• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Unoffical Offical CFC Minecraft Server -- World 3

OMG! I'm an idiot! I forgot to run the backup command before the reboot. We lost the progress made since the last backup (which is at tops 11 hours ago, probably less). I'm really, really sorry guys :(
I'n going to be having problems with Aquatis. I claimed that Redstone planet first, Outpost claim too mind you, and then you guys went and claimed it too. I know I found it first. I claimed it first. Heck, I built the bridge to it.
ok sorry when i claimed that i did not see that it was part of your town, next time i am on the server i will "unclaim" it
Right, who is building a dirt tunnel through the water next to Port Geoff's 2nd dock? I found Branch's house (lovely spot!) and fell down a hole in a nearby tunnel into this weird tunnel in the middle of the water (what the heck? Seriously, what?). Why is it in the middle of the water and not following the floor? What is it for and who built it? Due to expansions of rooms in the cliff we also have a claim on the land.

I'd be happy to assist with moving efforts and not making it look so weird.

EDIT: Dealt with.
I don't think keeping this new server will be that hard. Having more people on the server means more people sharing the bill.
We have a few months :D

I apologize for my bad mood last night. I did some nasty name calling at it was uncalled for.

But just a fair warning, I am under a lot of stress this week so please be kind to me.
We have a few months :D

I apologize for my bad mood last night. I did some nasty name calling at it was uncalled for.

But just a fair warning, I am under a lot of stress this week so please be kind to me.

We love you croxis, the motherly matron of the server
Swink, what is the name of our town? I'm not sure. Also are the trees in the center of the town, could they be cut down and used as resources, or is it decoration?
We are Cire. And the trees are resources, as long as they are replanted and fully cut. Floating trees are unattractive.
Crap. I lost the picture to my giant diamond vein, that netted me 63 of em. :(
So croxis, if you forgot the PM I sent you I lost 397 diamonds because when I teleported home the server decided that putting me outside the border was a good idea
Hi everybody! I have no idea where to start. I'm going to jump into the server asap and probably found a small hermit hut or something. If players are on and I know them somewhat, they may be able to convince me to join something. (I have a feeling most of the underground is already dug out, so it would probably be practical for me to join a town.)
AAERGH, croxis, tone down that apple spawn. I can't harvest wood since my inventory fills with apples because they don't stack.
Or croxis could make them stackable
He cant make them stackable since Notch did not make them stackable. Currently, it is not possible to edit items like that in bukkit.
I wouldn't mind if it was golden apples all the time. :mischief:

But seriously, I'll have to echo Rheinmetall's sentiments.
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