[Warlords] Modern Warfare Mod

To give an idea of the sheer number of new units and unit classes available in the Modern Warfare Mod: 23 of an estimated 120(!! -- this number is still growing) new CIVPedia entries have been written.
More units are in the works. The next release should round out the early bomber class with ALL major heavy bombers from WW1. Right now I'm nearly done w/ the Caudron G.4, next is the Caproni Ca.3.

I'm glad this project is working out well. Keep the feedback coming! Any ideas, comments/critisisms?!
I've almost finished playing through your Mod for the first time and the new units are fantastic.What do u think of maybe adding the USS Eldridge from 1943.Obviously I couldnt help much with the modding but I have a few spare hours for researching and sending some pics of any ships(American,Italian,German,Japanese and Russian) you might wanna use in the future.Once again thank you for helping with getting downloaded Mods working.:)
Right now the following are US ship classes planned for the mod from WW2:
Destroyer: Fletcher Class (in progress)
Cruiser: Brooklyn Class (done, in mod)
Battleship: Iowa Class (in progress)
Carrier: Essex Class (in progress)
Submarine: Dalphin Class

I don't have any current plans for the USS Eldridge. It's possible it might be added later, but I doubt it. I don't see the Philidelphia project as something that likely to be added.
Could I ask what kind of tireme that is? It looks either Greek or Egyptian? Whatever it is simply amazing.
Hmm, I wonder, will we have more French units one day, like Leclerc tanks, Rafale fighters ? Nuclear submarines, whatever ?

But anyway, great mod :)
The Trireme is the standard one supplied w/ warlords. I don't exactly know what it represents, but it does look good..

Yes, eventually there will be more French units. The ultimate far-reaching goal of this mod is to include every major type of tank, ship, and aircraft applicable. That includes what you listed. No timeline on when it will be added though.
I downloaded your mod yesterday, and I'd like to say it's mostly excellent from what I've experienced of it so far. However, a problem I have never had before with civ4 has arose after installing the mod. Now that it's installed,nearly all of the countrys flags appear simply as white which gets rather confusing. In the game I'm playing the only exception is montezuma, who has the standard flag. All the rest of the new content such as model replacements, and new units appear to be working correctly.

Other than that I'd just like to ask what the clipper ship is intended for? From the stats it appears to be a regular frigate with 2 less strength. I hope you keep up the good work, your mod is so excellent that I plan on playing it as a complete replacement for the original warlords content.

( : Thanks : )

spain rullz lol isabella so kewlll ^_^~
I downloaded your mod yesterday, and I'd like to say it's mostly excellent from what I've experienced of it so far. However, a problem I have never had before with civ4 has arose after installing the mod. Now that it's installed,nearly all of the countrys flags appear simply as white which gets rather confusing. In the game I'm playing the only exception is montezuma, who has the standard flag. All the rest of the new content such as model replacements, and new units appear to be working correctly.

Other than that I'd just like to ask what the clipper ship is intended for? From the stats it appears to be a regular frigate with 2 less strength. I hope you keep up the good work, your mod is so excellent that I plan on playing it as a complete replacement for the original warlords content.

( : Thanks : )

spain rullz lol isabella so kewlll ^_^~

It sucks when something like this happens. I tried looking around the forums for a solution, and your best bet would be to try to up the graphics level of the game. If the flags show up then, it's because of the graphic setting. Many flags it seems need the settings set high. I never noticed this because mine are maxed out. If you would like to play w/ flags that you can see, I suggest you remove the files from Modern Warfare\Assets\Art\Interface\TeamColor, and the CIV4ArtDefines_Civilization.XML file. Neither of these effect the units, just the flags. Remove them and the flags will look normal, and you should be able to see things better.

Hope this helps, and glad you enjoy the mod!
awesome new unit ;)
Try this out -

The much requested C47 (Commercial DC3).

Air transports will be added in the next release, which brings up the question - Should airports still be able to transport units? Should aircraft/ships/land transports be the only way to move massive amounts of units? Ideas please!
If you use transport ships/aircraft/trucks, then I feel airports shouldn't have the transport effect anymore. However, to keep them functional, you could o have only cities with airports being able to have big planes and later era jets.
The only means to transport units by air to far-away places is by airdrop then.

Something else: with the Liberty class ships around, why not modding it so that the vanilla landing boat launches from it? Let these landing boats be the only way a player can invade a coast, and the Liberty's can only load/unload in a port.
If you use transport ships/aircraft/trucks, then I feel airports shouldn't have the transport effect anymore. However, to keep them functional, you could o have only cities with airports being able to have big planes and later era jets.
The only means to transport units by air to far-away places is by airdrop then.

Something else: with the Liberty class ships around, why not modding it so that the vanilla landing boat launches from it? Let these landing boats be the only way a player can invade a coast, and the Liberty's can only load/unload in a port.

The landing craft idea is a good one - sorta load units onto it, then the landing craft onto the liberty ship. Units can only unload/load onto land from the landing craft, and can load/unload directly onto a Liberty ship from a port. The only problem I have is I doubt the AI knows how this would work. It's an idea worth playing with though.
Air transports will be added in the next release, which brings up the question - Should airports still be able to transport units? Should aircraft/ships/land transports be the only way to move massive amounts of units? Ideas please!

i was thinking on this idea already looong time ago and this why i was waiting for new transport planes - to disable airlift for airports ;) but in this case "we" need more then just two or three trasports! ;)
Excellent looking mod! This is exactly what CIV4 needs IMHO, more emphasis on the modern and present day eras. I will be downloading and installing this mod shortly.
ah most wanted dakota :)

i think the turning off the airlift ability for airports is good idea :)
Hey I know this may kind of be a dumb question but are there any plans for a non-warlords verison of this mod? It looks so awesome but i don't have warlords.
Add an addition to the main post (also seen bellow).

Future Additions:
Spoiler :
-----------------------------------Future Versions of Modern Warfare Mod----------------------------------

-All patches/full downloads will continue to include new applicable/suitable units from other creaters

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1.05 Patch Changes (NLT 3 December):
-Added M8, M3A1 HT, SdKfz222, SdKfz 251, Fiat G55, Caudron G.4, C47, Gotha GIv
-Adjusted tech tree (3-4 new techs)
-Adjusted infantry/HT-APC/Mech. Inf. upgrades
-Added tactical nukes, now have use for SSBNs
-SSBNs NOT detectable (similar to spies)
-Carry 4 tactical nukes
-All nukes can now be killed in a nuclear strike
-Arty can be loaded onto Halftracks/APCs/Helos
-Lowered vision for all units (no longer see through grassland/plains)
-Added defence modifier for ruins/cottage/hamlet/villiage/town
-Pillaging tiles creates city ruins

To Add before release:
-Add modern mobile artillery (mobile howitzer?)
-Add last few techs
-Finish up techs w/ icons/basic descriptions
-Add civilopedia entries for units Jamesmcnamara has finished
-Re-scale aircraft, fix other scaling issues

************************************************** ******************************************

1.10 Full Release (NLT 24 December)
-No created unit class will have only 1 graphic (i.e., BTR152 for motorized infantry)
-Oscar class SSBN
-BMP1/2/3 for APC OR Marder 1A3
-Su24 for CAS
-Begin creating general skins for units that represent a class (i.e., M3HT needs new skin to be just a halftrack)
-Early Bomber
-Early Fighter
-Armored Car
-Command Car
-Heavy Tank
-Armor (need to finish T55 for model too)
-Modern Armor Skin needs to be changed
-Jet fighter (mig 21 skin)
-Redo skins for Tu95

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1.15 - 1.35 Patches (NLT 3-4 weeks after v1.10 and between each patch/FR)
-Important classes to supplement:
-WW2-era warships
-FN Dunkerque
-IJN Kagero Class
-USS Essex Class
-Type 21 U-Boat/USS Dolphin Class
-More cruisers
-Late-Era Armor/APCs
-Le Clerk MBT
-Leopard 1
-Warrior IFV
-Challenger II
-Mobile SAM
-Marder Roland
-ZIS Shilka
-HUMMER Avenger
-South African Attack Chopper (Name?)
-Nuclear Submarines
-U 212 (Germany)
-General Class - no longer use Los Angeles Class for model
-Full Modern Infantry Unit (infantry w/ marine animations?)
-Russian MI
-EU MI (British, German)
-Desert Country MI
-US Rifleman
-British/French/German/Russian Rifleman
-General African Rifleman
-Create 2-3 Culture-Specific Rifleman-Infantry-MI (European, Asian, African, S.

American, Mid-East)
-'Heavy' Infantry Class (Anti-tank)
-WW2 era, upgrades to Modern Infantry
-Find out usefullness of Grenedier unit
-Gameplay changes:
-Add ranged bombardment
-Artillery only defend, but RB applies to stack like current attack does
-Modern Arty can bombard 2 squares, as can heavy warships
-Add cruise missiles
-Carried on some classes of nuclear submarine
-Carried on all classes of Missile Cruiser/Modern Destroyer
-Revolutions mod
-Hidden Nationality
-Fanatical units
-'Gurrilla' units (WW2 era)
-Pirate Ships (Pre-industrial)
-Work through tech tree, balance
-Include new buildings where aplicable to maintain gameplay flow

1.40 - 1.95 (Spring '07)
-Units added (Still TBD)
-Unique Cannon (gunner uniform & gun)
-Unique Artillery
-Modern Artillery
-Classical wooden ships
-Gameplay changes
-Tradeable goods
-Luxury/Commerce Bonuses required to create
-Must be in city radius
-Can be captured (even if on ship that is destroyed)
-Creates 1-time production bonus/commerce bonus (depending on resource used)

when spent
-(Dream) Generated similar to great people - (probably) created like a unit (1-2 turns

-Resource Mod (only if available)
-Each resource is used like gold -
-Each unit costs a certain amount of resource per turn in maintenance
-Cost is covered by building, only need to have ANY amount of material

to create
-Can be traded (quantity/turn) like gold can

************************************************** ******************************************

2.00 (near final version, before Summer 2007)
-All applicable unit classes have at LEAST 2 unique units (graphically speaking)
-Each civ has at LEAST 1 unique graphical unit per era
-Gameplay ballanced
-Modern Worker graphics added (Backhoe)
-Future Era Added
-All new techs, buildings, units
-Future infantry (Model done)
-F. Armor (Model done)
-Mech (model/animations done)
-F. Helo APC (i.e., Pelican from Halo, Model done)
-F. Bomber (Model done)
-F. Fighter
-F. Arty
-F. Ship (Destroyer finished)
Buildings: (Ideas needed)
-New civics/religions?
-Paratroopers added (WW2 and Modern w/ Future 'drop/teleport')

************************************************** ******************************************

-Fix tech tree
-New Amph. Warfare tech (adds marines, new harbor improvement, LCV)
-Make known changes to tech tree
-Fix civil. entries/icons/descriptions
-Scale armor down (10-15%)
-Should not have 'point blank range' syndrome
-Add Air Superiority Fighter/Multi-role fighter
-AS: RW F15, N Su34
-MR: F F16
-Scale aircraft
-Re-scale ships (enlargen DDs/CLs)
-Adjust Sea Plane scale to ships
-Add Carrier/Nuke Carrier
-C Missiles?
-Tradeable resources
-Relatively cheap (1-2 turns)
-Marketplace speeds production
-Simple gfx for now (simple Crate)
-Give it great person abilities w/o gp generation (SDK/Python work to make generated)
-City need resource in city radius
-Make SSBNs 'spy invisible,' give M. Cruiser & N. Sub detection (?possible?)
-Test whether need to give ability to Tact. Ns as well
-See how effects combat
-Decrease BB range (emphisize CL production as general ship)
-Rel. units
-Christ: Crusader (req. fudalism)
-Musl: jihadist/mujahadiin (req. extremism/police state/theocracy??)
-Rest: ????
-Make ICBM vulnerable to nukes
-Add police units (give/make promotion that lets them quell resistance)
-Limit # per civ to 5
-ADAL buildings
-Internet Servers (3 in world) = +25% $, +1 :) per city
-Manufacturing plant = +25% Prod
-Man. Proj. - National Wonder (required to build nukes) - VERY Expensive
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