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Bread And Circuses


Mar 28, 2006
Welcome to the new novice friendly PBEM Civilization IV version 1.74 vanilla


GAME IS NOW CLOSED but we are accepting standbys.

Here is the line up:


e-mail addresses:
xatsmann...jwmchughjr (at) gmail (dot) com
onclouds...joaocarolospinheiro (at) gmail (dot) com
egypt802...egypt803 (at) hotmail (dot) com
g_starrow...george (dot) storrow (at) gmail (dot) com
kellym...eqkellmon (at) yahoo (dot) com
chasbolt...chasbolt (at) gmail (dot) com

password: b&c

Small map with custom continents starting classical era, one for each player, normal barbs, no tech trading.
Leader: I'll take Saladin

What era do you want to start in? Abstain

No/normal/raging barbs: Normal

At start player alliances (alliance structure not proposed yet): No, I figure I'll be a speed bump and don't want to take someone with me.

Victory conditions peaceful only (No conquest/domination wins): Abstain

No tech trading: Abstain

e-mail addresses: eqkelmon (at) yahoo (dot) com
I posted this before I noticed the move to Bread & Circuses.
Any room for that #7 player
I am chasbolt at yahoo (or gmail) if room is available. I play daily G-4 during DST. Prefer the accelerated start in Classical and Random civ and will play what rules y'all decide.
leader choice : Izzy
What era do you want to start in : advanced ok
No/normal/raging barbs : normal / rage group choice
at start player alliances : sure but how will it work with 7 players
victory conditions peaceful only : ok to domination
No tech trading : between teams yes / free for all, group choice
e-mail addresses: snowgodny(at)yahoo(dot)com

Question : what happened to v1.61?
I haven't patched because of all the problems. I REALLY don't want to screw up the bosses computer.
another final thought, in the advanced eras(tested yesterday) the first civs listed get the available religions leaving the last 3 or 4 civs without.
Question : what happened to v1.61?
I haven't patched because of all the problems. I REALLY don't want to screw up the bosses computer.

You did ask for that I see. This could be an issue for me as I am up to 1.74. I got BtS and when you install that it patches you up to 1.74 in Civ and 2.08 in Warlords.

I could try and do another install of 1.61 but I'd rather play at 1.74 if we can, simply because that is the latest version and if any upgrades come out I want to just keep installing them....think you could try to upgrade at work?

What kind of video card are you looking for at home? Maybe we can find you a cheap one on e-bay or something.
I posted this before I noticed the move to Bread & Circuses.
Any room for that #7 player
I am chasbolt at yahoo (or gmail) if room is available. I play daily G-4 during DST. Prefer the accelerated start in Classical and Random civ and will play what rules y'all decide.

okay chasbolt...you gothe last spot...i'll update the list.
so I guess I will be playing with Bismarck either way but prefer:
-raging barbarians
-3 teams of 2 players
-no tech trading

let me know what you think of this
to the players of bread and circuses
I regret that I will have to withdraw from the game
my only employee has quit and I will be working with the owner side by side until a replacement can be found(3 weeks maybe more...)
I am fortunate that the game has not already started and I do not with to hold you up in hopes of finding a vid card for my home computer.
good luck to you all and hope to play with (or against) you in the future
=( it's a shame to lose the one who started the game =(
but then again... would you consider a team game? maybe 3 teams? =)
I'm up for joining if there is any room left. I can be contacted at gregoryziegler@gmail.com

It is up to the players remaining...do we want to have teams? Also since snowgod is not in the game anymore, do we want to go to a larger map and open it up to more players?

As it stands now we're playing standard map but we could go to a large or a huge map...what does everyone want to do:

1. Do we want to play teams?

2. Do we want to enlarge the map? If so, what size, Large or Huge?

Please post your vote.

Also to people not yet in the game...keep posting here, if the players vote to keep the same map size and close the game. I'll open another game up if I can get at least another two or three players.
Point 1
I've never done teams so am willing to try. If it means more opportunity for mistakes in turn sending I'd say no.
Point 2
NO and if outvoted Large not huge.
I think 7 is enough players as it will take time to go round. with this many players I advocate a advance era start or the first month will be incredably dull!
i was thinking of 3vs3vs3 large or huge xD
for that we are missing 2 players =/ ... we could instead wait for one more and play 4vs4. this is if we decide to go for teamplay which I believe to be the only interested
otherwise I say advanced era is perfect (maybe large map) and will play Bismarck =)
any others interested in team-play ?
we should determine what type of game it will be and start sooner rather than later =)
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