• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


(just making up a name at random)

Farid al-Qafar looked out across the city of Tehran. Today was a great day for him, as his first day in office as the country's new prime minister--a triumphant victory not only for himself, but for all the people of Iran; he had not only been elected prime minister, but the first prime minister in the newly formed United Islamic Nations of Iran. Iran and the Arabic nations of the Mideast had banded together for strength in the face of the land-hungry European countries, and now, aided by abundant oil money and the world's pressing need for a workable balance of power, at last they came together in a union powerful enough to face the Western powers on equal terms. And his homeland stood triumphant at the forefront of it all; relatively untouched by the wars the imperialist powers of Europe had fought over Arabian oilfields, it had been behind Iran that the weaker Arabic nations had rallied, and in its name that they united. There were still hurdles to be cleared; even as he stood, cultural tension was building between the diverse peoples of the fledgling nation. But though member states remained stubborn and proud, he knew that they had no choice; Iran alone had the military might and economic stability needed to maintain a strong, independent state.

Stepping into his newly built office in the State palace, he looked over a tactical map of the area. The formal unification of the various member states called for a great deal of reorganization; although the Iranian army formed the core of the new nation's armed forces, local armies would have to be integrated and redeployed to form a unified, consistent military. He looked warily over the borders on the map and the territory looming beyond, and began to jot down notes for his upcoming staff meeting. Though it would drain all the available money left over from the last of the now-stagnant oil sales, soon Iran would have a modern, up-to-date army ready to step up to defend the homeland.

1ST IRANIAN ARMY, the Royal Guard, to be stationed in Tehran (central region, just south of the Caspian I think); on standby in case of attack
3 Infantry regiments (30 gold)
TOTAL: 30 gold

2ND IRANIAN ARMY, to be stationed along the northeastern border, from the Caspian and Aral Seas east and southward; border defense
4 Infantry regiments (40 gold)
1 Tank regiment (15 gold)
1 AA gun regiment (15 gold)
TOTAL: 70 gold

3RD IRANIAN ARMY, to be stationed along the western border, west and south of the Caspian Sea; border defense
4 Infantry regiments (40 gold)
1 Tank regiment (15 gold)
1 AA gun regiment (15 gold)
TOTAL: 70 gold

4TH IRANIAN ARMY, to be stationed south of Tehran along the Persian gulf; currently in reserve for purposes of counter-attacking
2 Tank regiments (30 gold)
1 Artillery regiment (20 gold)
TOTAL: 50 gold

5TH IRANIAN INDIAN FLEET, to be stationed at the entrance to the Persian Gulf; defending the Arabian coast
1 Battleship (25 gold)
2 Destroyers (40 gold)
1 Frigate (15 gold)
1 Carrier (50 gold)
TOTAL: 130 gold

6TH IRANIAN AIR SQUADRON, to be stationed in the northwest; air cover along the northeastern border
2 Fighter wings (30 gold)
1 Bomber wing (20 gold)
TOTAL: 50 gold

7TH IRANIAN AIR SQUADRON, to be stationed in the west; air cover along the western border
2 Fighter wings (30 gold)
1 Bomber wing (20 gold)
TOTAL: 50 gold

8TH IRANIAN AIR SQUADRON, to be stationed with the 5th Fleet; air cover for the fleet
2 Fighter wings (30 gold)
1 Bomber wing (20 gold)
TOTAL: 50 gold

Four armies at 50 gold each (4th, 6th, 7th, 8th): 200 gold
Two armies at 70 gold each (2nd, 3rd): 140 gold
One army at 30 gold (1st Army): 30 gold
One fleet at 130 gold (5th fleet): 130 gold
TOTAL: 500 gold (hopefully)

[Rules check: the rules are a bit sparse in terms of unit movement coverage; how fast can armies move over land, and how much territory can a single army be expected to cover? I think my deployments are fairly reasonable, but some of the border coverage is definitely stretching it thin; if you rule that I've deployed my armies to cover too wide an area, then assume that they're covering a smaller interior region and not covering the entire border right at its edge.

Also, how exactly does air power work? Since only artillery has a bombardment system written in the rules, do fighters and bombers simply function as ground units with different rules for range and transport?]
You're right, fighters and bombers need more advantages, so I'll add some now. They are now posted on the front page along with the rules for transports in battle and naval and air combat.

Air and naval transports can move troops around very quickly during peacetime, and troops themselves(infantry is equipped with APCs) can move around quickly enough that no movement rules are required, I just need to know what you will defend each area with.

However, if a nation declares a blockade around a colony etc, then each reinforcements on top of what was already there must fight their way in.

Oh, and your sums add up nicely!

Toasty and wilboman, as long as you're around (this looks like a pretty interesting NES, Uk! You seem to be using the General idea much better than I have, though...) please go back to the AMNES and read through again.. I think I sent you a PM. Build orders are due tomorrow..
Originally posted by uknemesis

I think you mean 7 Infantry divisions. Oh, and we're using regiments, not divisions, unless that's what you want your nation to call them, but they will still be the same strength as everyone else's regiments. Anyway, up to you.

As for planes, they're in wings, but you can have air divisions if you like, probably easier to remember.

As for ships though, it's not a destroyer division I'm afraid! It's only one ship!

Yeah I did mean 7, just pressed the wrong key!
I was just using divisions because it's a smaller word to type in:lol: Only one destroyer, fair enough.

I want Sweden!

Extra: Newly elected for president in Sweden is:
Max Gustaf af Stockholm
He crushed his election opponents and won with 91%!


1st Army: Max Viktor af Stockholms elite personal guard also called:
Division Maximus (General: Max Viktor af Stockholm himselft)
6 Infantry brigades
1 AA brigade
75 gold
defending Capitol

2nd Army:
Division Karl XII
5 Tank brigades
1 AA brigade
1 Artillery regiment
110 gold
ready to load onto transports

3rd Fleet:
1 Aircraft Carrier (Göteborg)
1 Battleship (Stockholm)
2 Destroyers (Klas Horn and Klas Uggla)
1 Transport division
165 gold
between Norway and Britain

4th Fleet:
2 Submarines (Sjöbjörnen and Isbjörnen)
1 Frigate (Svensksund)
55 gold
Following 3rd fleet

5th Squadron:
3 Fighter squadrons
1 Bomber squadron
65 gold
onboard Göteborg

6th Army:
3 Infantry brigades
30 gold
based in Brazil
Okay, Sweden is yours! And all your sums add up!

Premier Nicolay Alexandrovich Romanov was just a little miffed.
Russia's national day, and not a single regiment to show for the parade! It's a disgrace! A disaster!

Thanks to those stupid Bolsheviks. Wasting the army on futile wars which had cost the Rodina more than they had gained. Well, never again!

Of course, his illustrious predecessor, the first democratically elected president of Russia, had had no way of building the army. Until about a half-year ago, Russia had been in grave debt. But now, finally, Russia was rich, wealthy and happy. 500 units of gold in the treasuries was enough to build the meagre beginnings of a new Grand Russian Army.

After the official state dinner, Russia's new president decided to spend the money on seeing to it that Russia would have a military parade next year...

1st Army Division (Grande Armée)
7 infantry cost 70
3 tanks cost 45
Total: 115
Orders: Defend Moscow, St.Petersburg, Minsk triangle

2nd Army division
5 Infantry cost 50
2 tanks cost 30
Total: 80
Orders: Defend Border with Persia

3rd Army division
4 infantry cost 40
2 tanks cost 30
Total: 70
Orders: Defend Mongolian area, border with China, Manchuria (Japan).

4th Army division
4 tanks cost 60
Orders: Mobile support inside Russia, based in Siberia.

5th Squadron
2 fighter wings cost 30
Orders: Home defense, based in the Urals

6th squadron
2 fighter wings cost 30
Orders: Home defense, based on the Bajkal Lake

7th North Fleet
Battleship cost 25
Frigate cost 15
Destroyer cost 20
Total: 60
Orders: Defend North Coast. Based in Arkhangelsk/Murmansk.

8th Black Sea fleet:
Submarine cost 20
Destroyer cost 20
Frigate cost 15
Total: 55
Orders: Based in Sevastopol. Patrol Russian half of Black Sea.

16 infantry: 160
11 tanks: 165
4 fighters: 60
1 Battleship: 25
2 Frigate: 30
1 Sub: 20
2 Destroyers: 40
Total: 500

If I've made a bad calc, tell me, and I'll straighten it out.
Nope that's perfect wilboman.

Now let the diplomacy or war begin!

End of turn is Saturday night, when I will post combat results etc and post your gold amount for next week, which unless you take or lose land will be 250 gold.

Oh, and orders can be changed right the way up to Saturday night, but you can no longer change units, I've got them all saved in a doc file!

Von Hindenburg read his Berliner Zeitung newspaper. He flipped back the pages to a certain article he was intent on reading about. It would appear that there was something cooking in Holland.

Atrocities In France: What the Police There Are and Aren't Doing.
By Lügner Schändliche

Amsterdam, French Netherlands seems to be the site of many recent happenings in prejudice and hate crimes against the German-related Dutch. With a rash of anti-German sentiment that came with the Versailles lapse, the French seem to be solving the President's inactivity in the streets.

Holland, which had for years been regarded as a veritable client-state of Germany, was annexed by the French two years ago in 1933. While at first peaceful, massive emigration was promoted by the French government and a great deal of the formerly near-pure Dutch population is made up of Frenchmen (rounded to 32%).

In one instance, children were seen throwing stones last Sunday at a Protestant church in Utrecht. The police were reportedly called by the priest, but failed to show face.

The hatred for the Protestant church in Holland does not begin nor end with Children. Gretchen DeKuiper of Deventer, a wife for 23 years and a mother of 2 was used for a human clapper after ringing the Protestant church's bells to alert the town as a Dutch man was being killed, also after police had again did not make an appearance. Her husband, Froyd DeKuiper, has fled to Cologne in the German Rhineland. The children, now two college girls, were reportedly raped and killed by a French nationalist.

Not only have the police failed to act, but they have acted with the French vigilantes repeatedly. In Middelburg, the capital of the Zeeland province, an unprovoked police raid on a Dutch family's home resulted in the killing of both parents, the family children, and their pet Toy Yorkie.

All this has been met with silence from the French President. These countless incidents not only go unaddressed but also without condemnation. If the French government will not act, this reporter believes it is the obligation of our republic to act for the Dutch, as they obviously cannot under such brutal oppression.

This cannot go unwarranted as the French authority is letting it. I call on von Hundenburg, von Paten, and every other government official to save the innocent lives that are being destroyed by the decadent French.

We have no friends in France. We only have drunkards, rapists and nationalists. We cannot stand idly by while this continues.
We should march into Amsterdam, and then to Paris to force this to an end.

* * *

Hindenburg put down the paper, his face pale and shocked.
He called in his secretary, Fraulein Isabeau Fried to prepare two memos: one to the French president and another to the armed forces.
Can I still join in?

If so,I´ll take Brazil.I´m red-green blind,do I onkly have the mainland or some oversea territories as well?

"I promise you to make our Brazil a leading country in the Americas and the world!May God be with us!" With these words President Gustavo Bergero ended his inauguration speech.He had won elections with 69% and had great support all over the country.When he came back to presidential palace,he ordered his General Manao a regrouping of the army,air force and navy:

1st Brazilian Army:
3 Infantry Regiments
2 Tank Regiments
1 Artillery Regiment
Orders:Deploy alongside East coast from Recife to Sao Paulo

2nd Brazilian Army:
2 Infantry Regiments
1 Tank Regiment
Orders:Defend the border to the USA in Panama

3rd Brazilian Army:
5 Infantry Regiments
3 Tank Regiments
1 Artillery Regiment
Orders:Deploy alongside Swedish border

4th Brazilian Army:
2 Infantry Regiments
1 Tank Regiment
Defend the capital (aka Rio)

5th Brazilian Fleet:
1 Aircraft Carrier
1 Submarine
1 Transport
1 Frigate
Orders:patrol alongside the West Cost (based in Lima)

6th Brazilian Fleet:
1 Frigate
1 Battleship
1 Destroyer
Orders:patrol alongside East Coast (based in Belo Horizonte)

7th Brazilian Squadron:
1 Bomber Wing
1 Fighter Wing
Orders:Give support to 5th Fleet (based in Quito)
A News Broadcast By The French President
People Of France,
Today is a day of change and reform. Over the previous years you have suffered from a weak police force, poor teaching and even poorer health care. That is why I won this election because you told the Socialist Freedom party that they haven't done enough.
My ministers are putting into act police reforms to rout out corrupt police officers and put more police on the streets. We hope that this will prevent such scenes as we saw in the Netherlands, such acts of horrendous violence cannot be tolerated and disgrace our countries fine people.
Now on to the health service problems. Our government wants to give a long term solution not a short term one. We want a solution which benefits the entire country. So we shall begin with 10% pay rises for staff and the building of new up to date modern hospitals. Unfortunately this means that you as a taxpayer shall need to pay out more, although this minor tax re-adjustment is all for a good cause. France must have a top quality health service to proceed into the future.
Education reforms will be much the same as Health reforms. Pay rises of 8% for teachers and the opening of new schools.
We shall also make it free for a highly able pupil to enter a state University. Education is the foundation of the next generation, let's make the next generation an educated one!
My friends today I have announced the blueprint on which this Government shall be based, all these reforms shall take time but have patience and they shall reap you massive rewards.

To: Chancellor Paul Hindenburg
From: President Phillipe Henry
Subj: Friendship
My friend, I read of a certain article in the Berliner Zeitung newspaper, Atrocities In France: What the Police There Are and Aren't Doing. I would like you to know that under my new police reforms such things as this article talks about shall never happen again. I hope that you shall look beyond this over-exaggerted journalism and listen to sense, with the war over a new Europe has been born. In this Europe only the toughest and richest nations can live on. Our eternal friendship will seal that our nations can grow side by side and in peace.
President Phillipe Henry, Servant Of The French People
To: President Phillippe Henry
From: Chancellor Paul von Hindenburg
Sucj: Re: Friendship

Hah! You speak of a stronger police force, then what? They assist your uncontrollable French nationalist imports more in their horrendous hate crimes? Nothing can solve the pure corruption of your facilities in the Netherlands except their expulsion and a plebecite.

I call for a plebecite for Holland to become independent, join Germany or stay with France. In the event that France should refuse the Dutch right to self-determination (which they appear to as the Dutch are only second-class citizens in France), then Germany will have to support it, whether it be political, monetary or otherwise.

Europe is fine as it is; we need the strong to be strong and prove themselves worthy of exsistence. A country that cannot defend itself has no right to exsist.

[OOC]The plebecite would be determined by die: i.e., 1 or 2 they stay with France, 3 or 4 they join Germany, 5 or 6 they become independent. I think it is fair.[/OOC]
To: Chancellor Paul Hindenburg
From: President Phillipe Henry
Subj: Plebiscite
We accept your offer of a plebiscite, my only objection would be the idea of Netherlands joining Germany. We would rather have it they were independant or part of a fair and equal French society. If you really do care so much for the Netherlands then I'm sure you will agree to this deal, right?
President Phillipe Henry

[OOC]The die would work with 1 or 2 meaning it stays with France and 3, 4, 5 or 6 then it becomes independant. Uknemesis shall do the dice rolling.[/OOC]
To:president Gustavo Bergero
From: Sweden
I hope that our 2 countries can live side by side in peace. How about a MPP?
To:president Max Gustaf af Stockholm,Stockholm,Sweden
From:president Gustavo Bergero,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

Dear Mr. President,

as you may remember both our countries stayed neutral in the last great war and we gained much from:you could unite with your Scandinavian fellows and got Argentine,Uruguay,Paraguay and Chile.We became control of the other parts of South America like Colombia or Peru.
But in these provinces of our Brazilian Union there recently have been riotings by some rebels,only because we´ve made Portuguese the official language.I know you´ve the same problems,in Finland as here in America with your beautiful language Swedish.
Would you consider a MPP against internal and outward enemies,so we can work together to control these Spanish-speaking bastards?

My best regards,

President Gustavo Bergero
The reason the Dutch might consider joining Germany as opposed to being independant is because of their long history of cooperation and cultural relation to Germany. Also, if Holland becomes independent, it will be severely crippled in relation to other nations and may not be able to defend itself from a subsequent French (or otherwise) attack.

I personally believe it should be included in the plebecite because Holland will hardly be able of defending itself after if its independence is granted. Also, the Dutch have little to gain in being independent as opposed to being an integral part of the German republic.

Should the French president refuse to allow Holland the option of becoming German he could likely be planning to re-annex the territory when it is a weak newborn.
"Hmm... Europe looks to be poised on the brink of a new conflict over the French Netherlands. Tha's not good. I'm not expecting a second world war until I feel well and truly ready. Send the two fighters a dispatch to the effect that we will support any results of a free and unadulterated election, and would be happy to send election observers."

Nicolay Alexandrovich was surveying his troop positions as he spoke on the phone with his Foreign Minister. Romanov loved looking at the setup in the war room. The huge maps and little regimental pieces reminded him of his childhood days, playing about with toy soldiers.

"The swedes have a new leader you say? Max what? Oh, Gustaf. Nice name. Nice, aristocratic name. And a solid hold on power too, hm? I like that in a leader. Send him a letter too."

Nicolay picked up two tanks, memorising their positions, and in the middle of the Indian ocean he started playing a little battle, moving them around, making small *pouf* sounds when he fired, and finally tilting one over on it's back signifying that it had died, all the while chatting absentmindedly with his Minister on the phone. The Foreign Minister, obviously finished with todays report, asked the customary questions for orders and the like, and politely hung up.

"Ah, well." Romanov sighed. "Reality calls. Time to write some letters, I guess..."

Carefully, the Russian Premier put his "toys" back in place, before walking to the adjoining door to his office, shutting the lights as he went through the door. A nagging fear was at the back of gis mind. The Lord only knew when he might feel so at ease again.

To: The peaceful and democratic leaders of France and Germany

We in Russia have noticed the friction in Europe with some apprehension. We sincerely hope bloodshed may be avoided in this matter, but make it abundantly clear that if war is announced over the Netherlands, we may see fit to join the side of the offended (read: attacked) party, be it a new state, France or Germany.
We are very fully in support of the idea of a plebecite, and volunteer to send neutral observers to see to it that the elctions proceed in the proper manner. Russia will also fully support the outcome of such elections.

To Max Gustaf of Sweden

Hail, neighbour! As you were one of the countries wise enough to stay out of the last, great war, I assume that you are a peace-loving nation, as are we, now that we have doffed the mantles of both Feudal and Bolshevik oppression.
I extend our hand in friendship, and wonder if you may wish to discuss trade, ROP, and MPP treaties with the "Russian Bear?"
The elections had ended, and the polls were in. Conservative Pierre Trudeau had won a 74% Majority Government over his nearest Liberal Competeter, Sir John A. MacDonald.

Canada was in celebration, and the new government was organized.

Pierre decided he should send a message to the people of the world..


TO: The Nations of the World
FROM: Pierre Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.
SUBJECT: Greetings.

Hello from the new Conservative Government of Canada, we seek peaceful relations and trade with the powers of the world, and hope that peaceful relations will ensue in the future.

Canada has the following available for trade -




Canada has begun to purchase her military.



1 FRIGATE FOR - 15 Gold

TOTAL SPENT - 495 Gold

[OOC - I'll reorginize everything into Armies later.]
I'm afraid no money can be carried over from week to week, so to Kennelly and Kushanis, unless you want to do a quick change now, your 5 gold will be wasted! :eek: :D :p

Oh, and to all of you:

Like I said, I have all the build orders on a document, but you are allowed to shuffle armies and navies around as much as you like, and change their orders. The only thing not allowed to change is what you've bought after it's been finalised(ie; numbers checked).

So to Kushanis: just make sure they're in armies,squadrons and fleets by Saturday, and that they all have orders.

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