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Warhammer Background: What is this Warhammer thing anyway?

equip them with boomrang like glaive and you got warcraft... not warhammer. So i think it's a bad idea but as always it's just IMHO.

Wat should they have? Anyone have models or an army book? Cuz I have neither.
i found a fan made amazon army book:


its quite good.

amaozns and minor civs like them are tricky because there is VERY little canon information about them, so we rely primarily of fan made material.
ok I'm new forgive me bring up old stuff but
I read the history of the Vampire Counts again and I still see no reason why Nagash should be a Leeader of them. As I read it Nagash was a renegade Priest in the city states of Nehekhara and responbible for their undead existence. His necromancy also lead to the creation of the first Vampires but the Carstein don't seem to be related directly to him in any way. More likly they descent from a bloodline of renegade Vampires and Nagash seems to be mostly related to Nhekhara and Lahmia for the whole time of his (un-)life. I think he better won't make part of any civ. His status seems to be kind of a Demi-God, the first Necromancer and Creeator of undead beings but he never ruled a whole civilization as far as I can read out of this lines. He tried too but was defeated.
If we are going to have him in the game I suggest only as a Hero Unit or Leader in a scenario.
Second Leader for the Vampire Counts could as well be Manfred von Carstein.

instead of having Nagash a ruler of a civ how about when the tech is learned for eternal life he pop up with random skellys as a Barb? make him powerful but tell the AI to not attack with him and tell the AI to spawn a skelly around him every so often.

just a thought. I haven't played the mod yet, I'm downloading now.
Welcome to the forums Darkform! :)

we have something similar to what you suggest already. have you played Fall from Heaven? if so nagash is our barbatos :p if not, he is a nasty piece of work which spawns at the begining of the game on a unique feature called Nagashizzar where he stays and casts necromantic spells (non of which currently work, lol)
I played some Ice that came with BTS but Warhammer is the first unofficial mod I have ever downloaded for Civ. tho I did download the unofficial 3.17 patch.

I thought about downloading FFH but I got confused as to download which one. I was also going to wait to download WH after it was more done but I really wanted to play it. hope the Vampires get fixed soon. I did alter the leader to be able to have religion but I will really like necromancy to also work.

also in a storyline I made of my namesake he doesn't realy have living workers, he ether uses Zombies or skeletons. for this idea they could cost less maybe 1/2 and have only 1 movement point. (maybe a unit that can only be made after necromancy but not considered unique so you can have normal workers before you got necromancy.) edit: (also no food cost for the undead worker)
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