Unrestricted leaders and civ uniques


Oct 10, 2016
Inspired by the CIV tier list discussion.
What would you consider your dream combo of unique civ buildings / unit and unrestricted leaders?

some of my favorites:
Churchill of Spain would be pretty nice, as getting those CR3 cannons out would become so much easier with cheap citadels and less xp required. Plus charismatic works with horsies as well.
India + any exp leader to get your fast workers out even faster.
Pericles of Arabia, early game culture pressure with early Madrassa's is real and philosophical + 4 specialist slots allows you to push out GP at incredible rate. Who cares is there is some prophets in addition to scientists, couple first can be burned for golden ages, providing even more GP.

edit: typos
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Hammurabi and Gilgamesh were clearly switched at birth. Hammy of Sumer gets by far the better of the swap, with Combat 1 Vultures and super-cheap courthouses. Gilgamesh of Babylon has an all-powerful Bowman (CG1, drill 1, 50% vs melee) and a cheap happiness + health building.
Probably something basic like Lizzie of the Chinese to mix strong traits with those sweet sweet starting techs.

Or Freddy of anything so I can use different UUs and UBs while still getting to hear the Goldberg Variations every time I zoom in on a city.
Pacal of Inca is the obvious one.

Also AGG pushes praetorians over the edge.
Sury of India for faster fast workers :o

or even

Bismark of India for (almost) instant Stonehenge :smoke:
Willem of China is the ultimate "gimme" of a leader/tech combo on any land-based map. The best starting tech combo + free border pops/cheap libraries + FIN to do whatever you want with it, whether it's cottaging anything or working coast or utilizing a special tile earlier (cottage riverside silk, etc). No synergy on the uniques though.

Zara of Sumeria reduces both the super early Ziggurat costs and Libraries too (can build both for the normal price of either one), while keeping CRE for border help and doubling down on expense saving with ORG. Very rapid early economy and a ton of fun if you also have Copper, as the Vulture is dope too.

Hammi of Sumeria is another more UU focused gambit at using Sumeria's nice Uniques to their fullest.

Hammurabi or Ragnar of Zulu just to make use of Ikhanda on a better economic leader.

Shaka of Maya is one I play sometimes just because I really like the guaranteed Holkan for early chokes, AGG powers it up (free combat1, immunity to first strikes, and an easy 2nd Barracks promo? Those Holkans are going to be ENTRENCHED, buddy) and EXP speeds up your start combined with Mining (faster workers + early BW) as well as any follow up axe rush (earlier workers, cheaper Granaries, open path to BW) using Shaka's tried and true AGG/EXP for early whip power. This also trades away Shaka's Hunting poison pill for Myst, which allows for border pops earlier and is easily teched when you want Holkans. I think it's an overall improvement for Shaka, even though I am a fan of the Zulu's Ikhandas. Any other other AGG leader could be a substitute here but I like Shaka's EXP the most out of the options for this "early aggressiveness" stance.
from said thread.

I'll only add a bit to say that I love Sumeria and Ethiopia and only ever thought they were held back by mismatching Trait/Unique synergy. Giggles is usually my go-to for an "easy" game.
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