Unable to abandon base?


Feb 15, 2004
London, England
Hi all,

I've recently started playing SMAC/X again after buying it at GOG. Playing against the AI and trying to abandon some of the bases which the other factions build WAY too close together. I'm sure I did this when I used to play by producing a Colony Pod when the base was down at population 1, but I'm now finding that the Colony Pod is produced but the base still remains with population 1. This happens whether or not the base in question has any food reserves. How on earth can I do this? I've tried internet searches but come up blank. Can anyone explain this and/or (even better) tell me how I can abandon unwanted bases without having to commit an atrocity?

What difficulty level are you playing? At the two lowest levels bases aren’t abandoned when you build a CP in a size one base. Or perhaps your base was just about to grow to size two.
Thanks Petek, that sounds like the explanation. Haven't played in about 10 years so was messing about at the bottom level. Teach me to brutalise the AI...

I'll have to increase the difficulty next time. I didn't realise that was the case, though.

It certainly wasn't about to grow, it happened a couple of times and I thought maybe I messed up, did it again and rush-finished a Colony Pod with a Pop 1 base with zero food reserves, had exactly the same result.
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