W-80 Nuclear warhead (Standard nuclear warhead for Tomahawks) is a 200 kt. a large atomic bomb or a small hydrogen bomb, actually to large to, by international standards, to be caled tactical
I knew that what you says about the nuclear capability
of the Tomahawk missile are correct Akula.
Still it`s primary function is to act as an conventional
wepon. Well I have no intention to argue about this.
You have made a really great unit.
That`s what interesting.
I will give Typhoon a high defense rating and
extra hit points.
It should bee hard to knock it out.
Thanks to Akula for permission to use his Typhoon SSBN as the base for a modern SSBN. I've posted it here because the Typhoon is based here, and this mod is directly attributed to this.


This is the readme for the "Naval Modern Start" Scenario, all conditions may be enabled. The only things changed other than the modern start are the units listed below. I don't think it is necessary to state that this is for PtW only, but I will anyhow. :). This Mod may be posted in any fora or website, as long as this readme is included in the .ace file.

To play:

1. Put the "naval modern start.bix" into your PtW Scenario folder.
2. Put the folder titled "naval modern start" into your PtW Scenario folder.

Start PtW as usual, select Scenario and click on the naval modern start.bix, and have lots of fun.

Unit Notes:

The SSBN costs 20 shields, carries 8 tac nukes, has an A/D/M of 6/12/4, both "invisible and detect invisible" flags are enabled. This SSBN is based heavily upon Akula's Typhoon Class submarine, available at: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36997&perpage=20&display=&pagenumber=1. Thanks to Akula for permission to use the Typhoon as the SSBN for this mod- I am heavily indebted to him for this.

The SSN (aka Nuke Sub) carries 4 cruise missiles (no nukes) and has an A/D/M of 10/5/5. Both "invisible and detect invisible" flags are enabled.

The Aegis Cruiser carries 2 cruise missles and has an A/D/M is 12/10/5. The "detect invisible" flag is enabled.

The Cruise Missile can now be carried aboard SSN's and Aegis CA's. Both Lethal bombardment modes are enabled. Cruise missiles can be launched from up to 4 squares away.

Tactical Missles can be carried aboard SSBN's only. Both Lethal bombardment modes are enabled. Tac missles can be launched from up to 6 squares away.

ICBM's: Both Lethal bombardment modes are enabled.

Civilopedia Notes:
There is a copy of the modified Civilopedia for this scenario, and can be found in the "text" folder of the "naval modern start" scenario folder.

DJ54. You may PM me at www.civfanatics.net.

Ok, finally got it uploaded, took me awhile to figure out it wasn't through the forum reply post, but an upload file system. Here's the file URL:

Originally posted by Rocoteh
"why all the trouble"
Well, I suppose it`s because U.S. SSN's carry the Tomahawk missile, which have conventional warheads.
They do now, yes. However Tomahawks also have the option of carrying nuclear warheads- one variant being refered to as TLAM\N (Tomahawk Land Attack Missile \ Nuclear). There were also anti-ship nuclear versions as well- nothing puts a dent in a Kirov class Battle Cruiser better than a bucket of sunshine. :D

It wasn't until 1991 that Bush Snr. signed the orders removing all tactical nuclear warheads from US surface ships and submarines.

Maybe we could ask to see if there was a way to patch it so that you could select it so certain subs only carried tomahawks or nukes? Or that might be too complicated with the already hard written code.

Personally I think you should have been able to just load ICBM's onto subs as well. Instead I just had to mod tactical nukes so they had a massive bombardment range so they became effectively SLBM.

If there was a simply way so that you could toggle it so ships could only carry cruise missiles that would be great- you'd have extended range tactical nukes and ships able to carry cruise missiles but without nukes.
In CIV3 and PTW the naval aspects have so far
been rather neglected (not a single new naval unit in PTW).
One can only hope that if there will be a new expansion-pack
this problem will be corrected.
I should welcome naval interception, antiaircraft-rating and
of course more naval units.
If more naval units are added I hope they will choose Akulas
standard, which I regard as superior.
What I REALLY want for naval units is some more defensive abilities (air defence, sub hunter, assault ship) some extra abilities make the ship classes more unique (right now the battleship is just an improved destroyer)
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