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Vanilla 1.74 - looking for 4 or 5 serious players


Aug 18, 2007

Level: Noble
Map: Continents
Size: Standard
Climate: Temperate
Sealevel: Medium
Era: Classical
Speed: Normal
Raging barbarians
No technology trading
All victory conditions enabled
Two random AI to fill the standard-size map

Play order:

Mitchum - GMT -8 - Catherine - mitchkettrick at hotmail dot com
The_strategist - GMT +1 - Bizmarck - just_tp at hotmail dot co dot uk
Egypt803 - GMT - Frederick - egypt803 at hotmail dot com
onclouds - GMT - Gandhi - joaocarlospinheiro at gmail dot com
Darren_Jones - GMT - Alexander - darren_jones11 at yahoo.co.uk
hi onclouds - of course! - had to abandon that last game as many people seemed to have lost interest - you are very welcome to this one!

do people want to pick civs & let me know their GMTs and we can think about setting this up. will hang on another day or so to see if we have any more interest.
Hi Id like to join if theres room. GMT -8:00 pacific time. (US and Canada)
forgot, I'd like to be churchill
I'm in San Diego (GMT -8). I can play any time between 8 AM and 10 PM, so playing two turns a day is possible.

Civ - Catherine

I prefer starting in the ancient era.
I also think we should do quick speed, so it wont take so long. I can definitly do atleast 4-5 turns per week, maybe even more:)

forgot this is vanilla, churchill is not on here, Ill be alexander then
4-5 turns per week would be okay with me
Egypt803 have already PMed you my mail id.
New to PBEM so would need some help with setup.
With continents and quick speed, by the time troops arrive at the other continent, they are already obsolete. I'll go with the majority, but I vote for normal speed.

If we set the play order properly and people can play two turns/day (i.e. one in the morning and one in the evening), we'll get through the early part of the game rather quickly.

We've got 5 players now. Let's agree on the settings and get started.
I wont be able to play 2 turns a day.
But a turn a day is definitely possible.

Lets get it started guys.....
Here is the current proposal:

Continents, standard size
No tech trading
Raging barbs
All victory conditions on
5-6 human players

Speed: Normal or Quick
Starting era: Classical or Ancient
Number of AI: ???

Egypt803 - Time zone? - Leader?
The strategist - GMT +1 - Bizmarck
onclouds - GMT 0 - Gandhi
Mitchum - GMT -8 - Catherine
Churchill 25 - GMT -8 - Alexander
I'm GMT and will play Frederick.
Would vote for normal speed and classical start.
Does anybody else want a vote on these before we get started? Am happy to start the game but am not very experienced so if anybody is more sure of getting it right first time then please feel free to volunteer in my stead.

I don't mind getting it started. The play order will be:

Mitchum - GMT -8 - Catherine - mitchkettrick at hotmail dot com
The strategist - GMT +1 - Bizmarck - just_tp at hotmail dot co dot uk
Egypt803 - GMT - Frederick - egypt803 at hotmail dot com
onclouds - GMT - Gandhi - joaocarlospinheiro at gmail dot com
Churchill 25 - GMT -8 - Alexander - karl_of_europe at yahoo dot com

I'll start the game as egypt803 has suggested tonight unless I hear otherwise. I assume that we're all open to majority rules, so feel free to cast your vote if you don't like the suggested settings.

One last thing, do we want any AI to sharpen our swords?

Please provide you e-mail address so everyone knows where to send their saves.
the power is in your hands so throw the settings you like! =) (but please inform us of them =P )
my email is joaocarlospinheiro at gmail dot com
My email is just_tp at hotmail dot co dot uk
Please let me know how I would set this u.
Would a simple save of the file and then Multiplayer-->PBEM-->Load Game would do?
I'll use the settings from egypt803's initial e-mail:

Continents, standard size
No tech trading
Raging barbs
All victory conditions on
5-6 human players


AI Players: 2 random. Hopefully they end up on different continents...
Speed: 2 votes normal (Mitchum and Egypt) and 1 vote quick (Churchill). Does anyone else want to vote?
Start: 2 votes classical (Egypt and onclouds) and 1 vote ancient (Mitchum). With a Classical start, everyone starts at 2160 BC with 17 first-tier techs (e.g. wheel, writing, hunting, bronze working, priesthood etc.) and 4 units (settler, worker, archer and scout). Does anyone else want to vote?

The strategist, I e-mailed you a test duel game to see if you can open it, play your turn, and send it back to me. Be sure to set your password.

If no one else votes, I'll set up the game according to the majority above and send it to Churchill at about 9 PM Pacific Daylight time.

Churchill, we still need your e-mail address. If I don't get it by tonight, I'll put you at the end of the roster (i.e. right before me) so that we can get this game going.
my email is karl_of_europe@yahoo.com,
if you dont mind, I think it would be better if I am near the end of the order because ill be busy for part of the day tommarow

those are underscores between karl and of and of and europe
OK. I finally got my kids to bed and I rolled a start. I realize that some of you were sleeping during my post earlier and may not have had time to vote. If you're not happy with the settings below, let's discuss what to do.

Level: Noble
Map: Continents
Size: Standard
Climate: Temperate
Sealevel: Medium
Era: Classical
Speed: Normal
Raging barbarians
No technology trading
All victory conditions enabled
Two random AI to fill the standard-size map

Play order:

Mitchum - GMT -8 - Catherine - mitchkettrick at hotmail dot com
The_strategist - GMT +1 - Bizmarck - just_tp at hotmail dot co dot uk
Egypt803 - GMT - Frederick - egypt803 at hotmail dot com
onclouds - GMT - Gandhi - joaocarlospinheiro at gmail dot com
Churchill_25 - GMT -8 - Alexander - karl_of_europe at yahoo dot com

Pressing ALT-D allows you to change the details of your leader. I suggest changing your name to Name (Leader) (i.e. Mitchum (Catherine)). That will allow us to keep track of who is who.

Game played and sent to The_strategist.

Egypt, you may want to edit your first post and copy the information above into it so that we can easily find it in the future reference. You should also put "GAME IS FULL" as the first line.
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