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To: Germany
From: Sweden
How did Sout Africa "commit crimes to escalate the Agentine crises"? They only helped out a nation unfairly declared war upon. I thought that you supported their move as you said that hadn´t it been for your civil war you´ve had come to our help! Now is the time to come to my help not to attack a nation weakened in a war they did not start.
Emergency OOC

OOC: Everyone, I wish to make it clear that I am not an *******, like everyone, save Germany and Sweden seems to think. I, the player, am merely ACTING the part of an Iron-fisted ruler. If Britain had a democratic and peace-loving ruler, my foreign policy would have been totally different. Get what I am saying? Don't be mad at me, be mad at Pres. Mitchell. I am saying this in the light of France's very heated post to me. If these are only aimed at Pres. Mitchell, I apologise about my long message. But, don't you think calling Britain a "rat" is a bit irresponsible for and World Leader? I mean, if you view this as a real situation, I did after all sponsor 5 gold to you and now you are declaring war. Basically, what I am trying to say is this: Everbody should think clearly before blundering along and insulting and declaring war, otherwise the game becomes unrealistic. Once again: Be mad at Pres. Mitchell, not at the player, Pieter. The events that are going to happen in Britain shortly will (in light of your reactions to the Swedish crisis - referring to France calling me Communist) really piss most of you off. But, I am only PRETENDING. You are most welcome to belittle and insult, just keep it within the borders of realistic comments by World leaders.

Secondly. I apologise for placing too many posts in the thread, Toasty. Many people have (cordially) reprimanded me about this. I will try and limit them in the future.

Yours (no hard feelilngs)
(Sorry, another thing OOC: I think that the game gets boring if there are no wars and crisisis. So, if it seems as though I am swinging my sabre left and right, it is just to heat things up. So, don't feel obliged to obliterate me evertime I squek about something - I need some allies too. I just want to make it clear: As I am currently the only one really fuelling anything here, its kinda hard to keep things active (i.e. wars) if veryone wants to wipe me from the face of the earth.)

From: The Office of the President of the Republic of Great Britian

TO: France
RGB respects your opinion about the Swedish Argentina crisis, and we trust that you are guided by your sincerest beliefs and the beliefs of your people. However, I am guided by the beliefs of my people and therefore I cannot change my foreign stance towards the S.S.A. crisis. I am saddened that you might think that I am a Communist ruler and can assure you that we have a multi-party Capitilist government. I also hope that the elections that will be held in two months (i.e. this week) will convince you that I am not a tirant. Please, could you postpone your declaration of war till after the election. Then, you may not need to remove me by force, if my people are really unsatisfied with my foreign policy, then they will democratically vote me out. Otherwise, you will see that they infact support me, which I believe is the case. I beg you to reconsider, despite your recent resentments, Britain still has the highest opinion of France and its people and would not wish to got to war.

To: Germany
Britain supports your efforts in South Africa. We would however like to echo the calls by CANADA (who evidently hates our guts) that you should not annex SA as a cologny. I do not think it would be in the best interest of the world if SA loses its independence. We however respect your opion and thank you for subtly supporting Britain's sovereignty concerning the French isssue.

To: China
Dear Chairman. Despite the fact taht violence is being contained in India, my sources still tell me that terrorists are infilatrating from China into India, fuelling the rebellion. I am therefore alerting my armies in India to reside at our border in order to monitior the situation. Please note that my forces (unfortunately) will have to execute or arrest anyone (civilian or military) coming across the border. In light of the Swedish South American crises after terrorism there, I hope that we will be able to peacefully sort this situation out. Cooperation by China will be vital in keeping this peaceful.

Yours sincerely, Hjalmar Mitchell
DEMOCRATIC president
OOC: Yeah, don't be so nasty to Pieter. Like he said, he is only playing the role of a tyrant. :D /OOC

To: Pres. Mitchell
Subject: Terrorism (?)
I assure you that none of the Indian terrorists are from China. My police have searched the entire country, but no evidence of terrorist presence in China has been found. I do request, though, that you remove your forces from our borders. If you harm one hair on an honest Chinese citizen, you will get a taste of our military.
We have noticed your lack of allies. Since we have had good relations in the past, I would be honored if we could sign a personal MPP.

Chairman Matt Sung-Hui of China
Pieter, I think we all know everyone's playing in character. If they don't then they probably shouldn't be playing NESs, cause things can get pretty heated lol...

Anyway, trade embargoes will be enforced on Friday, when I will post what money nations have to spend on Saturday. That means any embargoes have to be PMed to me before the Friday of that week. Then on the Friday I will post who has embargoes against who and how much each nation has to spend.

Now that all orders are in, combat is being resolved and will be posted tonight.

To: China
From: RGB

My apologies for the misunderstanding. My troops have been ordered to patrol the Iranian border with India, not the Chinese one. There was a communication flaw in the Telegram from New Delhi.

H.J. Mitchell
PS: Also read your PM.
Subject: Thanks
We accept your apology, and we also hope to prosper alongside you in the protection of an MPP.
Scratch that, I haven't had orders from wilboman and WarlordMatt!

Matt, I got a PM from you, but it was deleted before I could read it?!

Anyway, combat will still be posted tonight, because I will assume Russia and China are remaining peaceful.

OOC: That post, nemesis, was way back when I was gonna help Brazil against Sweden, but I decided I didn't want to take sides.

And yes, I am gonna be peaceful. But I am allied with RGB.

BTW, Nemesis, you can post news from China if you want because I am bad at that. /OOC
Matt, I mean I need orders from you about how you are to spend the 100 gold you got Sunday!

News will be posted tonight, along with battle resolution.(lol, can't you tell I'm snowed under?!)

Anyway, I make up news from whichever country I want to :p

lol, I still need your deployments, I just hope to God they aren't attacking :p

Anyway, please put them in the right order, last time you had armies trying to take the place of navies?!

NEWS FROM BRITAIN - British Republican Press/Reuters/AP

Britain was shocked today at the news that President Mitchell suffered a severe stroke this morning at his home in Harwich. He has since fallen into a coma.

Vice-president, Herbert Kitchener, has since taken office as acting president, according to the Constitution. "I call on all Britons, and all other nations, to, despite the grievences you might have with Britain, to stand by us in this time of shock. We hope that you will pray for us...", a somewhat bewildered Kitchener said.

Despite Pres. Mitchell's stroke, the National Election, scheduled for next week (i.e. tomorrow) is set to continue.

According to British law, a party must have a majority vote (50%+) to govern. If a party gets less than 50% support, it must form an coalition government with another party. Whoever can form the biggest coalition (adding % votes together) will govern.

It is expected that the Federal Alliance who currently governs the country will stay in coalition the way they are. The two parties, teh Federal Party and the Concervative Front, have to split up for the duration of the election however (according to law) so that citizens may vote for a specific party and to see whether one party cannot get clear majority. After the election they can reunite again.

The major British parties (with candidates) are:

1. Federal Alliance (FA) - Concervative:
1.1 Federal Party (FP) - Pres. Hjalmar Mitchell (27% in 1934)
1.2 Concervative Front (CF) - Vice-pres. Kitchener (25% ")

2. Democratic Party (DP) - Liberal (33%):
Governor William Markham

3. National Socialist Party (NSP) - Far Right (13%):
Cecil John Rhodes

4. New Communist Party (NCP) - Communist (2%):
Jo Slovo

There are rumors that the FP might align with the far right NSP to form a new coalition governement - you'd have to wait till Wednesday evening to find out what happened.

Adressing a shocked Parliament today in an emergency session, Foreign Secretary, Winston Churchill announced today that war with France seems imminent. He called on all Britain's allie, especially Russia, China and Japan to try and convince France to step down, especially after president Mitchells stroke.

"We hope to have peace, because the British people need some good news now".
To:Acting President Kitchener
From:president Bergero

Despite our current conflícts I as a true Christian have prayed for Mitchell.However,I urge you to stop his criminal actions and to recall your ships heading to our territory or many young Britons will die due to the will of a soon-to-be-dead maniac.
[OOC] Pieter my posts in this thread are entirly in character! When I write things as President Phillipe Henry they are directed at the character you play and not you yourself. As for the "rat" and "communist" comments they are to stir up support for my campiagn among French people;) [/OOC]

Henry Refuses To Stand Down!
In a shocking announcement today President Phillipe Henry said he would not back down on his declaration of war on Britain, but he did say he would post-pone the attack until after the British elections. Should a new and fair government take control of Britain then the attacks would be post-poned indeffinately.
According to a recent poll among French people, 78% are in favour of war with Britain, these results are said to be due to an increase in the belief of liberty and freedom among French people.
From The 'Strasbourg Poste'

While all nations of the world wish for the speedy and healthy recovery of your PM, we also wish mightily that the current Prime Minister will turn his ships around and leave Brazilian waters. American troops have returned to the United States, but this by no means lessens our support of Brazil. If you invade, the united States will declare war on you, and we will sweep you into the sea. The world wants to forget this war, don't be the one rubbing salt in the wound.

To: France

We support you wholeheartedly in your war against the imperialist England. If British troops land in South America, we will be comrades-in-arms. Good luck, friend.
To: World
From: RGB - acting president, Herbert Kitchener

Dear friends (and foes)

I have heard your calls to stop the invasion of Brazil. However, according to the British constitution, only the Executive President (it is president, not PM, America) may declare or end an invasion or war. In the case of the absense of an Executive President, Parliament must vote on such issues.

As it is clear that the world wants to end this war, I will do my best to try and convince Parliament to vote against the invasion. However, my party (CF) only enjoys about 25% support, whilst the Federal Party with whom we share an alliance, has 27% of the vote. It would then be difficult to convince the Federalists to vote against the invasion, as they fully back pres. Mitchell and he has also enjoyed renewd backing by some other parties as well (the National Socialist Party).

I will try my best, but in the end it is up to the British parliament to decide. I thank you for your comforting words in this time of crises.

To: Brazil
As a true Christian as well, my thanks go out to you for your heartfelt words in this time of crisis. I am saddened by the escalating situation in Argentina and wish I could end it right now. But, as I mentioned, it is up to the Parliament, who will convine tomorrow, despite the elections.

Acting pres. Herbert Kitchener

PS: Mr. Mitchell's health is spiralling worse and worse. Please, keep us in your prayers.

The British Colony Office has released this map showing (surrounded by a black line) the area from which terrorists are suspected to be coming from. The black area in India is were the most violent and dangerous rebellions have been breaking out.

Subj: India
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