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Was more information released from 2K about the Pueblo?


JS, secretly Rod Serling
Dec 11, 2011
Just as the title says - as I haven't really paid too much attention to this section of the forums in a while. As many of you might know, the Pueblo were intended to be one of the civs released in Brave New World instead of the Shoshone. From what 2K told us they had leader art and when they went to try and get a voice via the Pueblo council, the council disagreed with the idea of the Pueblo being in the game with Popey as its leader.

The civilization was then dropped. I was just wondering if there had been any articles/news regarding what happened since the leadup to Brave New World.
From what I remember it was a PAX conferance that had most of the details. There was some part of them being in the game that the council found offensive and Firaxis decided to abide by their wishes not to be included.


Relevant section is about half way through, apparently it was having their language recorded in the game, apparently comparable to how some cultures don't like being photographed.
Nope. Firaxis released the Complete Edition with the latest patch. So that means they're probably working on Civ VI, or another DLC. Who knows.
I'd imagine all their resources are focused on beyond earth now. Personally I'm looking forward to it! :)
From what I remember it was a PAX conferance that had most of the details. There was some part of them being in the game that the council found offensive and Firaxis decided to abide by their wishes not to be included.


Relevant section is about half way through, apparently it was having their language recorded in the game, apparently comparable to how some cultures don't like being photographed.

Yea I was talking about that mainly in the OP. I was just curious if there had been information outside of that regarding that choice, but it seems like not
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