Unit speed on map


Aug 24, 2007
Is there a way to slow down the speed at which units move on the map ?. I have just had to re-install C2C within Civ IV on a new hard drive after a hard drive failure which meant all my games etc were lost,

Whwn starting a new C2C game I notice that my units now seem to nearly instantly move from one hex position to the next whilst on my previous hard drive Civ IV game the units movements were more sedate.

Can anyone shed a light into why I am now noticing this faster unit movement ?

Currently on latest SVN. there's no way, but I should probably calm down the unit cycling when you play without quick moves option, I'll add that to my todo list..

Thank you , As an aside , where is the quick move option located? I have been looking through all options to find out how to slow down the unit movement but I did not notice anything pertaining to a quick move..


Found it , was unticked , but as mentioned previously my unit moves are still lightning fast. I will now wait to see if anything can be amended in due course.


Found it , was unticked , but as mentioned previously my unit moves are still lightning fast. I will now wait to see if anything can be amended in due course.

Why WOULD you want them to be slow, though?
That's like literally wasting your time on procedural stuff that has nothing to do with the actual game, loool.
Maybe he wants to actually get a glimpse of the plots he just revealed the fog of war from after moving a unit, or see potential invisible units that become visible when moving towards them.
Currently it might seem too stressed for most players, I thionk I'll even adda slight delay on unit cycling even with quick moves option activated, and a longer delay when it's not.
Maybe he wants to actually get a glimpse of the plots he just revealed the fog of war from after moving a unit, or see potential invisible units that become visible when moving towards them.
Currently it might seem too stressed for most players, I thionk I'll even adda slight delay on unit cycling even with quick moves option activated, and a longer delay when it's not.
Please, DON'T (or make it OPTIONAL).
I want "waiting time" to be reduced as much as possible - it's awful as it is, no need to increase it even more.
Please, DON'T (or make it OPTIONAL).
I want "waiting time" to be reduced as much as possible - it's awful as it is, no need to increase it even more.
Glad you like my work on removing the delay. I'll only re-add a delay after moving a unit to 0 movement points when "quick moves" option is not selected, so that it's possible to at least see the move animation that quick moves disables.
Glad you like my work on removing the delay. I'll only re-add a delay after moving a unit to 0 movement points when "quick moves" option is not selected, so that it's possible to at least see the move animation that quick moves disables.
Thanks, though are you saying that in Vanilla you actually had to "see" your units move even in Quick Move? Kinda weird.
Anyways, if there is one "property" of Civ that I "quite hate", it's the wait time between the player's actions.
In an ideal game, such wait time is 1-2 seconds (lol), not 1-2 minutes (in big games).
Mostly because you DON'T have to SEE all those AI moves to begin with, so why is it even taking so long in the first place?
Especially with how horsehockey the current AI is anyways.
Like, what is causing it to think of a zillion moves, if it can't even come up with a good move 95% of times anyways, lol?
Thanks, though are you saying that in Vanilla you actually had to "see" your units move even in Quick Move? Kinda weird.
Yeah, vanilla had a delay in all unit cycling even with quick moves. Currently there's no delays anymore because I stopped the dll form telling the exe to do unit cycling in general, and re-implemented the unit cycling code in dll instead, but I didn't implement any delay function into it thinking it was not needed. Haven't you noticed that if you consume an animal unit (butcher, get a building, etc.) it will now immediately cycle to another unit, while not many SVN revs. ago it lingered on the unit for a second or two for some (missing) animation to play out before the unit got consumed? I used to manually click another unnit in the stack and then select the animal that I just consumed again before it disappeared cause that would trigger an immediate unit cycling event, kinda annoying feeling the need to do that redundant mouse work just to get unit cycling to happen a bit faster.
@Davidr feels some delay is needed so I'll reconsider my stance on it not being needed at least in some cases.
Yeah, vanilla had a delay in all unit cycling even with quick moves. Currently there's no delays anymore because I stopped the dll form telling the exe to do unit cycling in general, and re-implemented the unit cycling code in dll instead, but I didn't implement any delay function into it thinking it was not needed. Haven't you noticed that if you consume an animal unit (butcher, get a building, etc.) it will now immediately cycle to another unit, while not many SVN revs. ago it lingered on the unit for a second or two for some (missing) animation to play out before the unit got consumed? I used to manually click another unnit in the stack and then select the animal that I just consumed again before it disappeared cause that would trigger an immediate unit cycling event, kinda annoying feeling the need to do that redundant mouse work just to get unit cycling to happen a bit faster.
@Davidr feels some delay is needed so I'll reconsider my stance on it not being needed at least in some cases.
I haven't played Vanilla... in forever, lol.
Please, at least leave it optional to switch to NO delay, kay?
We have the game being slow already, ya know.
Also, what exactly is causing the long wait for AI turn, because I think it's per-unit-related, but I'm not fully sure.
And what can be done to reduce that lag even "for the cost of an even stupider AI" (given how it's ALREADY stupid as is, lol)?
Yeah, well, C2C was like vanilla in this regard up until last week.
Was that "delay" like 0.3 seconds, lol?
Because I definitely don't recall waiting for units... waaait a second.
Now, I get it.
I thought that was just the usual "AI thinking lag", not what you were talking about above.
I'm confused now, lol.
I was talking about how fast the game will select a new unit after giving the currently selected unit a command that concludes that units activity for that turn.... like hitting fortify, moving a unit to the point that it has no more movement points, etc.

This delay got removed in this SVN revision (see last bullet point):
Is there a way to slow down the speed at which units move on the map ?. I have just had to re-install C2C within Civ IV on a new hard drive after a hard drive failure which meant all my games etc were lost,

Whwn starting a new C2C game I notice that my units now seem to nearly instantly move from one hex position to the next whilst on my previous hard drive Civ IV game the units movements were more sedate.

Can anyone shed a light into why I am now noticing this faster unit movement ?

There's another way to make the game more sedate, turn off "minimize AI turn time" in BUG options. It will calm down your automated units movements, and it will allow the camera to follow the movement of every enemy unit moving within plots you can see during end turn (all of the animations and camera related code will play out during AI turn which will increase turns times significantly as all gameplay code pretty much stops being processed when animations are shown.).
So strange to be asked for more delay in any area.. but it's true that if something happens tooooo fast, it might feel unsettling, specially when you're used to there being a notch of delay to just let you know the command was registered by the game properly.
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