• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Well Britain, your orders for peace will have to wait for tomorrow's orders.


"Good day, world. This is Gillian Fox of CNN." Gillian looked carefully at the camera.

"In our first news of the day, German troops have invaded South Africa. The resistance was powerful from the South African Navy, but once that was eventually overcome, it split the nation's army, as it was divided between Madagascar and the mainland.

"German troops took the mainland after a fierce battle, including the capital. President Shaka fled to Madagascar by plane, where only one South African army and squadron remain to defend him.

"In other news, things heated up in South America today, with huge casualties on both sides. Out of the five carriers involved in naval actions, three lay on the ocean floor. Luckily, the 5th Brazilian Fleet was out of the area, in the Pacific rather than the Atlantic, where all the action was. The fighting began on land with an airborne invasion of North Brazil by British paratroopers, but without enough transports for the number of paratroopers, only one regiment was used. That regiment was massacred easily.

"In the south, an early counter-attack by the Canadian and Brazilian forces defending South America encircled the 2nd Swedish Army and decimated it. Then came the Allied landings, which forced the American allies right back to the pre-war border. There they dug in and held the line, and terrible cost to both sides.

"Rumours say that the Americans are now outnumbered by at the very least 2 to 1 by the Allies, and it is a matter of time before the whole of Brazil falls."

Gillian glanced at her producer, who was holding up a sign.

"Wait, there seems to be some hope for the American Alliance. We cross now to the headquarters of the Trinity Alliance, on the island of Crete."

[Picture changes to one of Prince Alexander standing at a podium]

"I have heard of the dreadful cost suffered by the people of South America by the imperialistic Swedish. That is why I must now do this, to bring an end to this war.

"Sweden, declare peace with your allies NOW, or face your own country being invaded by AFTA forces. Our mobilised force is near Sweden now, and if you continue this war, your country will fall. That is a promise."

[Cuts back to the studio]

"Well, it seems we have a threat against Sweden and her allies. Will they respond with peace? Join us next time on CNN."




The last rebels in Germany were crushed by Panzers today, hiding near the Swiss border. The German President declared it a "victory for democracy".


President Mitchell is in a coma due to a stroke. This paper is one that hopes he will not survive, as he has been a warmongerer.


Troops today clashed on the border between India and Iran, the British blaming "Indian rebels" and the Iranians blaming the British.

Sources say that the British may intend to use skirmish orders over the border as soon as possible, but for now there is peace.

New map:


Despite International concenus, the British Foreign Secretary announced today that Britain claims to have certain areas in Brazil under British control. Brazil of course denounces this as utter rubish, but the Brits are holding fast "our troop have complete or partial control over these areas and we are declaring them British".

See map:

OOC: I understand that everyone will apose this, just thought the world map was getting a bit old and that the war we all geared up for was a bit disappointing.


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BRITAIN, YOU HAVE NO LAND IN NORTHERN BRAZIL! I told you, your forces lost that battle! Sending two paratroopers in with one transport(which means only one could deploy!) meant you lost that battle easily! No way did you gain any land there I'm afraid.

And the border that I showed is the one being held by American Alliance forces, but they are weak, and so it may very well collapse in the next combat phase.

But the Swedish alliance was reclaiming land, it was claimed all for Sweden, even what your troops took. If you'd wanted it to be your colour, you should have said, as I thought you were fighting to help an ally.

Anyway, if you declare what you took back for Sweden as British soil, I will paint it as that in tomorrow night's map.

To: Acting President Herbert Kitchener
From: President Mustafa Qaman of Iran

Our intelligence agencies have tracked rogue former Prime Minister Farid Al-Qafar to Indian soil, where we believe he is orchestrating insurrectionist activities against my rightfully elected party's control. It is vital to the security of Iran that this traitor is returned to us immediately, and we cannot take any risks of allowing him to escape; we have no choice but to authorize an armed incursion into Indian territory. As the northwest has a heavy loyal Muslim population we expect little local resistance and believe we can secure it quickly, provided that the British colonial government does not resist. Given full cooperation we can guarantee that there will be no lasting repercussions and all damages will be paid for by my government, but if British forces resist this action I make no promises.
To: Trinity Alliance
From: Sweden
You shouldn´t threaten me! If my army was still intact I would whip your ass. As it is now I have to give in to your demands.

To: AA
From: Sweden
Give me peace now. You must pay me 10 extra gold next turn as you took those from me before.
To: Phillipe Henry of France
Subject: Stop
We urge you to reconsider your intentions to declare war on the RGB, or we will be forced to destroy you, as we have a personal MPP with them. Please do not plunge the world into yet another conflict, in which the peaceful People's Republic of China would be included.

Chairman Matt Sung-Hui of China

We will gladly sign a peace treaty but we cannot agree to give you any money.These 10,000,000 $ were reparations for the casualties and victims done by the terrorists supported over Swedish America.
TO: The International Comunity
FROM: The AA Member, Canada


In a press interview the Prime Minister gave a strong and valliant comment torwards his nation, and the enemy.

"Britian has declared all-out war agianst our ally, and thus, we must do the same"

Rumors are spreading that the colonies of Australia and India are being targeted by the R.C.A.F, 2nd Navy and 3rd and 4th Armies.

When asked about this, the Prime Minister responded "No comment"

While it is unlikely that attacks will begin in Europe as well, with the situation with Sweden coming to an end, it is still possible.

The nation has rallied behind the AA, and it is expected that war time efforts will begin in the nation.
Alexander snorted in digust at the proposal.

"Sweden demands money?! After it has caused the deaths of thousands by refusing a fair peace treaty? Tell Brazil we back them in this matter, Sweden must be made to see sense.

"As for Britain, tell them to halt their imperialistic ways. Any more war in South America, and AFTA forces may just have to invade London itself!"
To: President Shaka of South Africa/Madagascar
From: Chancellor Conrad von Hotzendorf
Sucj: Peace

President Shaka, we will accept peace terms if the following is met:

I. All lands occupied by Germany are annexed by Germany.

II. The South African navy is surrendered and all ships are given to Germany.

III. South Africa pays Germany reparations of 10g/py for 10 years.

IV. Elections are held in Madagascar.

This presents an end to the war and a safehouse for a quarter of you industrial prowess. I urge you to accept.
"South African Navy?!" Shaka laughed. "He seems to think I am able to magic up some from somewhere! Tell Hotzendorf he sunk all my damned boats! As for elections, he can go to hell, I am the ruler of this nation!

"As for reparations, we cannot afford them! He has taken three quarters of our wealth! He may annex the territory if he likes, but the warrior Zulus will take it back! Our bombers are to bomb his troops, and our fighters engage his planes. Then, we will finally build a transport to cross the straights and take back what is ours!"

"But sir, what if he comes here next?"

"Then I will be forced to crush him. Weak we may at the moment be, but strong inside we are!"

Damn, he sounds just like Yoda, his aide thought unhappily.

Just nowhere near as wise.

We would encourage the South Africans to accept the proposed treaty with you if III is removed.We try to settle the American conflict without reparations and your plan is contradicting our efforts.You should remove it.
"Shaka will not bow down to German swine ever! No amount of international pressure will make me relinquish my homeland!" Shaka shouted at the camera.


"I am afraid it seems that Shaka has gone mad. That is why I would propose that the Trinity Alliance should land in Madagascar and relieve him of power, and make the south of the island AFTA's. Then we will purchase the top part from France for 50 gold or whatever." Alexander outlined his plan, with the war in South America seemingly coming to an end.

"We will see what the Germans do first." Marc Anthony warned.
To: The World
From: Chancellor Gothart von Hotzendorf
Sucj: Madagascar

The heavy losses suffered by the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe prohibit greatly the application of German forces against Shaka in Madagascar.

Therefore, we are declaring a "first come, first serve" position on Madagascar. The first nation or nations to take it may have it without any trouble from Germany.

Happy hunting everyone.
OK then peace it is.

[ooc: wouldn´t it be fun to see how much each nation lost? if all agree lets post our total losses here!]


Washington, DC - President Jackson strongly condemned the British invasion of Brazil today, and followed it up with a declaration or war being approved by Congress.

"Peace was all but assured. But in one motion, all the hard work was undone. The British invasion of Brazil cannot stand. The United Staes will fully support our Brazilian and Canadian allies in their war against Britain. The United States also wishes to recognize France for their declaration of war upon imperialistic Albion."

American troops are again on the move, with factories across the nation ordered to war-time production. The initial forces heading into Brazil to contest the british and Swedish were not disclosed, but the President stated the U.S. would fight in more theaters than just the South American.

"The United States intends to take this war to the British, not the innocent people, but the seats of power and government. The rotten wood must be cleaned out."

To: France

It appears British actions have again pulled us into war. This time, however, we have the benefit of your friendship as you take up the same struggle as our own. We would like to form a wartime alliance with you to coordinate actions against the enemy.
Sweden asks for peace!!
Seeing the huge AFTA army forming itself outside his home country, the president immediately asks all AA members for peace.
To: The American Alliance
From: President Phillipe Henry
Subj: War-Time Alliance
We agree to a war-time alliiance between our two great peoples. Together we shall end British Imperialism for good!!
President Phillipe Henry
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