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Warhammer Background: What is this Warhammer thing anyway?

I rather see the amazonians as a barbarian tribe rather than a civilization....but there is some more fluff available.

Their society is rather female oriented, their hatred of men stems not from within, but is rather an outsiders view.
Outsiders invariably are either plundering human males from the old world, ratMEN or lizards (don't mind the darkelf slavers behind the curtain)
As a female oriented warrior culture, they are disgusted by the idea of males being dominant.

freetime...I guess they play with unicorns when they are off-duty. ;)
They have units unimpeded by forest/jungle. Give them a high first strike number and a good chance to flee maybe remain hidden untill ordered to atttack. And you got an ambusher, far superior than stupid un icorn riders. ;)
Well lizardmen have coldone riders, stegadons, terradons and some kind of big T-rex thing that i forget the name of.
perhaps we shold make the Amazons have panther riders/ tiger riders/ leopard riders? or beast mistressess who use panthers etc to attack for them?
Psychic_Llamas said:
Well lizardmen have coldone riders, stegadons, terradons and some kind of big T-rex thing that i forget the name of.
perhaps we shold make the Amazons have panther riders/ tiger riders/ leopard riders? or beast mistressess who use panthers etc to attack for them?

Yeah, that's cool. I think we should do it like this :)
What kind of weapons should the Amazonians favour? archers? slingers? Javelins? Glaives (ala Warcraft 3) Spears? swords? whips? clubs? Blow Pipes?

personally i think they could have a special unit used for hunting down men to act as reproduction slaves (what a horrorble life, being an amazonian slave :evil::D). they could have whips.

there could also be core units with Javelins and spears, but no Archers.

they could have Jaguar Javelineers etc, Panther Guards with spears.

perhaps Scouts could have Blow pipes? Glaives would also be cool.

Mages and spell casters (Shamanesses? Priestesses?) would have a strong affiliation with snakes.

perhaps the level 1 monster could be a Serpent swarm, level 2 Monster can be a Big Cat Pack, Moster level 3 can be a Giant Serpent, and Monster level 4 could be a Hydra?

Siege weapons would be rare and relatively unadvanced (similar to the Woodelves) Perhaps they could have Balistas instead of catapults and a repeater Bolt thrower instead of a cannon?

Instead of chariots they could have different types of Huntresses with thier cats.

Flyers could include Giant Eagles, Terradons

Thier uber unit could be a Serpent Matriarch? Snake Queen? who is a top level mage with some special spells like summon snake swarm, and Transform into an anaconda. She would be able to enslave men like the slavers (which means she has a whip :evil: )

well, thats my ramblings, better get back to studying :(
Those are called carnisaurs IIRC.
Amazonians use lizardmen weapons mainly.

>I'll post the amazonian myth-blurb from Lizardmen armylist here later.<

I don't particularly like the slavers idea, the amazonians are rather more on the recieving end of these relationships.

I still feel amazonians would be better suited as a minor barbarian tribe civ, just like Fimir. Orks, Skaven, marauders and other more civilised monster-civs could also be made use of as barbarian tribes. Doesn't matter if they are major civ too.
yeah, they are even more underexposed than the Indhyans.
But there are a few lists to use them as ally contignents or raiders etc. not real armies.

@Recieving end:
The blurbs I recall told a tale of the amazons being pissed off at all the slavers (eg Darkelves/lizardmen/skaven) and pillaging/raping conquistadores.
Arexack_heretic said:
They might at that....If you can't beat them...;)

:lol: that's a good point.

maybe we could have a few barb. amazons with panthers or amazon priestresses on jungle tiles.
I happened upon a lot of good fluff for Albion, i remember i didnt have much at all for them, so here it is:

- Albion was first used by the Old Ones as a home. It is also where they taught spellcasting to the Elves and runecraft to the Dwarfs.

- Initially, Albion was a paradise, where the weather was perfect, crops always flourished, and so on.

- The Old Ones were impressed with the ability of men to adapt, and so they brought those who would become the Truthsayers to them, teaching them some of their secrets (unknown as to exactly what they taught, though spellcasting would have been a part of it).

- Temples were erected to the Old Ones on Albion.

- The collapse happened, and the First Incursion took place. I don't think I need to expand on this part.

- During the Incursion, the Truthsayers had a plan similar to that of the Elves. They instructed the Giants (these ones had been specifically created for Albion as a race of warriors to protect it as the last gift of the Old Ones to the Truthsayers) to construct a series of stone circles. With all the Giants working with them, they soon had plenty of these circles to back up the Vortex constructed by Caledor Dragontamer.

- They used some of the trapped energy, channelling it into the creation of mists that would surround the island, a veil of fog that protected the Ogham Stones from danger. The mist also blocked out the sun, and the trapped Dark Magic within the stone circles attracted rain, storms, and generally screwed up the landscape, quickly turning Albion into a boggy region, with few crops.

- In absorbing Chaos energy, the soil of Albion itself became tainted, and fertile fields became quagmires where men could sink without a trace. Thick woods and forests became wild places where hawthorn and poisonous plants choked the life from the trees. People feared to enter the once-beautiful glades and many of those who did were never seen again.

- Creatures of Albion also suffered from the mutating effect of Chaos, with "terrible monsters" beginning to prey on the tribesmen during the night.

- The task of guarding the stone circles was given to the Giants.

- Over time, things changed. The Truthsayers lost much of their mystical might, ancient lore forgotten and while they still practised their magic, it was a shadow compared to what they could once have done. The Giants grew inbred and dull-witted, resorting to the mindless displays of strength that so characterise them nowadays. The humans on the isle also suffered, and became basically stone-age humans, primitive cave dwellers and warring tribesmen.

- Albion is a relatively flat land, but the coast is rugged and with great white cliffs surrounding the island tower high into the sky. The waters seethe with hideous sea beasts, some of which are capable of pulling entire galleys to a watery tomb. There are few landing places, and those which do reach down to the "turbulent, storm lashed waters" are both difficult to find and land upon. Rocks rise from the water, but there are many hidden beneath the sea that will tear through the hulls of boats with ease. Giants also like to stand at the top of the cliffs and throw rocks down on ships that try to land.

- The Ogham Stones are still a powerful force, and greatly augment the mystical skills of any mage within a circle. It also transforms the island into a vortex of magical energy, where the Winds of Magic blow wildly - spells to light a campfire become deadly fireballs, while the greatest of sorcerous blasts merely spark and fade.

- There is now a huge jungle surrounding the Forge of the Old Ones, courtesy of the Slann.

- The Lizardmen, some Giants and a few of the Truthsayers are more or less the only ones left on the island. Kroq-Gar ran everybody else off. And by everybody, I mean everybody.
For the amazonian and their equipment I think they could mix norse and lizardmen stuff.

They were originaly norse women from skeggi who were exiled from there because they took arm to defend their city (i don't know where the norse men where... probably plundering some poor skink hut). After their exil, they settled in some Old ones ruins on a small island (where they found some "device" that granted them immortality).

For their equipment i sugger : axe, spears, chain mails and bows (from their norse culture) and blow pipes and obsidian weapons inspired by their lizardmen neighbors. Their cloths and armor should also reflect that.

For their cavalry: Cold ones (they may have found a liquid like the one used by the druchii to ride cold ones). Beastmasters (with jaguars, small dinosaurs and such).
For their elite monster, why not a couatl ?
Moreover, the pygmeans and natives can be put with them.
where do you find your information on Amazonians? i cant find anything on them. i never new they were norse desendents... also i never new they were immortal.

good ideas though. we can use Ploe's valkyrie modle as a base for the units :D definately spears axes and bows. maybe they can have pgmy slaves with plow pipes and obsidian swords. personally id rather see amazonians on big panthers or leopards than cold ones. and a coatle is a good idea.
where do you find your information on Amazonians? i cant find anything on them. i never new they were norse desendents... also i never new they were immortal.

good ideas though. we can use Ploe's valkyrie modle as a base for the units :D definately spears axes and bows. maybe they can have pgmy slaves with plow pipes and obsidian swords. personally id rather see amazonians on big panthers or leopards than cold ones. and a coatle is a good idea.

The amazon Lightknight already is riding a big cat(FFH model) it will just require a reskin. A coldone or Rhino might fit nicely for the Heavy Knight.
"where do you find your information on Amazonians? i cant find anything on them. i never new they were norse desendents... also i never new they were immortal."

...In the old and the new lizardmen army book ^^ (and some pieces in the lustria campaign book i think).

They are all from skeggi and they have no new recruit (perhaps an occassionaly rebel women from skeggi but apart from that...)

These sources are not clear wether they are immortal or eternal (the difference is important indeed).

Just make their rank and files units from natives and the true amazonian like the immortals of FFH.

For them riding giant black panther... equip them with boomrang like glaive and you got warcraft... not warhammer. So i think it's a bad idea but as always it's just IMHO.
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