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[WARLORDS] Amra's Modpack v2

1) In this MOD does the tech move more slowly as in it takes longer to discover techs? It also seems it takes much longer to develop huts/villages. I am guesing this is by design. I would just like someone to tell me of I am imagining this or if it is really a bit slower.
I didn't do anything to the techs other than add 2 or 3 new ones. As far as I know, none of the mod components I added slowed down the techs either. Sorry, but I don't know what to tell you on that one.

[EDIT] After sleeping on that question, I realized I forgot to say that the Epic & Marathon speeds were replaced by two slightly longer gamespeeds (FX-Endurance & FX-Marathon) so maybe that is what you are experiencing.

2) I tell a city to build a settler. Lets say it takes 24 turns. If I go into the city and move a worker from a 1 shield tile to a 2 shield tile it still says it takes 24 turns. Shouldn't the time be shorter with more production? It's possible this has always been like this and I have just never seen it.
It's like that in retail Warlords also (it's not anything I changed in my modpack) and only seems to do that when building a Settler, not other units. Perhaps someone else here may know the exact formula that is used when constructing settlers. I don't know for sure but suspect it is a combination of food & hammers.

On a related note, I've had a bit of a CTD (crash to desktop) problem since loading the mod. Looks like it only happens after I have been playing for an hour +. I've been trying to nail down exactly what is causing the problem but no luck yet.
If it continues to happen, please post a savegame here so that I can try to recreate the error on my computer. That would be a big help in tracking it down. Thanks.
Hello, Amra, it's me again.Thanks for your wonderful job.I bought Civ4 from Cyberfront - 2k(They also have the Firaxis name).So, doesn't matter what I do, (with patch A added) the game always appear like that in this picture added(No buttons tools!).Can anybody help me, please?thanks, rebakan


I'm not sure what that is. Have you tried pressing "ALT+I" on your keyboard? I know that is how you can remove the interface so that it looks like your screenshot but I don't know why it would be on by default for just your install.

What language installation are you playing on? English or maybe German? If it is not an English installation, is there any way you can try doing an English language installation to see if that fixes it? I have read a few posts where there were problems with no interface on German installations.

Otherwise, do you know what video card your computer is using? Perhaps it is something specific to your video card. Is plain Warlords (no mods loaded) okay?

Hope some of that helps. Let me know.
What's up with the Map and No Rubber and Sulpher Resource Patches? When I click to the link to download them, all I get is some page of programmer languager or gibberish or something. Can anyone explain about this?
Anybody else having a problem downloading these? I just clicked on them and they were fine. They are stored on the CivFanatics servers so there shouldn't be any problems. :crazyeye:
I have the same problem: Can't bomb enemy units with any type of aircraft. Thought maybe this was just my machine.:confused: Any help would be appreciated.
I have confirmed that there is a problem with the Air Unit Ground strikes. I think I have tracked it down to something within the CCCP CvGameCoreDLL.dll file and have already PM'd Impaler[WrG] so that he can look into it.

On the bright side, while trying to fix it tonight, I added in the Air Forces Mod by TheLopez. So, as soon as I can get a fixed dll file, everyone will be able to bomb ground units to your hearts content AND get promotions for your Air Units while doing so.

Hang tight, it is being worked on.
I Love your mod! :goodjob:
Especially the Valkyries.

But when I select to play a custom game there is no text beside the last checkbox in the options menu...


What does this box do?
That is actually a nonworking component of the CCCP. I saw something about it in Impaler's forum but do not remember exactly what it was, sorry. Basically, I wouldn't check it until I/he has a label on it.

Glad someone likes playing as the Aesir :D and before anyone says that that is not how the Valkyrie are supposed to look, I know that but it was the best available model for download. I was looking for a female warrior on a horse (or a wolf as described in wikipedia) but couldn't find one.

Thanks for hanging with me thru these few bugs, there's always some, aren't there? I think when I've squashed them all, this will be a pretty nice modpack.

bmarnz said:
Amra, when I took over a city from a newly added civ, I got a pink circle instead of the civ's emblem. For the new civs ,I took out the commas from the <button> tags in the artdefines_civilizations.xml file and that seemed to fix it.
Ah, the dreaded "," problem. I've had that happen in the past with units and fixed that (I think) but wasn't aware there was an issue with cities. Thanks for the heads up, I'll check it out. :goodjob:
When I started a game, I had all victory conditions checked, including Mastery. As soon as I built the last space ship part, I was declared the winner, with all the end of game hoopla. Is this suppose to happen with Mastery or do you keep playing with "whoever has won a space race victory" splashed on the bottom of the screen?:crazyeye:
I'm on the Air unit bombardment thing, I'll try to have another CCCP version done soon which Amra can integrate in next version.
Impaler[WrG];5238944 said:
I'm on the Air unit bombardment thing, I'll try to have another CCCP version done soon which Amra can integrate in next version.
Thanks Impaler, I really appreciate the help. :goodjob:
Amra: Thanks for your help and your answers.I think you need to know that: I live in Japan, I bought my game here, from Cyberfront-2K with five languages, including English(the one I installed).Maybe that's the reason why it is not working.Thanks anyway.yes, I'm a newbie,i'll check what you said.Thanks a lot !rebakan
Other strategic resources:
In CIV III I used:

logging camp as a resource (appears on forests or jungles) to build lumbermill (sawmill) and to build all wooden ships. Also necessary to build catapults and trebuchets (only in cities with lumbermill).

hemp - to build all wooden ships
cotton - to build all sailing ships

This would add to the gameplay, especially struggle for resources. Lack of copper can be decisive in the beginning, but using wood and hemp may strengthen or weaken as well, opening a wider window for strategic planning and building emphasis on land or naval forces.

Amra, I also downloaded your maps(public maps?)and they work fine, no problem at all.I Love your mod! I just want to play as a Breton civ, for example, but it doesn't have any interface.My game(plain Warlords) functions OK, also other mods.So it must be a problem on installation of your mod, that I made wrong.Thanks for everything.
you said: "When you unpack the mod make sure you remove the extra 'wrapper' directory..." what does that mean?

If I were to make some balanced and accurate civics, could they be included?
I never knew mods could be fun before (Except for the great person one). So I tried your mod and it was awesome:) I tried other mods - they don't even come close to your mod. Good job:)
When I started a game, I had all victory conditions checked, including Mastery. As soon as I built the last space ship part, I was declared the winner, with all the end of game hoopla. Is this suppose to happen with Mastery or do you keep playing with "whoever has won a space race victory" splashed on the bottom of the screen?:crazyeye:

Oh, one more small thing, the howitzers don't line up side by side like other siege units.:hmm:
I think the Mastery Mod still needs to be debugged a little. I haven't made it that far in a Mastery game but all the info on that mod indicates that you play until the end of all turns with completing a spaceship counting as a large part of your Mastery score.

As far as the Howitzers, I probably missed including them in the Formations file. They're noted & I'll check it. Thanks for the help.

Hailas said:
Other strategic resources:
In CIV III I used:

logging camp as a resource (appears on forests or jungles) to build lumbermill (sawmill) and to build all wooden ships. Also necessary to build catapults and trebuchets (only in cities with lumbermill).

hemp - to build all wooden ships
cotton - to build all sailing ships

This would add to the gameplay, especially struggle for resources. Lack of copper can be decisive in the beginning, but using wood and hemp may strengthen or weaken as well, opening a wider window for strategic planning and building emphasis on land or naval forces.
I've had a heck of a time with Sulphur & Rubber getting them to show up on maps with regular frequency. To tell you the truth, I'm still not sure they're quite right as I will get an occasional test map with only 1 or 2 of each on it but for the most part, I think they show up frequently enough.

I'll keep more resource dependency in mind for the future. I've actually thought about eliminating 1 or 2 of the new resources such as Potatoes (don't care for the graphics that much) that give a lot of food in favor of making the remaining resources more strategic. So far, though, it is just a thought with no definite plans yet.

rebakan said:
Thanks for your help and your answers.I think you need to know that: I live in Japan, I bought my game here, from Cyberfront-2K with five languages, including English(the one I installed).Maybe that's the reason why it is not working.
That could be it but to be honest, I am at a total loss for fixing your problem and feel bad that you downloaded my mod and can't enjoy it. Actually, if anything, you're probably frustrated :mad: by it. I will try to find some time to search thru the forums here and see if anyone has encountered a missing interface problem elsewhere and posted a fix.

rebakan said:
you said: "When you unpack the mod make sure you remove the extra 'wrapper' directory..." what does that mean?
:confused: I don't remember writing anything about "an extra wrapper directory". Are you maybe using a translation program and it translated something wrong? You said you lived in Japan but I am unsure whether you are reading & writing English directly or using a translation program. I know I would have a tough time if you started corresponding in Japanese. :crazyeye: :D

Leif said:
If I were to make some balanced and accurate civics, could they be included?
Well, so far I haven't touched the civics so I guess I would have to do some testing and see how the changes played. I think at the least, your changes could be offered as an option as I haven't even modified the CIV4CivicInfos.xml file yet.
Eliminate potatoes, they only provide food just like wheat and corn. Those three are synonims.

I think Rebakan means that the folder which should go into Warlords/Mods is contained in another folder, as it is unpacked somewhere. This folder is a "wrapper".

Eliminate potatoes, they only provide food just like wheat and corn. Those three are synonims.

I think they are good, larger cities.

And this isn't a major problem, but while I was playing as poland, I got a pirate guy instead of a great general.
Thanks, hailas for your explanation, it was exactly hta I wanted to say.No, I'm not using a translating program, I am writing directly in English, I studied English in a Japanese school for five years, but unfortunately my English is still too bad, sorry for this.Thanks everybody, Thanks Amra, no problem,I know it is not your fault.I'll wait a little bit.
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