• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


aesop123 said:
looks like the latest version of speed mod is incompatible and causes the screen to go blank and the error screen comes out.

I think it was only updated once, to deal with tech popups, and I didn't add the compatibility note until right after that. Was your merge of the two working previously? If anyone else is having identical issues, mention it.

Also, just in case, have you cleared the Civ4 cache from My Documents recently?
I have decided to go ahead and add some new units to the mix for the next version to improve the accuracy and range of options for warfare, and to alter the position of some existing units. I will be needing some graphics for new units, so if anyone knows any particularly good unit models (that keep under 1000 polys) please link me to them.

-Galleys (Have Graphic)
-Cannon Galleys (Have Graphic)
-Carracks (15th-17th century, "Tougher" Caravels; Caravels will now gain the ability to travel over coast tiles as quickly as ocean tiles, so both ships retain usefulness)
-Ships of the Line (Have Graphic)
-Cuirassiers (15th-19th century, Heavy Cavalry with Saber)
-Lancers (16th-19th century, Light Cavalry with Lance, IE Hussars)
-Cannon (12th-17th century, Early Cannon; a 14th century cannon model would fit best)
-Fusiliers (16th-18th century, Light Infantry..."Simpler" looking riflemen)
-Dragoons (16th-18th century, Carabineers or Mounted Fusiliers)
-AA Battery (20th Century, Anti-Air Flak Gun)
-Mobile Artillery (Will use existing Graphic)
-Mobile SAM (Will use existing Graphic)
-Biplanes (expanded from one-off unit)
-Early Tanks (expanded from one-off unit)

===Cultural Unique Naval Units===
I plan on removing the "Longship" and "Ketch", and instead implementing a culture-specific system for ships available with Navigation.
-Europe/Mediterranean: Longship (Graphic Already in) (Special: Coastal Movement)
-Middle East/Africa/Near East/"Default": Dhow (Lateen-rigged sailing vessel, One or Two Masts suitable; may use rescaled Caravel if no good graphics can be found) (Special: More Movement than others)
-Far East: Junk (Will use "Ketch" graphic) (Special: Stronger than others)

===Cultural Unique Heavy Horsemen===
I plan on "Splitting" Heavy Horsemen into culturally distinct types.
-East Asian/African/Indian/Default: Heavy Riders (Will use existing graphic) (Special: Cheaper, Starts with Flanking I)
-Near East/Mediterranean: Cataphracts (Will use graphic from Alexander scenario) (Special: Additional +10% vs Melee and Mounted)
-Europe: Heavy Cavalry (Will use Knights Graphic; Christian UU will be renamed Crusaders and use hidden graphic in Civ 4) (Special: Stronger, Starts with Combat I)

Spoiler New/Modified Upgrade Lines :

Galley -> Cannon Galley -> Galleon -> Ship of the Line -> Ironclad
War Galley -> Cannon Galley -> Galleon -> Ship of the Line -> Ironclad
Cultural UU Ship -> Caravel -> Frigate -> Ironclad
Cutural UU Ship -> Carrack -> Frigate -> Ironclad
Musketmen -> Fusiliers -> Riflemen
Pikemen -> Fusiliers -> Riflemen
Musketmen -> Grenadiers -> Riflemen
Trebuchet -> Cannon -> Artillery -> Howitzer -> Mobile Artillery
Flak Battery -> Mobile SAM
Horsemen -> Cultural UU Heavy Horsemen -> Cuirassiers -> Gun Cavalry
Horsemen -> Lancers -> Gun Cavalry
Mounted Skirmishers -> Lancers -> Gun Cavalry
Musketmen -> Dragoons -> Gun Cavalry
Horsemen -> Dragoons -> Gun Cavalry
Horsebowmen -> Dragoons -> Gun Cavalry
Mounted Skirmishers -> Dragoons -> Gun Cavalry

Spoiler New/Modified/Contextual Unit Roles :

Cultural UU Heavy Cavalry - Classical/Medieval Tank
Cuirassier - Early Modern Cavalry Counter
Lancer - Field Gunpowder Army Counter
Dragoon - Mobile Fusiliers
Gun Cavalry - Artillery Counter
Musketman/Fusilier/Rifleman - City Defenders, Stack Defenders, Dragoon/Gun Cavalry Counters
Cannon - City Taker, City Defender
Artillery - City Taker, City Defender, Gunpowder Counter
Howitzer - City Taker, City Defender, Gunpowder Counter
Cultural UU Ship - Early Explorer/Fast Transport
Cannon Galley - Coastal Attack/Defense, Transport
Carrack - Oceanic Exploration, Missionary/Explorer Transport, Light Military Ship
Caravel - Coastal Exploration, Missionary/Explorer Transport, Naval Pillager
Galleon - Heavy Military Ship, Transport
Ship of the Line - Heavy Military Ship, Transport
Frigate - Light Military Ship, Naval Pillager

Edit: Found many graphics that I was looking for, mostly for naval units. I am dumbfounded at the apparent lack of Early Modern Armies...although there are a fair amount of rifleman reskins meant to be fusiliers.
I have a problem : i play in solo and i'm in 1450 AD on world map random civs and nor ai or me have seen a war, the ai develop well but make no war ! Why ?

Should i choose Agressive AI ?
Lachlan said:
I have a problem : i play in solo and i'm in 1450 AD on world map random civs and nor ai or me have seen a war, the ai develop well but make no war ! Why ?

Should i choose Agressive AI ?

It could be the civs you're up against...some leaders just aren't very aggressive. I may tone up the aggression if that isn't the case. Which civs are on the map? Has the power graph been close the whole game?
Most of time graph score are nears each other...

Eventually one or two civs areon top very very up...

I'm trying with agressive ai and it seems ok

You should put aggressive ai by default
Bug: Every unit starts with supply 1. This means that the Red Cross national wonder has no effect as it also gives all units in that city supply 1 which they already have.

Possible bug: Workers prefer to build roads through mountains rather than forests. However no military unit can use these roads.

Cultural victory - no way! I played at a lower level that usual and built almost all wonders in my capital, plus the cathederals, monistaries and temples for six religions. With 100 turns to go and producing over 1,000 culture per turn I need 500 turns to get my capital to 650,000 culture. It has 150,000 culture my next city has 46,000 (holy city for 4 religions) and 12,000 (coastal wonder city) respectively.
Dancing Hoskuld said:
Bug: Every unit starts with supply 1. This means that the Red Cross national wonder has no effect as it also gives all units in that city supply 1 which they already have.

This has to do with the Spiritual Trait. I will likely alter the effects of Red Cross.

Dancing Hoskuld said:
Possible bug: Workers prefer to build roads through mountains rather than forests. However no military unit can use these roads.

Partially intentional. I need to set mountains to require 3+ movement for workers to enter. I want it to be possible for non-military units to traverse mountains, and for trade to pass through mountains.

Dancing Hoskuld said:
Cultural victory - no way! I played at a lower level that usual and built almost all wonders in my capital, plus the cathederals, monistaries and temples for six religions. With 100 turns to go and producing over 1,000 culture per turn I need 500 turns to get my capital to 650,000 culture. It has 150,000 culture my next city has 46,000 (holy city for 4 religions) and 12,000 (coastal wonder city) respectively.

Yow...that definitely needs tweaking, then. I will lower the higher-end cultural requirements for border expansion.

darkedone02 said:
how's the progress going on adding music in?

It isn't, and it won't be, unless delivered to me on a silver platter. Historical accuracy and expanded gameplay are the priorities of this mod. Anything else is second fiddle, and while I would not completely write it off, it isn't on my to do list, either.
should civil servants be able to build RR ?,they currently cannot :confused:
While i like the different way that military units are built (not needing
copper or iron) but having them makes them quicker to build.
I just can't see being able to build mounted units with out horses ,
which you now can ?!?!??!?

Originally Posted by Dancing Hoskuld
Cultural victory - no way! I played at a lower level that usual and built almost all wonders in my capital, plus the cathederals, monistaries and temples for six religions. With 100 turns to go and producing over 1,000 culture per turn I need 500 turns to get my capital to 650,000 culture. It has 150,000 culture my next city has 46,000 (holy city for 4 religions) and 12,000 (coastal wonder city) respectively.

I dont have these specifics but would second this opinion
while their are MANY new buildings that give lots of culture
I just see no way to reach the VERY high level needed to acheive
a cultural victory
Brave Sir Robin said:
should civil servants be able to build RR ?,they currently cannot :confused:
While i like the different way that military units are built (not needing
copper or iron) but having them makes them quicker to build.
I just can't see being able to build mounted units with out horses ,
which you now can ?!?!??!?

The Civil Servants thing is another error...I thought I had all improvements added for those buggers. Ah well. Also note that no improvements require resources (Railroads require coal in warlords, for instance).

Horses (or Elephants) *are* required for their respective units, with an exception: Cultural Unique Units do *NOT* require them, but are instead double cost and receive a +100% bonus to building those units if they have the appropriate animal resource.

So, if Rome doesn't have horses, they won't be building any mounted units. If Carthage doesn't have horses, they can still build Numidian Cavalry, just at half-speed, and won't be able to build any other mounted units. The idea here is to diminish the effects of 'crappy starts' for civs with mounted UUs. Since horses will only show up on one continent for most games, this is important (the same applies for elephants).

Currently, religious units work the same way, but this will be changing slightly as Mamluks will become the only mounted religious UU.
Horses (or Elephants) *are* required for their respective units, with an exception: Cultural Unique Units do *NOT* require them, but are instead double cost and receive a +100% bonus to building those units if they have the appropriate animal resource.

So, if Rome doesn't have horses, they won't be building any mounted units. If Carthage doesn't have horses, they can still build Numidian Cavalry, just at half-speed, and won't be able to build any other mounted units. The idea here is to diminish the effects of 'crappy starts' for civs with mounted UUs. Since horses will only show up on one continent for most games, this is important (the same applies for elephants).

Currently, religious units work the same way, but this will be changing slightly as Mamluks will become the only mounted religious UU.

Ahh that explains it
my two rivals for land are Mongol -carthage ,neither has horses
yet i keep seeing keshiks -numidians:crazyeye:
... None, repaired
Possible inconsistancy: Temple of Kulkulcan (looks remarkibly like Chitchen Itsa) becomes obsolite with cannon foundry. K gives 100% worker efficency not a defence bonus. The way I study it also becomes obsolete a few turns after I build it :)

[Ignore - the iron and copper bonuses were affecting what I saw ...Bug?: I am not sure but shipyards don't appear to work. I seem to get a one turn reduction in cost rather than a 50% reduction. Gallons take 6 turns with and 7 turns without a shipyard.]
Dancing Hoskuld said:
Possible inconsistancy: Temple of Kulkulcan (looks remarkibly like Chitchen Itsa) becomes obsolite with cannon foundry. K gives 100% worker efficency not a defence bonus. The way I study it also becomes obsolete a few turns after I build it :)

Chichen Itza was a Mayan city. The Temple of Kukulcan is the most 'impressive' structure in that city, and the one pictured as the wonder in civ4. The obsoletion doesn't make sense, however, so I'll change that to Statehood. I'm not sure why I put it on Cannon Foundry anyhow, as the effects were changed first.
Prisoners don't seem to get the bonuses that workers get. In the modern era they are still working at half the speed of my workers when the game started. By design or bug :)?
Dancing Hoskuld said:
Prisoners don't seem to get the bonuses that workers get. In the modern era they are still working at half the speed of my workers when the game started. By design or bug :)?

That sounds about right. Prisoners do get bonuses, but they're only 20% as efficient as normal workers by default, so bonuses they receive will be less noticable. I want Prisoners to be a viable method of creating improvements, but not overkill.

(Workers have a base 100 workspeed, Prisoners have a base 20...a 25% boost from technology will increase Workers to 125 and Prisoners to a mere 25)
Prisoners are awesome, however I wish there was some "camps" for them, and different types of prisoners. For example, if we have a fascism government then we should be building concentration camps. If we are democracy, there will be P.O.W camps. If we chose Slavery, then there should be a slave market.
When the next iteration of Nyomod ?
The Navy Seal said:
Did you increase the map sizes?

No, but some mapscripts do.
What I did do in WorldInfo.xml is increased the number of civs on most maps, to take advantage of the early-game land space that doesn't exist in vanilla civ (due to rexing). In addition to this, I increased the optimum number of cities that the AI aims for, to encourage closer cities (as it is possible to build cities 1 square away from each other). Hopefully, this makes "Culture Wars" more interesting, and it has for me.

Lachlan said:
When the next iteration of Nyomod ?

Soon. I have a term project due tomorrow, but once that's done with, I will finish what needs doing and put out another release.

I have already completed all the new unit additions for the next iteration (listed in first post) and have optimized the sizes and groupings of many units (rescaled most naval units and increased group numbers...may still turn modern units into "fleets" to help suspend disbelief, hopefully it won't impact framerate too harshly; EG Carrier Group, Escort Group, Battleship Group, Submarine Pack).

I wanted to get the City Plots graphical issues sorted out for this next build, but I need more time to look at the XML and figure out what's what there...I'd also like to add the excellent graphics for Middle Eastern and Mesoamerican city styles available on CFC, once I know what I'm doing.
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