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Updating c2c version halfway through a game?


Sep 9, 2009
Currently I'm playing c2c v26 with patch 1 installed. V27 is not out yet but obviously will come out at some point in the future. If I install v27 when I am quite a bit through the game (e.g the modern era) then try to load my v26 save in v27 will it work? If so will it work without bugs? What about techs and buildings? Does the tech tree ever get shifted around of expanded from version to version?

In other words... Is it recommended to update to the latest version or stay with the old one half way through a game?
Update. You can adjust the parameters. I didn't find anything wrong when I did.
Wait you got to the modern era!!!

Oh Lols no, I was just using it as an examples:)

Actually I've only just recently made it to the ancient era playing on snail after about 600 turns. I've now got 4 cities and am researching mining and the wheel. I was just thinking that it may be weeks before v27 is released and by then I could be in the modern era.
Yes, Max Compat saves make sure that you can load through almost any change, and you should also recalculate the modifiers (there will be a popup asking you to do that) when you update and things will be fine.
Yes, Max Compat saves make sure that you can load through almost any change, and you should also recalculate the modifiers (there will be a popup asking you to do that) when you update and things will be fine.

Do you generally add new techs in updates or is it just buildings and units since you already have a lot of techs... And a lot of blank ones to be filled out...

Are there any change logs I can view so I know what each update adds?



New units:

New buildings:

New techs:

Modified buildings:

I've done it a few times with C2C but never beyond.

Why not? Did you already win/lose or run out of turns?

Btw can you turn the turn limit off (7400 turns) half wy through a game? I hate having it there because I don't want the game to suddenly end like that... I want it to end when I take over all other cities on the map or when I get taken over myself.
Wait you got to the modern era!!!

Man the later eras need a whole lot of balancing. Because, IMO the game becomes totally unbalanced (which in my mind is unplayable) after Medieval currently. It's supposed to be Caveman2Cosmos, not Caveman2Crusades. :rolleyes: Just a project for after V27 is released.
Man the later eras need a whole lot of balancing. Because, IMO the game becomes totally unbalanced (which in my mind is unplayable) after Medieval currently. It's supposed to be Caveman2Cosmos, not Caveman2Crusades. :rolleyes: Just a project for after V27 is released.

Lol caveman2crusades... Very creative lol :)

I guess if version 27 got it balanced to the modern era we could call it caveman2computers or caveman2cars... What's in store for us in version 27 anyway?
Lol caveman2crusades... Very creative lol :)

I guess if version 27 got it balanced to the modern era we could call it caveman2computers or caveman2cars... What's in store for us in version 27 anyway?

I was joking about the name, but we really do need to balance the later eras.
Why not? Did you already win/lose or run out of turns?

Btw can you turn the turn limit off (7400 turns) half wy through a game? I hate having it there because I don't want the game to suddenly end like that... I want it to end when I take over all other cities on the map or when I get taken over myself.

I prefer to play with Conquest overriding Mastery (you can set the Mastery in the xml to conquest true and it'll end at conquest. I've been considering adding it as an actual victory option.)

But usually its because we're so far ahead by then that the challenge is completely lost (my wife and I play as a team.) and the game grows boring or OOS errors overwhelm us (which they always do when support for such is out of town ;) ) and I get back to mostly modding and looking forward to the day I can play what I'm modding in.

This last time her computer proved too weak to go much further without trouble - that's been rectified so I'm looking forward to getting the combat mod smoothed out and fleshed out in the xml and learning enough to go hunting for all the OOS errors so I can fix them myself (or at least report them and work WITH AIAndy to get them all resolved.)

Then we'll play again and I'm sure I'll have a lot of bug matters to attend to throughout it all. But the goal at that point would be to continue generating more concepts for use through the combat mod and to get the game to again go as far as possible.
Well, there are the SVN change logs, might take some time to load though:

When I look at the SVN Log after I updated my SVN, I immediately hit Cancel (lower right corner), then Select Range (lower left corner). A window pops up and allows me to enter the start and end SVN version number, and actually remembers the last version I updated from. I do regular SVN updates and this speeds up the log check for me. I have never looked at the on-line log.
When I look at the SVN Log after I updated my SVN, I immediately hit Cancel (lower right corner), then Select Range (lower left corner). A window pops up and allows me to enter the start and end SVN version number, and actually remembers the last version I updated from. I do regular SVN updates and this speeds up the log check for me. I have never looked at the on-line log.
Yes, loading it from Tortoise works fine, even if you load all at once, but I don't expect that most people asking for a change log here have it installed.
Yes, loading it from Tortoise works fine, even if you load all at once, but I don't expect that most people asking for a change log here have it installed.

Meh I loaded the entire change log from the link provid and viewed it in my browser without a problem. Seriously... I don't get what the issue is apart from waiting 20 seconds for it to load...
The one issue with upgrading under an existing game is that it does have the potential for balance changes in the game to render decision you have previously made in the game bad, or the situation you have got to unsustainable where previously it was sustainable.

That's an inevitable fact of ongoing balance changes - for example as Shenrryr reported, health has gotten trickier to manage in the current versions (deliberately), but the effect is that cities which grew like crazy under the previous version, may be very unhealthy (unsustainably so in extreme cases) under the latest version.

This can sometimes mean you need to make very significant adjustments, so the bottom line here is:

Old games will be loadable and will continue to function, but your strategic/tactical position in them may be changed. Of course this typically compromises the AI too, so it's not necessarily detrimental to your relative score in the game.
Old games will be loadable and will continue to function, but your strategic/tactical position in them may be changed. Of course this typically compromises the AI too, so it's not necessarily detrimental to your relative score in the game.

In that case ill stick to v26 until v30 comes out unless v27 has a massive amount of changes or I finish my current save file before v30 is released.

Thanks for the info :)
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