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GRM7584, can I ask a question with regards to your mod and the civics screen.

I am using your python screen file in my mod for some testing as I want to add a 6th column. It works fine in that it displays the 6th column (ideology) but for some reason it wont display the corresponding options for that column correctly below. It instead shows the option chosen from the 1st column (military training) and also does not highlight the choice in the 5th column either (religion).

I have not yet changed the name of the civics in the 6th column but cut and pasted the religious civics and using a new civicoption group. Also I am only using your python file and none of your XML files as I already have modified equivelent files for my mod.

Can you possible tell me what I may be doing wrong?

That definitely sounds like an XML issue; the python modifications I made only change the way that the python screen is drawn, they don't alter any references or pointers. Make sure the <CivicOptionType> tags for the sixth column entries in your CivicInfos file match the sixth column tag you put down in the CivicOptions file *exactly*...that's the only thing I can think of which would cause it, offhand.

Edit: if you're only adding a sixth column, and not additional individual civics, you may wish to make some alterations to that python file so it doesn't draw the bottoms of the civic chooser menus as low as it does. Its a very simple change to make; I believe the python tag to alter is self.HEADINGS_BOTTOM, but I could be wrong.
This is a great mod and seems to run more in line with how development/history should occur. This would be great to run with speed mod, total realism/visa mods. One comment - units should increase in their costs as more advanced it becomes and also units should also consume food. A history professor was beginning a historical mod also with good ideas in this forum. Subperb job! You really get a feeling on the flow of developing your society. Roads and railraods should always increase commerce and output is historical and deserves 10 stars in incorporating it in your mod!
aesop123 said:
This is a great mod and seems to run more in line with how development/history should occur. This would be great to run with speed mod, total realism/visa mods. One comment - units should increase in their costs as more advanced it becomes and also units should also consume food. A history professor was beginning a historical mod also with good ideas in this forum. Subperb job! You really get a feeling on the flow of developing your society. Roads and railraods should always increase commerce and output is historical and deserves 10 stars in incorporating it in your mod!

I believe that since my mod is purely XML, it should be a lot easier to merge with other mods (especially ones which are purely SDK or python...I had certain mods, like jdog's Revolution, in mind when deciding to stick to XML). So, once I've wrapped up balance with the "unmodified mod" I will consider merging it with some other mods, if I am up to it...otherwise, I will see what help I can enlist to do so.

For units: They already do increase in costs pretty significantly (making strategic resources more important later in the game), although I haven't gotten far enough into the game to determine the effects and severity. Late-game units have costs in the hundreds, and some modern era naval units cost more than 1000 shields to produce.
For units requiring food: I considered this to be represented by upkeep costs, which I am considering increasing (may be too imba, but I won't know unless I try). I may also return to having all land units be produced with food (as raising a 5,000 strong army in 1000 BC may be a *slight* draw on the population...I'd also like for "disbanded" units to generate a one-turn boost in food when they are disbanded in a city).
Another aspect of units requiring food: The way that units regenerate health has been altered significantly. In neutral lands, they only regenerate 5&#37; per turn by default, and in enemy lands, they regenerate -5% by default; because of the way the game works, this doesn't mean that they will lose health, it just means that you need a unit with the supply promotion to regenerate any health at all in enemy lands.
Regeneration of -5&#37; in enemy lands is a great representation of logistics and supply issues that have been sadly lacking in other mods. This has always been a major strategic/tactical importance through the ages of how wars are won or lost.
aesop123 said:
Regeneration of -5% in enemy lands is a great representation of logistics and supply issues that have been sadly lacking in other mods. This has always been a major strategic/tactical importance through the ages of how wars are won or lost.

Well, as I said, the game engine works it out as 0%...but I know I can fix it so that units suffer attrition properly, as rhye gave the russians the russians an attrition "special ability" in his mod. I'll add that to the list of "need info" stuff...if its doable in python and/or xml alone, I will definitely include it as part of the default mod.
darkedone02 said:
try to add in plagues, improvement decay/collapse (not cities improvements), and other stuff.

I'm looking forward to primem0ver's Events expansion to see which directions it will take and how merge-friendly it will be; and more importantly, how it affects turn times, which is quite important from my perspective. If it is balancable and easily customizable, I may see about implementing a sort of plague system through it.

I'm not sure how the code for plagues works in Rhye's mod in relation to turn times and AI performance, but the functionality it adds would run counter to my desire to hype the importance of trade. I don't want players formulating strategies to avoid plagues by closing borders or not building ports/roads.

Improvement decay can lead to one of two places depending on its implementation. Either improvements decay after a set amount of turns, or improvements decay at random. Implementing either of those would ressurect an arch-enemy of civilization gameplay, pollution cleanup. I have no desire to create any spiritual successors to black blobs, skulls, and orange sludge.
Fantastic mod! Exactly the kind of mod I would make. You've succeeded in making Civ4 Warlords a lot more historical. Well done!

When I have some time, I'll post some more detailed feedback.

Bump: New version available with a total of 4 scenarios (5 if you're feeling generous with your definition of a complete scenario). Also notable in this release is a dramatic redistribution of leader traits...they should make a *lot* more sense now for the various leaders, and in addition to that, there are exactly 9 instances of each trait scattered throughout the leaders, so you will see a lot more variety in your choices when picking your LH (or popping in a game as a random LH, either way). Tell me if you notice any "duplicate" trait sets...I don't want them. See the first post for more information on feedback I am especially interested in.
Will you add in Custom Music while you are updating your game? I recommand show to see if you can download music that can relate to all era's and civilizations as well.
darkedone02 said:
Will you add in Custom Music while you are updating your game? I recommand show to see if you can download music that can relate to all era's and civilizations as well.

Any valid additions to the mod itself would need to be public domain and of high quality. The only thing I can think of that matches those prerequisites is classical music, which only really works for Renaissance and Industrial eras. It's a possibility (Industrial needs some Chopin and Tchaikovsky) but I can't think of anything worthwhile that is public domain for most other eras. A better alternative may be integrating (one of) the mod component(s) for a built-in music player. All things considered: it isn't a priority for this mod, because it has been done elsewhere. When I am looking at more merging and compatibility issues, I will look for in-game media players.
I think that... Sevo once made a winamp add-on on his modpack once before, and It still works from the last time I used it. See if you can obtain this winamp add-on so that you can put this suggestion into the finished catagory.
wow you are puting out new versions faster than we can play :lol:
all tweaks made so seem to be improvments tho :goodjob:
10 workers & 5 civil servants good change
three civ would seem to have a possibility to be overpowered
england (liz) mongolia (Kublia) & mansa
all three have fin (+15% coin) & innovative(+15%sci)
with creative liz-- org kubila and mansas UU add smore money
but mansa has starting techs that slow him down
will have to see ,but in the game I'm currently playing V.2 I am destroying every one but Kublia is hanging with me somehow:confused:
keep moding we will keep give feedback :)
Nice ! A mod focused on reality with being as dull than RFC :)
Brave Sir Robin said:
wow you are puting out new versions faster than we can play :lol:
all tweaks made so seem to be improvments tho :goodjob:
10 workers & 5 civil servants good change
three civ would seem to have a possibility to be overpowered
england (liz) mongolia (Kublia) & mansa
all three have fin (+15&#37; coin) & innovative(+15%sci)
with creative liz-- org kubila and mansas UU add smore money
but mansa has starting techs that slow him down
will have to see ,but in the game I'm currently playing V.2 I am destroying every one but Kublia is hanging with me somehow:confused:
keep moding we will keep give feedback :)

I am starting to see what you mean, here. Financial and Innovative are very likely overpowered as it is...I was able to annihilate everyone in the race to invention with peter, and I was usually short by about 10-20 turns previously when I tried to make that my goal (with non-innovative leaders). On a related note, tech trading needs to be moved, and the architecture/culture line needs to be cheaper or more appealing to the AIs (Temple of Artemis usually isn't built until nearly ~500 AD, if that). I've also noticed that Dragoons are way overpowered...I may go ahead and put a couple units in with the next version to make early modern militaries more balanced.
Will there be a future era? where we get the future textures and advance technologies like lazer weapons, space missles, advance computers, new terminals and so forth?
darkedone02 said:
Will there be a future era? where we get the future textures and advance technologies like lazer weapons, space missles, advance computers, new terminals and so forth?

No, no future era. Warlords draws out enough in the modern age as it is.

Also, ICBMs and SDI are already in vanilla, so laser weapons and space missiles are already covered. If you meant pulsed energy infantry weapons, link me to a unit model that employs a good looking "laser" weapon and I'll consider putting it in the last column of the tech tree under one of the "Dawn of Mankind" techs. For my larger original mod plan, I had a handful of advanced units in mind if the appropriate models and effects could be found, but it isn't a priority for this mod, which focuses more on historical accuracy and expanded gameplay (as opposed to extended gameplay).
looks like the latest version of speed mod is incompatible and causes the screen to go blank and the error screen comes out.
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