User's Manual (W.I.P.)


Super Moderator
Oct 4, 2004


In most scenario an unit need to be adjacent to a city with an harbor to be able to embark.


Paratroopers can only paradrop from a city or an airfield.


To heal 1 hit point, any unit need "reinforcements", a combination of "personnel" and "materiel". Some unit will use more personnel (Infantry), some more materiel (Tanks), some a bit of both (Light Tanks)

Personnel are generated from your total empire :c5food: food production, from specific buildings in cities (see tooltips in construction list), from "We Need You" process in cities, and you receive a portion of what your friendly and allied city-states are producing for themselves.

Materiel are generated from your total empire :hammers: production, from specific buildings in cities (see tooltips in construction list), from "Buy War Bond" process in cities, and you also receive a portion of what your friendly and allied city-states are producing for themselves.

"We Need You" is proportional to the city :c5food: food production, "Buy War Bond" is proportional to the city :c5gold: and :hammers: production. Those two process are important, and quite useful with a bit of micromanagement.

On some maps there are "convoy" units that move automatically on maritime routes under specific conditions and bring you personnel, materiel, gold or new units.


When it take enough damage (defending in melee combat) to make it think that 3-4 attacks of this level will kill it, an unit will try to retreat from it's position.

Examples : Infantry at full health (75hp) can take 10 damage from a tank and won't retreat, but at half health (37hp) it will. Introducing morale is planned, but still not done.

Unit will retreat to one of the 3 plots opposing the attack direction, if none are free, the unit will get half more damage (5 in above example), but will always keep at least 1hp.

Retreating from city is more specific, a unit is not killed in a captured city, it will try to escape before it happens, and will loss hp in the process. If there's a free valid plot just around the city, it will go there, else it will be transferred to a nearby city, with a bigger hp penalty.

All routed units will lost moves for the next turn.


Units capture enemy territory when moving on his tiles. The territory map is memorized at game start, and you can liberate old territory from friend/allied civs.

Some units don't capture tiles, like special force and artillery.


Some buildings require another to be available (ex: Land Factory require a Factory), and some will block the construction of other (ex: a city with a Land Factory can't construct any Air Factory). Units will require specific buildings. Use the mouse over help text in the production screen to know which buildings or units will be made available by the one you're about to build.

See the mod's spreadsheet for more info.


Projects can be produced in cities with special buildings. New models (example: T-34) projects require a Military Academy, which require Barracks to be constructed. Models evolution (ex: T-34 to T-34/76) require either a Military Academy OR the building needed to construct the unit (a Land Factory in that example)

Projects are unlocked around specific dates, or after units from a specific type have gained enough experience from combat.

There is another kind of project called "Military Operation". Those are in beta testing and only two of them are available ATM, for Germany on the Europe 1939 map. Those projects allow fast deploiement of units in a theatre of operation (example : "Operation Weserübung" will deploy 3 paratroops division (the AI get more) in Norway for Germany. A Military Base is needed to work on such projects.
You can post in this thread to ask for more information on any of the game mechanism, or point to what should be explained here for new players.
Does the movement loss from routing stack? Say an enemy tank is routed 3 times. Will it lose 6 move points?
yes, it should.
I have two question about upgrades:
1. How much materiel is needed to upgrade an unit?
2. If the materiel is red units won't upgrade?

Thank you so much for making a so great mod.
I have two question about upgrades:
1. How much materiel is needed to upgrade an unit?
2. If the materiel is red units won't upgrade?

Thank you so much for making a so great mod.

I am curious about question one. . .please someone chime in here. Thank you:goodjob:
How do fall of France event work? I conquer Paris and south of France with italy but DeGaulle continue to fight
How do fall of France event work? I conquer Paris and south of France with italy but DeGaulle continue to fight
Make sure you haven't unchecked scripted events while setting up.

I am confused as to how the supply line mechanism works.
yes, it should.
Hi Gedemon. I recently downloaded the R.E.D. WWII Edition Revived mod for Civ V. I believe you've worked on that mod, right? If so, is there any chance Spain will become a playable faction someday on the 1936 world map scenario?


P.S., personally, it would be great if one could play all nations on the hot seat campaign. Any chance of that being possible someday?
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