Unofficial Runescape Thread

My brother acquired a Member's account because the original user got bored with it.

Now he's hogging the Internet all day playing it. (we only have 1 internet connection that works, so I have to play Civ all day, and not post until he leaves. Which is rarely.)
i've had a members acount for a couple of months now mostly during the summer i've stole alot of gray wolf fur and silk
LOL lets just say I dont come to CFC very often anymore and that I used to a LOT.... and its Runescape that stole me away, from both CFC and Civ!!!
I play RS.... well... a lot.
ok I admit it.... ALL THE TIME!

The above sig pic should answer your questions about what I know about rs and how much I play. I dont always have my chat 'on' but if I do feel free to add me and make sure and tell me you are from CFC. :)
subbss how the hell do you get the screen to look like that?
because it's a fantasy game with magic, dragons etc a genre in which guns aren't that common
dimaliok said:
i still wonder why they dont put fire arms in the game sowrd and archery warfare
dosent intrest me much

You answered your own question...

It's a game about swords, magic and archery. As well as clickfesting.
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